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Football in India
by T.R.MURTHY on May 09, 2003 03:20 PM

All the leading football clubs in India should recruit only Indian players from various states, instead of importing foreign players.By encouraging local talents more and more people will opt for football instead of cricket as there will also be scope in this sports also.

Second graded players from Brazil Ghana, Nigeria were all getting several millions of Rupees. Imagine players like Yakub is the highest paid footballer in India. Remember Ghana did not qualify in 2002 World Cup. Further Yakub was not at all in the National team.What it shows but only the pathetic condition of our football team. If the same amount is given to our Indian Footballers then more and more talented players will emerge in our country and the players will put their best effort for the club. If we want to qualify for world cup this is the only way we can encourage football game.

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