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amit saxena
Old commie drama
by amit saxena on Mar 09, 2018 09:50 AM

They behave like jholachap but once time comes they destroy the country. This man may be exception but most are. like kejriwal

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Satheesh KR
by Satheesh KR on Mar 09, 2018 09:38 AM  | Hide replies

Unfortunate such a down to earth person with clean image has been associated with a anti national, corrupt political party.

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Arijit Guha
Re: Unfortunate
by Arijit Guha on Mar 09, 2018 10:10 AM
As if Congress and BJP are clean. They have more power, more extent and 1000 times more corrupt

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Personal austerity
by auryas on Mar 09, 2018 09:35 AM  | Hide replies

If personal austerity does not condone his monster of a government of all the crimes committed - killing, maiming, black mailing and persecuting any one who opposed to the commie ideology. Commies are basically ENFORCERS through violence. This kind of barbaric ideology has no place in 21st century.

The tragedy is that media still romanticizes Marks and Engels whose works were relevant when bourgeois ( now what ever it means) ruled the roost of Russia and China.

Even in India, communist atrocities claimed many lives in West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura and they ruled with gun.

Commies should be rooted our from society for good.

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Re: Personal austerity
by Gladyschellam on Mar 09, 2018 10:29 AM
As per National Records Crime Rates Bureau 2016. Ref wikipedia; UP & MP stand 1st and 2nd spot. Maharashtra & Kerala stands 3rd & 4th position, WB 8th position and Tripura - 24th position and Megalaya 25th.

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Re: Personal austerity
by Gladyschellam on Mar 09, 2018 10:30 AM
As per National Records Crime Rates Bureau 2016. Ref wikipedia; UP & MP stand 1st and 2nd spot. Maharashtra & Kerala stands 3rd & 4th position, WB 8th position and Tripura - 24th position and Megalaya 25th.

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Re: Personal austerity
by Gladyschellam on Mar 09, 2018 10:30 AM
As per National Records Crime Rates Bureau 2016. Ref wikipedia; UP & MP stand 1st and 2nd spot. Maharashtra & Kerala stands 3rd & 4th position, WB 8th position and Tripura - 24th position and Megalaya 25th.

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ajay kumar
by ajay kumar on Mar 09, 2018 09:33 AM  | Hide replies

Manik is doing drama to remain in power. Modi is in politics for over 50 years and none of his family members are in politics. Nore 7 racecourse houses any family member of modi. This chracter never seen after Shashtriji.
On the other hand Gandi Family is rulling india since 1947 and imposing incompetent RG

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Rakesh Dandekar
Re: Drama
by Rakesh Dandekar on Mar 09, 2018 10:14 AM
what a calculation will you please highlight when Mr. Modi joined politics not RSS. Your answer is awaited

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Rakesh Dandekar
Re: Drama
by Rakesh Dandekar on Mar 09, 2018 10:14 AM
what a calculation will you please highlight when Mr. Modi joined politics not RSS. Your answer is awaited

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Rakesh Dandekar
Re: Drama
by Rakesh Dandekar on Mar 09, 2018 10:14 AM
what a calculation will you please highlight when Mr. Modi joined politics not RSS. Your answer is awaited

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arungopal agarwal
by arungopal agarwal on Mar 09, 2018 09:31 AM

Too old, let him rest now.

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Romanticizing austerity
by auryas on Mar 09, 2018 09:29 AM  | Hide replies

Tragedy of our society is we readily embrace sob stories and tales of personal austerity and romanticize them. Guess our very thought process is centered on sob stories and pathos.

Sure he is not corrupt and leads a simple life. But he belongs to a party that is no less than a monster which is responsible for killing of half of humanity in class war related crimes. These guys do not fit to live in an egalitarian society which is based on human intellect and excellence.

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rajendra tare
Re: Romanticizing austerity
by rajendra tare on Mar 09, 2018 09:40 AM
very rightly said

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by KRISHNAN DAMODARAN on Mar 09, 2018 09:28 AM  | Hide replies

In contrast CPM ministers and Leaders in Kerala and Crorepatis, Their sons and daughters have done studies abroad and some are enjoying overseas jobs and carrying businesses. Comrades fools are fighting for the party and ending their lifes . Many Comrades are in Jail. a few have lost their lives . Still the fight goes on in Kannur , Kerala

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by Gladyschellam on Mar 09, 2018 09:50 AM
Instead of alleging vaguely pl be specific. You are not supposed to expect that their children are continue to be a communist. Going for studies or living abroad with employment is very very common to middle class people. Many are going abroad by borrowing loans from banks or by sponsorship or by the company where they are working. Though I do not belong to Kerala - I have heard and read the Keralite leaders' life style ex Namboothiripad, Achuthan Nair, Achuthanandan, A K Antony and Oomen Chandy.

Please note that in India, Kerala is the least corrupt State and more advanced in many parameters like Health, Education etc. One thing I could say negative is : negative mind set in putting up industries and unproductive & always fighting labours/Union. As such their talents are either in other states or in abroad.

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Romanticizing austerity
by auryas on Mar 09, 2018 09:28 AM

Tragedy of our society is we readily embrace sob stories and tales of personal austerity and romanticize them. Guess our very thought process is centered on sob stories and pathos.

Sure he is not corrupt and leads a simple life. But he belongs to a party that is no less than a monster which is responsible for killing of half of humanity in class war related crimes. These guys do not fit to live in an egalitarian society which is based on human intellect and excellence.

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V Nagarajan
Two extremes?
by V Nagarajan on Mar 09, 2018 09:28 AM

two extremes? On one side we have corrupt & looting people. On the other side we have Sri M Sarkar Ji?
What a strange world?

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by KRISHNAN DAMODARAN on Mar 09, 2018 09:27 AM

In contrast CPM ministers and Leaders in Kerala and Crorepatis, Their sons and daughters have done studies abroad and some are enjoying overseas jobs and carrying businesses. Comrades fools are fighting for the party and ending their lifes . Many Comrades are in Jail. a few have lost their lives . Still the fight goes on in Kannur , Kerala

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