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F1 in India not before 2007-2008

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F1 must b in A.P
by Baig on Sep 09, 2003 12:36 AM

Hai there,

I strongly feel that A.P is the right place for the F1 coz the very good reason being Chandra Babu Naidu is a kinda person who will put in all his possible efforts to make it a big hit like no one else can do & also can make this the most preferred place for the F1 worldwide.

Ofcourse his work during the last couple of years is very much appreciated & has proved his mettle.

So, r v all game for the F1 in A.P... yeah........



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Hope for the best
by Siddhartha on Sep 07, 2003 12:42 AM

The talk of bringing F1 to India is very encouraging. Recently our country has come up very prominently in the global market and has the fastest growing economy in the world. Having a F1 circuit will add a feather to the hat. After all if ISRO ppl are capable of sending a mission to the moon, then we are certainly going to make it big with a F1 track in the country. It will be a HUGE revenue earner. Its my dream to watch a race live at a circuit an now i am sure i will fulfil this dream first in my country.

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Gr8 News!
by Aditya on Sep 05, 2003 12:23 AM

If u're gonna build a circuit in India , BUILD IT IN MUMBAI.........MUMBAI RULEZ!

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f-1 in india
by raj on Aug 24, 2003 02:11 PM  | Hide replies

i would just love to see the F-1 taking place in India with atleast one of the races happening here. when hsbc brought one of the f-1 cars to india and displayed the same at their branch in bangalore there were atleast more than 75000 people who came and saw the same and wanted to know about the technology which drives the car.

it will be one of the greatest sporting events in the calendar and may draw a bigger crowd than even cricket.

let us hope this day comes soon to india

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RE:f-1 in india
by Baig on Sep 09, 2003 12:42 AM
Hai there,
I am very much happy 2 know about your interest in F1 but don't u think u r side lining so many things. I am sorry but I strongly feel A.P is the best place in India & it should b in A.p
Let me explain if it comes 2 mumbai bhai loog will ask for hafta. I don't want 2 c shummi or monty paying hafta out of there pockets just 2 take part in a F1 & not in mumbai coz Naidu is the only person in India who has proved his mettle so please try being practical & accpet it on the face of it. Gone r the days when mumbai ruled the India now it's Hyderabad(A.P) so b practical & positive for this mail & let all of us together encourage for F1 in A.P coz Naidu is the power myen who is equally consistant & successful.
Don't take me wrong.


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by suchindran on Jul 31, 2003 11:27 AM

We all wish the same too Vicky....

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Yogesh Shivaprasad
F1 in India.
by Yogesh Shivaprasad on Jul 30, 2003 09:12 AM

I have been a die hard fan of F1 for the past five years.From what I have gathered ,I think India should wait a little longer before it thinks of hosting a F1 race,otherwise we may end up making a fool of ourselves! Till then it is better we enjoy the races on TV.

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Does India need an F-1 race?
by vshan on Jul 29, 2003 12:39 PM

This is the last thing India needs. the country imports most of its oil from the middle east and other countries. The oil imports are the single biggest reason for the fiscal deficits. Encouraging F-1 and other related sports is not what India needs. The money and sponsors could go to other sports that are in need of support like Hockey, football and athletics.

This is another artificial boost given to a sport that is entirely for the elite in India.


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Venkatakrishnan S Panrutti
Great Efforts Vicky... Good Luck
by Venkatakrishnan S Panrutti on Jul 29, 2003 04:59 AM

Its a good effort from Vicky. I am a very keen follower of F1 and i would just love it in India. Particularly if it is in Chennai nothing more will thrill me. But, is it possible in India? Can they maintain the race hazard free, i mean like people throwing bottles and stuff? Hope the Chandhoks (both father and son) succeed in bringing F1 to India.

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