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Revealed: The Telangana report that was hushed up

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Bitter Truth
There is lot of place in Golconda Tombs!!
by Bitter Truth on Apr 03, 2011 08:38 PM  | Hide replies

All the migrants ultimate destination is Golconda tombs. Your Gods and migration history is good for that.

Sri Krishna Committee members , better reserve a slot in advance....

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Philip N
Re: There is lot of place in Golconda Tombs!!
by Philip N on Apr 03, 2011 10:37 PM

ne banchan...ne kalmokta....baked bathukamma....

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mikhail mikhail
BN SRikrishna
by mikhail mikhail on Apr 02, 2011 08:00 PM  | Hide replies

If you want evidence for the warped mental state of BNS following excerpts will prove it. Burning of 6 Hindus is a normal incident for him and molestation of 2 muslim women is a gruesome incident.

Excerpts from Justice BN Srikrishna Commission’s rReport on Mumbai Riots in 1992-93.

1.11 8th January 1993
i) During the wee hours of 8th January 1993, at about 0030 hours, some of the Hindu residences in a chawl popularly known as Radhabai Chawl in Jogeshwari jurisdiction were locked from outside and set on fire by miscreants. One male and five female members of a Hindu family (Bane) and their neighbours were charred to death and three other Hindus sustained serious burn injuries. One of the victims was a handicapped girl. This incident was sensationalized by the media by giving exaggerated and provoking reports.
ii) A gruesome incident occurs in Devipada in Kasturba Marg jurisdiction. A Hindu mob surrounds, strips and assaults two Muslim women. The older woman manages to run away. The uncle of the younger woman who comes to rescue the young girl of 19, and that girl, are beaten and burnt alive by the violent mob. The names of the miscreants are disclosed to police by a Hindu lady in the locality. (Though the miscreants were arrested and tried by the Sessions Court at Bombay, later on they were all acquitted on the ground that the panchanamas were defective and that the eye–witnesses were not produced).

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Shake Hasina
Re: BN SRikrishna
by Shake Hasina on Apr 03, 2011 07:58 PM

No where in Justice BN Srikrishna Commission’s Report on Mumbai Riots in 1992-93, has he said the burning of 6 Hindus is a normal incident.

What he says is: the incident was sensationalized by the media by giving exaggerated and provoking reports.

That is the fact. Don't try to distort it.

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Re: BN SRikrishna
by satyarthi on Apr 03, 2011 02:49 AM
pathetic judge.

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mikhail mikhail
BN Srikrishna Report
by mikhail mikhail on Apr 02, 2011 07:56 PM

If you need evidence for warped mind of BN Srikrishna see the following:

Excerpts from Justice BN Srikrishna Commission’s rReport on Mumbai Riots in 1992-93.

1.11 8th January 1993
i) During the wee hours of 8th January 1993, at about 0030 hours, some of the Hindu residences in a chawl popularly known as Radhabai Chawl in Jogeshwari jurisdiction were locked from outside and set on fire by miscreants. One male and five female members of a Hindu family (Bane) and their neighbours were charred to death and three other Hindus sustained serious burn injuries. One of the victims was a handicapped girl. This incident was sensationalized by the media by giving exaggerated and provoking reports.
ii) A gruesome incident occurs in Devipada in Kasturba Marg jurisdiction. A Hindu mob surrounds, strips and assaults two Muslim women. The older woman manages to run away. The uncle of the younger woman who comes to rescue the young girl of 19, and that girl, are beaten and burnt alive by the violent mob. The names of the miscreants are disclosed to police by a Hindu lady in the locality. (Though the miscreants were arrested and tried by the Sessions Court at Bombay, later on they were all acquitted on the ground that the panchanamas were defective and that the eye–witnesses were not produced).

For BN Srikrishna, burning of 6 Hindus is a normal incident and molestation of two muslim women is gruesome.

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m prasad
2011 decides
by m prasad on Apr 02, 2011 12:06 PM

If Telangana is not formed in 2011, it will be difficult to form in 2012 or 2013 as elections will be nearing and govt cann't take any decision.
So T friends should awre that this year is make or break year for Telangana.
Otherwise no party can mention Telangana issue clearly in their manifesto like earliar other than TRS and BJP.

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sunil nair
good move
by sunil nair on Apr 02, 2011 11:59 AM

If the report actually contains such suggestions , it was a good move on the part of the government to hide it . As the court says , that chapter was clearly biased ; so the government has done well by removing such a section from the report . What benefit would that unnecessary chapter serve if it is made public ? The only people to benefit would be those who want to prolong the agitation by some means or the other for political gains .

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B. N . Srikrishna
by oziyana on Apr 02, 2011 11:33 AM

B. N . Srikrishna has been a favorite of Congress and has been reporting as per its political boss, examples are Bombay riots, Madras High court riots and now Telangana.

