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Manmohan on Modi: It doesn't behove a PM to stoop so low

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MS Vasan
Just because you are MaunMohan, all PMs cannot remain silent..
by MS Vasan on May 08, 2018 02:19 PM  | Hide replies

Remember the famous under your rule...
1.UPA super PM Sonia as head of unconstitutional advisory committee
2.Coalition compulsion to allow loot by Karunanidhis and Yadavs
3.Silence when Pappu tore of your constitutional bill in public.
4.AKAntony defending PAK saying terrorists in PAK military uniform beheaded our soldier..
AND manyy more...

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daniel thorat
Re: Just because you are MaunMohan, all PMs cannot remain silent.
by daniel thorat on May 08, 2018 03:29 PM
First, the direct and indirect killers of Gujarat pogrom of 2002 need to be punished, and fast. The Sohrabuddin case has to be reinvestigated under SC watch. Judge Loya`s murders has to be investigated. Even Mahatma`s assassination has to be thoroughly investigated for involvements of people made heroes falsely. The machinations for promoting a false, baseless and sacrificeless word "nationalism" must be destroyed, and other nation-dividing "rashtra" theories need to be broken into smithereens based on concrete, true, and internationally accepted historical inputs. After all that, let us take care of uninformed, laughable points like above.

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Modi is A Big LIAR
by Bigtribe on May 08, 2018 11:36 AM  | Hide replies

Promised to deposit 15 lakh. Persons like me voted him based on this promise. Now he has become NIKKAMMA. Unable to bring in the black money and clueless to track that money.

What a LIAR Modi is. He has cheated me and lakhs of other voters.

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Re: Modi is A Big LIAR
by G.V.S.Chari. on May 08, 2018 04:01 PM
Yeah he cheated all the lazy lots who want free money with no work.

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Gabbar Singh
Re: Re: Modi is A Big LIAR
by Gabbar Singh on May 08, 2018 09:00 PM
Any Rahul baba is a Holy Cow.....

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Geetha RM
by Geetha RM on May 08, 2018 10:52 AM

I think politicians can talk about what they have done in the past and what they plan to do in future, but criticizing other parties/contestants should be strictly banned.

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Gabbar Singh
Gunga Bola...........
by Gabbar Singh on May 08, 2018 10:34 AM

Bhai .....Sardar ......Dus Saal aapne kya kiya....aapna mooh kyo nahi khola......app remote per hi chal sakte ho kya.....??? You got a chance....but failed in your performance .....no please let someone else work who is more hard working and without any remote control .....

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avinash kumar
India need educated and cultural pm in 2019 LS
by avinash kumar on May 08, 2018 09:43 AM

Pm bhasan like typical tv news debate running among low quality people

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R  ponnabalam
by R ponnabalam on May 08, 2018 09:14 AM

"It is unfortunately being talked about openly now that RBI cannot be trusted to even count returned notes. That has never happened before."It is fortunately so talked about.'When socialist Govt. govt had given loans in the range of Rs.55000 crores to select corporates, the GOVT. of India cannot be trusted to abide by and honour the constitution-committed requirement to ensure equality as envisaged in the word socialist in the constitution.Ordinary people talk about the possibility of one and all ,this side or that bereft ,every one silently doing colour -turn magic from B to W by that long counting innings played by RBI .ALL ARE IN THE SAME BOAT;THE RICH ARE A FRATERNITY BY THEMSELVES.COMMON MAN DOESN'T EXCLUDE ANYBODY, NEITHER THE RULING NOR THE OPPOSITION IN THAT SORDID LONG COUNTING INNINGS OF RBI.R.PONNAMBALAM

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R  ponnabalam
Opposition should expose the shortcoming of MODI's Govt
by R ponnabalam on May 08, 2018 08:58 AM

“to paint a "rosy" picture of the economy that was not backed by hard facts.”quite likely “ the prime minister was in Davos in the company of Nirav Modi. Only a few days later, he ran away. That itself is a reflection of the sad state of affairs."Nothing is discounted by the ordinary public. But then it is for the opposition to bring out that authenticated ,unassailable hard facts to disprove that.”Why the opposition hasn’t come forward with supporting facts yet?.The country would welcome the facts behind it if the opposition can tell it ."phenomenal" growth in NPAs after 2013 was a "telling picture" of the truth.What is that NPA?The assets of the banks given as loan are currency notes;they carry the assurance of RBI Governor.The currency assets had always got it’s value worth.How can then the currents assets be non performing? Under which Govt. that unrecovered loan was allowed to be called NPA and why?Why the existence of this unrecovered loan was not in public or let known to public under the previous Govts.Why the previous Govts. for 30 yrs had no clue of the growing income inequality till that that came in news papers of Research paper by Thomas Piketty and Lucas Chancel web site WID.world R.PONNAMBALAM

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rajhoo rajhoovenkatesh
manmohan singhs speech
by rajhoo rajhoovenkatesh on May 08, 2018 07:48 AM

well the whole world knows who the blatant liar is going around with a sack of lies trying to sell his goods.

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