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Paes-Navratilova win Aus Open

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Stanley Daniel
by Stanley Daniel on Jan 26, 2003 07:51 PM

A well deserving victory ! Very well earned and this accomplishment merits the etching of her name into the annals of Time. Kudos to that "nicest of the nicest" Paes & the amazing Martina!

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Surekha Tenneti Venugopal
Hail, Martina !
by Surekha Tenneti Venugopal on Jan 26, 2003 05:05 PM

Humans like Martina show the world, not in so many syrupy words,but in astounding action, what a human being's worth is.

Her guts, her ability, her fitness and stamina, and above all her faith in herself, and in achieving, are a beacon to all those who convince themselves hat life has passed them by . Or that, beyond the so-called youth, there is nothing more to look to.
May the world produce more Martina Navratilovas, and may Martina herself now do something that will bring the best out of all those who have given up.

Super girl, Martina, super congrats to you on your success, and I am proud, my fellow-countryman, the unputdownable Leander has partnered you in this wonderfully memorable Australian Open Mixed Doubles final of 2003 !

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Paes-Navratilova Win In Aus.Open
by K.Gopikumar on Jan 26, 2003 04:25 PM

Wow.Hats off to you lady.........Navratilova...
You have done it at this age which others could not do it and imagine about it. It is your sheer will power which has earned you this deserving win.What a real guts you got at this age.....Tremandous effert once again.......Age is not the driving factor,it is the will to do it.....

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by N.D.Sampat on Jan 26, 2003 03:45 PM


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Tony Rebello
Paes-Navratilova Australian open
by Tony Rebello on Jan 26, 2003 01:45 PM

Congratulations you two. Lets see youll break some more records together. BRAVO

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