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Court upholds CLEAN CHIT to Narendra Modi in Gujarat riots case

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Ganapati Bhat
by Ganapati Bhat on Dec 27, 2013 07:44 AM  | Hide replies

Congratulations to Modiji, Channels like CNN will shut the a.. on 2002 riots and start barking on so called snoopgate... common rediff... rajdeep... karan thapar... Barkha... u can start barking...

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paper india
Re: Congratulations
by paper india on Dec 27, 2013 12:16 PM
I thought that language was used only by some pets and Sanghis !

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by amulbaby on Dec 27, 2013 07:08 AM  | Hide replies

where ever is this so called Arabian origin MINORITY there will nothing but MASSACRE? the curse of INDIA... the TWO minority which are on EACH others THROAT through out the world. Show a country in this world where there is no MESSACRE where this TWO minority live?

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niladri mohanty
by niladri mohanty on Dec 27, 2013 07:42 AM
All the members of this minority do not have Arab origin but belong to a common Ummah.

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niladri mohanty
by niladri mohanty on Dec 27, 2013 05:15 AM

Mr. Ragghavan- SIT Chief's statement that there were much attempt to subvert the investigation ordered by the Supreme Court is significant and should be probed. Needle of suspicion points to Congress party. After this verdict by the court I am waiting to see how persona like Barkha Dutt and TV channels like NDTV who had kept up the anti Modi campaign for more than decade react.

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Modi The Hurricane
by yaqubmashi on Dec 27, 2013 02:13 AM

The Epitome of Culture and Virtue. No liberalism. We are always with BJP/RSS.

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by LLOYD on Dec 27, 2013 02:01 AM

Being a mumbaikar i stayed 10 yrs there. i saw the progress. bravado. march ahead

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by MAK MAK on Dec 27, 2013 01:51 AM


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There is no point talking to Idiots dreaming of 1008 virgins
by Ramji on Dec 27, 2013 01:30 AM

They go to the middle east crying of discrimination.
They have been kept illiterate because of the great Congis saw them as a gullible votebank.
Neither the Arabs consider them as real muslims, nor do the Politicians that exploited them treat them as human beings (look at the plight of them in the Camps in Muzzafarnagar).

When will they learn?

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Balozi Mufasa
Riot repercussions
by Balozi Mufasa on Dec 26, 2013 10:48 PM  | Hide replies

On the 27th of February, the Sabarmati Express made its scheduled stop at Godhra about 4 hours late, at 7:43 am. As it started leaving the platform, the emergency brake was engaged by members of the mob, bringing the train to a halt. The coupling between the carriages S-6 and S-7 was subsequently cut and the doors of the carriages were locked from outside, preventing the kar Sevak from escaping. The carriages were then set on fire. While the passengers in S-7 managed to extinguish the flames and get out of the compartment, those trapped in S-6 were unable to escape and were burnt to death. The occupants of S-7 were then confronted by the violent mob outside and some were killed. The whole attack lasted about 25 minutes.A few hours later, at 11:00 am on 27 February 2002, Sabarmati Express passengers and police were attacked for a second time near line number 10 of Godhra railway yard. As a result, seven policemen were injured. Two people were killed in
police firing.Role of local government and police The train was attacked within the premises of Godhra railway yard. At the time of the attack, 14 policemen were on duty at the yard. The Railway Police Station is about 826 metres away from the location of the attack. Three Railway Police Force Constables were the first to reach the train.Firefighter Sureshgiri Gosai testified that Municipal Councilor Haji Bilal ordered the mob to stop the Fire engine. He further added that while they were trying to extinguish the fire, stones were pelted on the train. The first response team of Godhra Police Mobile Van testified that Municipal President Mohamad Kalota and municipal councillor Haji Bilal were part of the mob and were inciting them.

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Liza Hernandez
Re: Riot repercussions
by Liza Hernandez on Dec 26, 2013 11:06 PM
GoogleEthniCleasningOfHindus inKashmirAndYouWillWonderWhy soManyMuzzlimAndCongressChief minsitersOFKashmirStateHave notBeenhangedAlready!?

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Re: Riot repercussions
by sivanantham on Dec 27, 2013 07:05 AM
Group of people who burnt the train (where many innocent people were there)are real culprits and then people who crazy about their religions killed each other. Even their G0d could not save them if they fight continuously and unnecessarily.
more religious more craziness no peaceful life
If people respect all the human being irrespective of their religion and caste, then there will be no problem. But in real, now people are more selfish and they worry ONLY about their society irrespective of religion or caste or language etc.
Humanity is disappearing. Wake up all human.

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Divide & rule
by bharat on Dec 26, 2013 09:44 PM  | Hide replies

Divide & rule is twenty Points Programme of secularist in india.Last 65 yrs they r adopted this policy But now people( Minorities )understand their fake secularism

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Liza Hernandez
Re: Divide & rule
by Liza Hernandez on Dec 26, 2013 11:08 PM
Modiji Can Unite ALL indians& NOT split indians like crooked dynasty&agents&commuinists, who have NOT ONLY split indians BUT made them fight for past 66 years 7THEY NEVER EVEN METIONED UNIFORM CIVIL CODE DURING THE 55 YEAR RULE AND DID NOT BOTHER TO MAKE ALL INDIANS EQUAL, BUT PLAYED VOTE BANK POLITICS! WHAT A SHAME! Modiji&BJP-NDA Must promise to bring unform civil code if they get three-fourth majorioty in lok sabah BUT MUST ALSO PROMISE TO BRING ACL ALL OTTED BILLIONS OF TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS FROM SWISS BANKS WITHIN 2 YEARS OF TAKING POWER TOO! Though crooked dynasty promised to bring looted bittlions from swiss banks within 100 days of getting power, THEY DID NOT BOTHER TO BRING BACK EVEN ONE DOLLAR FROM THE SWISS BANKS DURING THEIR 9 YEAR RULE, what a shame

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