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Meet Shehla Rashid, the firebrand JNU leader

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Gold anchor
bad article
by Gold anchor on Mar 19, 2016 12:09 PM  | Hide replies

such articles will make laughing stock ofrdff

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venky rao
Re: bad article
by venky rao on Mar 19, 2016 01:45 PM
Rediff does'nt have sharam, Gold Anchor, they get sadistic pleasure in publishing such lousy articles.

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chandrashekar nayak
by chandrashekar nayak on Mar 19, 2016 12:06 PM  | Hide replies

look at the way the anti-national traitors are being glorified as Fire Brand Leaders. For media,people like Kanhayya Kumar, this lady Shehla Rashid are a kind of heroes and for common citizen like you and me, they are simply mis-guided anti-national elements. Media is projecting these bad elements within the society as some kind of great revolutionaries who can transform India. In reality, these elements are just paid pawns in the hands of anti-India forces. Instead of condemning such elements, Media is siding with them. Fire Brand Leaders !!!!!!!!!

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ashish tiwari
by ashish tiwari on Mar 20, 2016 11:50 PM
RSS is a poison for anti nationals

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pranay pradhan
by pranay pradhan on Mar 21, 2016 12:41 AM
as ur name suggest u will always have a problem in bharat mata ki jai but u can chant sonia mata ki jai.. convert moron

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prashant sinha
by prashant sinha on Mar 21, 2016 06:06 AM
The BJP and all its affiliates are the feudal remnants of the Indian political set up. Worst form of jingoism is on diplay.These days they have distributing certificates of ‘rastrabhakti’ and whoever disagrees with their ilk is immediatedly branded as an anti- national. Samuel Johnson words ‘Patriotism is the last resort of the scoundrels’ aptly applies to this coterie.
If somebody stands with the underprivileged and the downtrodden, he becomes a traitor. When somebody questions as to why despite more than thousand years of existence of Hindu Dharma does the repressive caste system exits and why do women still have to agitate for equality and to have equal access to all temples of worship he becomes a traitor. When one question as to why a miniscule population is enjoying the benefits of economic development and the majority is confronted with stark deprivation, he becomes a traitor. When someone stands with the majority of malnourished and illiterate of this country who have no voice in the mega show touted as democracy, he becomes a traitor. BJP lackeys in the middle class and votaries of the current socio-economic set-up have resorted to jingoism to cover their failure of achieving anything substansial that can positivey affect the lives of the common man.

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martin descent
by martin descent on Mar 21, 2016 10:42 AM
"Democracy ? The very basis of democracy is Majority. The day you understand that then we will talk"

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kumar kn
by kumar kn on Mar 21, 2016 10:52 AM
Prashant, the commies made a mess of Bengal during their four decades of rule and were kicked out. BJP has only come to power now.Where were you during the last ten years of Sonia rule.Sleeping??

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martin descent
by martin descent on Mar 21, 2016 10:41 AM
"What Bullshit AreYou Writing ? Were they shouting for Caste or betterment of poor inJNU ? Who in the right mind talks about Andolan and Comrades ? You know it. Do not come ask looking for choicest of Words, you will get it"

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shakti mohapatra
by shakti mohapatra on Mar 21, 2016 10:43 AM
The path is being cleared, to produce a Film by taking these characters,twist the narrative to suit them and making heroes out of them. If anyone protests, then they can again play the 'intolerance' card.

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Sandeep Anand
Time has come for strick law for media
by Sandeep Anand on Mar 19, 2016 12:06 PM

Stick law for media now needed, bcs media has power to divert one mind and create false atmosphere and acn divide ppl. Most of journolist is busy in making money instead of truth news.

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Navneet  Bhatnagar
JNU mess
by Navneet Bhatnagar on Mar 19, 2016 12:03 PM

why do not you also write about Saurabh Sharma, JNUSU Joint Secretary in equal aplomb .

why does rediff has to be so blatantly pro anti- nationalists at JNU masquerading as communists and student leaders

It is high time that the students and teachers at JNU stop wasting tax payers money in name of socialism and work against the nation under garb of freedom of speech.

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Navneet  Bhatnagar
JNU mess
by Navneet Bhatnagar on Mar 19, 2016 12:03 PM

why do not you also write about Saurabh Sharma, JNUSU Joint Secretary in equal aplomb .

why does rediff has to be so blatantly pro anti- nationalists at JNU masquerading as communists and student leaders

It is high time that the students and teachers at JNU stop wasting tax payers money in name of socialism and work against the nation under garb of freedom of speech.

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Anand Tiwari
Unnecessary Importance
by Anand Tiwari on Mar 19, 2016 11:59 AM

Unnecessary importance is being given by Indian MSM as MSM also want to push its leftist agenda thru it because it give it position of power and money by making it opinion maker aiming multi party Indian politics.while common man in India doesn't coincide its view and is completely opposite to it .This efforts of MSM hade taken speed after complete majority of BJP in LS 2014 election which breaken a lot of myth of media about BJP and particualry after Modi Take over as it gives them feeling of insecurity because now Indian politics is turning towards performance based,in which they lose there position of King maker.

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vishal bhatia
Rediff ??????
by vishal bhatia on Mar 19, 2016 11:56 AM  | Hide replies

I don't know why rediff editors are making anti-national peoples to the like of Omar Khalid, Hanhaiya Kumar and party as Heroes. Instead of condemning their activities you people are fueling anti-national sentiments.

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