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''Ronaldinho World Cup goal a fluke''

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by shyam on Feb 28, 2003 10:54 PM

The fact remains that Ronaldinho is an amazinly gifted footballer.Remember how he set up the first goal in the same match?

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english are whiners
by Mahendra on Feb 28, 2003 07:12 PM

this is just to satisfy the england psyche..they are a bunch of whiners neways...brazil won fair and square and on the day thats what matters neways!

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by rahul on Feb 27, 2003 09:12 PM

who cares the best team won in the end! and thats wht matters in the end doesnt it.

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Gavin Satur
Luck comes with class
by Gavin Satur on Feb 27, 2003 02:28 AM

Fluke or not, Brazil definitely deserved to win the World Cup. After that "fluke" goal, Ronaldinho received a red card and was sent off the field. Brazil played with only 10 men against a full strength England. Yet Brazil finished the game 2-1 and went on to win the World Cup. Also, Ronaldinho's dazzling step-overs were too hot for the English defence...he's a classy player !!!

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