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The truth behind the assassination of Gandhiji

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joy joseph
even modi praising the mahatma so why his followers are against m
by joy joseph on Jan 30, 2015 04:18 PM  | Hide replies

the writer here has a clear message that violence is not any source of justice . that is what the mahatma lived for and became a legacy that most of the literate follow .pls stop accusing him of things he never did . look modi followers even he is praising him every now and then

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Re: even modi praising the mahatma so why his followers are again
by Shivamogga on Jan 30, 2015 04:55 PM
Its an irony that the restraint he placed on the abiding H'indus and unabashed appeasement to placate the Mzs led to many horrible riots and violence during his time.

Study the khilafat movement initiated bby Gandhi and the way Mzs unleased violence on H'ndus who were totally unrelated to the cause elsewhee in far off Turkey (sic).

The Gandhi variety of non violence resulted in triggering the most violent attempts on life, property of H'dus and vivisection of the Motherland.

Dont praise Godse, but he definitely deserves to be studied, to get both the perspectives.

If open criticism on the verge of abuse of Lord Ram, Krishna and other divinity held in high devotion and respect is "freedom of expression", an opinion on Godse should not shakeup the custodians of Gandhian fallicies.

I think time has come some circle where Gandhi will die everyday for sowing the major sorrows of present India and Godse will win empathy for his desperate act, for its intention and background if not for the very action

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Re: Re: even modi praising the mahatma so why his followers are a
by NEELAKANTAN R on Jan 30, 2015 05:29 PM
Dear Shivmogga,

it is only on 30th January Gandhi was killed. Okay your theory of knowing the fact so that things will not repeat is quite irrelevant in today's situation. I asked my grand daughter who is studying in 1st standard did your school observed one miniute silence. She answered a great No. So you can infer what ever you want from your own theory

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pravin sundararaman
Re: Re: even modi praising the mahatma so why his followers are a
by pravin sundararaman on Jan 30, 2015 06:01 PM
If you slap me and i am bold enough to turn the other cheek, you may well slap me again. Your repeated violence doesnt stem from my boldness (in showing the other cheek) but from your own ignorance of not repenting your guilt for the first slap.
"An eye for an eye is allright for Bollywood masala movies.. but it only makes the whole world blind"... on introspection every human being will feel this.

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Hiren Kapadia
Re: Re: even modi praising the mahatma so why his followers are a
by Hiren Kapadia on Jan 30, 2015 06:08 PM
Shivmogga, even if you are right, don't blame Gandhiji for the issues with India after his death six decades people like u & me have voted to allow one single party to rule. Gandhiji should not be held responsible for each & every thing.
And, if you are saying that he doesnot deserve title of Mahatma then please complain & abuse to anchestors, as they made him Mahatma, Gandhiji never ever stood in any election for Mahatma's title. Remember if we are criticising Gandhji then we are also criticising our anchestors. If Godse was so sure about his ways to get India independent then he should have killed Gandhiji as soon as he arrived in India & declared non-violent ways of movement.

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rnages waran
Re: even modi praising the mahatma so why his followers are again
by rnages waran on Jan 30, 2015 05:25 PM
Gandhi was killed by many people who befitted out his death, Mainly Nehru . GOdse was tool by not Hindu fanatic, but also power hungry people. Gandji way life his good but it exist with us by way our life mainly Hinduism

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as lal
killing Gandhi was wrong
by as lal on Jan 30, 2015 04:18 PM  | Hide replies

It made him everlasting hero.Fact is people had started hating Gandhi.Few more years and he would have found it difficult to walk on streets.

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arvind paul
Re: killing Gandhi was wrong
by arvind paul on Jan 30, 2015 05:20 PM
it seems me also

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arungopal agarwal
by arungopal agarwal on Jan 30, 2015 04:16 PM

Gandhiji dies 67 years back, but why riots in between Hindus and Muslims are taking place? why this issue is not burnt so far. Reason is very clear due to few politician leaders who are appeasing minorities without any correction.

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Gandhiji killed RSS Pracharak - Godse
by Thankachan on Jan 30, 2015 04:11 PM  | Hide replies

Killers of Gandhiji is ruling the country.

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Re: Gandhiji killed RSS Pracharak - Godse
by NEELAKANTAN R on Jan 30, 2015 05:18 PM
But people after their tested experience had given powers to the people to rule. Take hajmoola daily to digest

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Gourav Joshi
What forensic report stated??
by Gourav Joshi on Jan 30, 2015 03:31 PM

The forensic reports for the bullets found in Gandhi's body says that the bullets in Gandhi's body did not match to the pistol/revolver used by Godse. This was informed to Godse that his bullets did not killed Gandhi, but he said his motive is completed and he do not want any mercy on that.

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Prabhakar Waghodekar
The truth behind the assassination of Gandhiji
by Prabhakar Waghodekar on Jan 30, 2015 03:14 PM

"A civil society is wedded to the democratic method of resolving differences by frank and open debate and evolving a working consensus. Gandhiji was always open to persuasion". This is a good statement to hyptonize the common man and world, but open the pages of Indian freedom movement, you 'll come across several violation of this principle, like, Subhash Chandra Bose left Congress President-ship, Dr. Hedagewar, though a staunch Congressman was side-tracked, Patel was not given PM-ship even if he had support from party,though Gandhi was not a member of Congress, he was the excellent remote control, etc. Godase's statement was not published fully. Was Godase a Hindu when he acted in 1948? Why such issues are raked up only at ceertain times, otherwise we never utter a single word about Mahatamaji? What are the hidden intentions? Please come plain, and save this country's common man without regards to religion, cast or creed. Should we remain simply toys in the hands of a few elites?

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Randhir tiwary
Killing of Gandhi was 67 years before
by Randhir tiwary on Jan 30, 2015 03:09 PM  | Hide replies

Gandhi was killed 67 years before but his ideologies which was the key source of development of India is going to be killed now.

The important difference between Indias and Pakishtani are the followers of Gandhi. We followed gandhies idea of religion freedom (Not completely), equalites between rich and poor(Still not too much). But Pakishtan and syria like country hates the ideas. They has religion difference is the key of gov.

But now we Indians are following the old path of Pakishtan and Syria. We are fedup with our old culture and Indian religion.

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IndieBoy Goswami
Re: Killing of Gandhi was 67 years before
by IndieBoy Goswami on Jan 30, 2015 04:47 PM
not true.
Well before Gandhi, Hindu empires like Vijayanagar had equal rights and treatment for all faiths.

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anand bedarkar
Read History correctly
by anand bedarkar on Jan 30, 2015 03:03 PM

Rather than looking at the issue from Gandhian angle only, one should go to the correct history. You can not ignore the fact that the honorable Judge handling the case of Mr Godse put it on record that "IF AS A PERSON IT WAS LEFT TO HIM TO JUDGE GODSE HE WOULD HAVE DECLARED HIM NOT GUILTY. BUT SITTING IN THE CHAIR OF JUDGE HE HAS TO ORDER THE EXECUTION OF MR GODSE" This is history. One should varify the facts behind this statement from a person who was supreme court judge.

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