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TRS ditches Congress, rules out poll alliance in Telangana

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by krishna on Mar 15, 2014 05:52 PM  | Hide replies

Fantastic. Congrats to KCR. Dump this congress under Hussainsagar bed. Most up and coming southern State was badly mauled, ill treated, humilated and at the end badly divided. Never get killed by this congress. All the best

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Andra Donga
by Andra Donga on Mar 16, 2014 10:56 AM
Congress is far better than the virus called as TDP and YSRCP. Its better that left over AP dumps them in the Bay of Bengal and wisely choose congress.

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Manoj Sharma
Good decision
by Manoj Sharma on Mar 15, 2014 05:51 PM

Good decision by KCR

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yadlapalli rao
Nice decission
by yadlapalli rao on Mar 15, 2014 05:39 PM  | Hide replies

KCR took very nice decission

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Andra Donga
Re: Nice decission
by Andra Donga on Mar 16, 2014 10:58 AM
KCR was guided by the will of the Telanganites. Its the decision of the people of Telangana and he has no other opportunity.

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good decision
by guptaapsn on Mar 15, 2014 05:35 PM

KCR is not a fool to allies with sinking boat. He will join hands with TDP & BJP. This will be better for all 3 winning parties.
Congress know this well before and started playing drama with Pawan Kalyan & Kiran Kumar Reddy to split the votes.
Congress and YSR Congress both are going to defeated in this elections.

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