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'Make instant talaq a non-cognisable offence'

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Ramachandra N
Not one women and these guys represent Women
by Ramachandra N on Dec 29, 2017 10:12 AM

Did u see the photo of the wise guys decidingMs future? How many women can u count?

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pranab banerjee
by pranab banerjee on Dec 29, 2017 09:46 AM  | Hide replies

They all look like know all, be all, end all type of this planet.
Their knowledge does not go beyond Koran and Sharia...
Ask them anything else-science, history, medical science,any modern fields of endeavor--they will stare blankly at you.
They never smile, laugh, culivate music and arts,AND open their umbrellas if it rains in Saudi.
Their ideas resonates only with illiterates and fanatics.

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Ramachandra N
by Ramachandra N on Dec 29, 2017 10:13 AM
btw hOw many women did u count in the group? They r supposed to represent the MRace

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Raghavendra Bhat
The AIMPLB is a band of despots rooted in the Dark Ages
by Raghavendra Bhat on Dec 29, 2017 08:57 AM

The 'Triple Talaq Bill' got movement as it was steered by the NDA Govt, it would never have had seen light of the day had it been any other political formation that might have ruled the roost in the Lok Sabha. The NDA steered this with conviction, a progressive law that will decidedly benefit Muslim womenfolk. The AIMPLB is an organization that is rooted in the Dark Ages, it could have never given sanction to such a forward looking move, it is retrograde and is ruled by despots.

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