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Bihar Dy CM demands strong action against Raj Thackeray

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So called leaders are mum on the issue of
by nitmohan on Sep 02, 2012 11:55 AM

Coal Mining, Bangla infiltrators, Riots in Mumbai destroying the

Chidumbaram is the next PM in waiting.....

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side arm
its elementary
by side arm on Sep 02, 2012 11:50 AM  | Hide replies

Influx of biharis and bhaiiyas will dislogde the shudra marathas from political power in maharashtra. The migrants are BSP constituency.. they might team up the dalits of maharashtra and change the political equation. thats why thakeray and congress is getting sleepless nights

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side arm
Re: its elementary
by side arm on Sep 02, 2012 11:51 AM
shudra marathas, bhravermins, gujratis and marwadis are the bane of maharstra sucking its blood. Biharis are welcome

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Vaibhav  Nangare
Re: Re: its elementary
by Vaibhav Nangare on Sep 02, 2012 12:34 PM
Randechya wat do u know about Maharashtra. I appeal rediff to ban comments from people who do not hav any political understanding or its dynamics

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trivandrum padmanabhan
Re: its elementary
by trivandrum padmanabhan on Sep 02, 2012 12:02 PM
Idiot you are living in 5000 BC!

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Prashant Nagvenkar
strong action....
by Prashant Nagvenkar on Sep 02, 2012 11:42 AM  | Hide replies

Dear all..
Strong action against raj...these beharis are mum on coalgate issue..appeasing mms who is saying 1.86 lakh crores scam is nothing.. good secularism..mera bharat mahan

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bandu bondu
Re: strong action....
by bandu bondu on Sep 02, 2012 01:23 PM
I suggest take acation agaist LALOO, who was under the bar during CHARA GOTHALA. R u aware what was happend??

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Top Bihari State Officers and Politicians have given ammo to Raj
by howudoudo on Sep 02, 2012 11:40 AM

Let them file legal case against Mumbai police for arresting the criminal from Bihar who desecrated Amar Jyoti Jawan memorial in Mumbai and was on the verge of fleeing to Nepal.

The Dabaang attitude of Biharis will backfire.

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65 years of Indian Democracy We get an Pizza in half an hour...
by nitmohan on Sep 02, 2012 11:31 AM  | Hide replies

65 years of Indian Democracy
We get an Pizza in half an hour...
When we call an ambulance in India we have to wait for two hours .... This is what our democracy has given us.... Long live the Independence on the Indian Leaders...

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sreejit steve
Re: 65 years of Indian Democracy We get an Pizza in half an hour.
by sreejit steve on Sep 02, 2012 11:42 AM
Stop borrowing dialogues from bollywood movies like 3 idiots..India is suffering bcos of ppl like u who hav no knowledge of world outside of bollywood..such ppl vote for COngress and ruin the intelligentsia's life..

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Shailesh Matekar
Re: 65 years of Indian Democracy We get an Pizza in half an hour.
by Shailesh Matekar on Sep 02, 2012 11:47 AM
Dear nitmohan, pizza and ambulance is a weird yardstick you are using.

I agree our democracy is dysfunctional, but better than any theocratic state.

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A perceptible decline in political culture is getting reflected i
by nitmohan on Sep 02, 2012 11:28 AM

A perceptible decline in political culture is getting reflected in the eroding credibility of the constitutional institutions.

Attempts to safeguard politically vested interests have led to politicization of these institutions.

The increasing political interference in the functioning of these institutions and presence of pliable officials have led to a situation that people are fast loosing their faith in the system.

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A perceptible decline in political culture is getting reflected i
by nitmohan on Sep 02, 2012 11:28 AM

A perceptible decline in political culture is getting reflected in the eroding credibility of the constitutional institutions.

Attempts to safeguard politically vested interests have led to politicization of these institutions.

The increasing political interference in the functioning of these institutions and presence of pliable officials have led to a situation that people are fast loosing their faith in the system.

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A perceptible decline in moderators culture is getting reflected
by nitmohan on Sep 02, 2012 11:27 AM

A perceptible decline in moderators culture is getting reflected in the eroding credibility of the rediff messages.

Attempts to safeguard politically vested interests have led to politicization of these messages.

The increasing political interference in the functioning of these institutions and presence of pliable officials have led to a situation that people are fastly loosing faith in the REDIFF's system.

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A perceptible decline in political culture is getting reflected i
by nitmohan on Sep 02, 2012 11:27 AM

A perceptible decline in political culture is getting reflected in the eroding credibility of the constitutional institutions.

Attempts to safeguard politically vested interests have led to politicization of these institutions.

The increasing political interference in the functioning of these institutions and presence of pliable officials have led to a situation that people are fast loosing their faith in the system.

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