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Carl Lewis involved in crash

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Imagine this being in INDIA
by RK on Apr 22, 2003 11:15 AM

It would have been a huge media event and law will never take it course. The recent example being that of salman khan. I like the way the CHP went about. Everyone is equal by law.

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racing away
by rajib on Apr 22, 2003 11:11 AM

It seems Carl Lewis had forgotten that he was driving and not racing . However , both seem to be under the same influence as it is now alleged that he doped while running but the results were suppressed .

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surajit basu
drug connexion
by surajit basu on Apr 22, 2003 11:08 AM

Perhaps, this is connected with the recent disclosures that Carl Lewis tested positive for drugs but was allowed to compete in the Olympics, while Ben Johnson was caught and banned for life.

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