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Telangana Unfair
by TreatyRan on Apr 02, 2011 11:06 AM  | Hide replies

It's high time,that the telanganas,should stop asking for a separate state.
as per the SKC,telangana has been equally developed well with seemandhra.
Hence telanganites stop this drama.In any case Telangana should not be formed,it breaks the integrity of India if it forms.
Since the SKC report is not in favour to telanganas,it is foolish to say SKC report was untrue.
BTW the whole india has know,what sort of personalities the telanganas are.It is unfair to steal the efforts of andhras. what a shame that telanganas are so under confident,that they simply whats to enjoy the fruits of hardwork done my andhras all these years.
Actuall it is the talanganas who are robbers to steal the workhards of andhras.
So say no to Telangana and yes to United Andhra.
politicians like KCR,KTR,Kavitha,harish rao should be hanged in public for polluting the minds of andhra pradesh people

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iuyiuyy iiouo
Re: Telangana Unfair
by iuyiuyy iiouo on Apr 03, 2011 04:15 AM
Telanganites are demanding for de-merging them for andhra,which was merged on some conditions and agreements ,which were not hanoured.

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Thirumal Geddipally
Re: Telangana Unfair
by Thirumal Geddipally on Apr 02, 2011 08:40 PM
And you want us to take this trash. Please shove it up your a... The commmitte has been bought over and the report is dictated to it by the vested andhra politicians. Well, in any case the report is a hogwash. Telangana will be a reality sooner than you think. It will be one of the best states yet. We will strive for it.
Jai Telangana!

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Re: Telangana Unfair
by jet on Apr 03, 2011 08:56 PM
Ran,telanganas robbing the hardwork of andhras.? In which andhra district telanganas are living and what they are stealing.? u people came to hyd for betterment of ur lives and not to help or serve anybody else. It is just selfish needs, urs comment is as stupid as saying that indians developed US and UK etc..

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vijaya varma
Re: Re: Telangana Unfair
by vijaya varma on Jul 12, 2011 05:49 PM
everyone in the state wants to live & work in hyderabad, so not many t- guys opted to settle in SA.

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Blue Hamsa
Poor work by Vicky
by Blue Hamsa on Apr 02, 2011 10:51 AM  | Hide replies

Vicky should not present the outrageous talk and demands of agitationists as if they have any worth. This kind of talk has been very common in the movement. It should be taken with a pinch of salt always. How can you somebody ask Srikrishna to be arrested for his report and his solution of how to calm the anger of people after he concluded it to be unjustified after thorough investigation and how can Vicky report as if that is a justified talk. Vicky and the media is simply being used by interests.

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Blue Hamsa
Re: Poor work by Vicky
by Blue Hamsa on Apr 02, 2011 11:12 AM
This whole Telangana movement and KCR started as tactics of Congress to reduce Naidu's strnegth in telangana where the party is strong because of OBC votes and the people's preference for cleaner image. However, it ended up getting resentment from hyderabad and Seemandhra while it was not turning into too much of advantage for Congress in telangana. So, the Sirkrishna committee was brought in so that people know the fact that Telangana is doing fine compared to the rest of AP. This gives a chance for Congress to douse fire it it needs to say no to division. To build a capotal for Seemandhra in need 2-3 lakh crores and compensate for the revenue losses. Nobody can provide for it.

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Blue Hamsa
Re: Poor work by Vicky
by Blue Hamsa on Apr 02, 2011 11:03 AM
It is a common practice to pay news channels in bulk amounts for periods of a year or so to cover the activities of political organization, presenting a view that the attacker is the victim, telecasting deliberate inciting statements, presentin cooked up statistics etc. This has the magnifying effect on the movement with little investments. Bandhs, hartals are old fashined now. Srikrishna committee has mentioned the role of paid news channels in the incitments .

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Re: Poor work by Vicky
by vijayan on Apr 02, 2011 07:34 PM

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Devendra Kumar Kaushik
Srikrishna Report
by Devendra Kumar Kaushik on Mar 30, 2011 08:53 PM  | Hide replies

The demand made by the supporters of Telangana of arresting Justice Srikrishna because the report contains some unpalatable conclusion or suggestion, is ridiculous. In a democratic set-up any body is free to draw its own conclusions. The government, however, is not bound either to accept or reject any such findings.

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Andra Donga
Re: Srikrishna Report
by Andra Donga on Apr 01, 2011 09:44 AM
Is’nt it ridiculous that people like Justice Srikrishna,who were at the helm of affairs in the highest court of India, should give suggestions that go against the basic tenets or the foundations on which the constitution of India Stands. Justice Srikrishna and his bunch of jokers within the committee should not only be arrested but should be given the stern punishment given to murderers because they played with the lives of the crores of Telangana lives with their stupid report.

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Rallabhandy Ravindranath
Re: Srikrishna Report
by Rallabhandy Ravindranath on Mar 31, 2011 10:50 AM
If the report is given in favour of Telangana, they might have started immeditely ransacking the public property as it is their birth right and indulge in vandalistic activities as if they are omnipotent for tabling the Telangana bill. It is proved time and again by the agitators of Telangana, whenever the government is not bend to their wishes they start ruckus against anybody including their leaders. What an agitation?

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Andra Donga
Re: Re: Srikrishna Report
by Andra Donga on Apr 01, 2011 10:58 AM
Is’nt it ridiculous that people like Justice Srikrishna,who were at the helm of affairs in the highest court of India, should give suggestions that go against the basic tenets or the foundations on which the constitution of India Stands. Justice Srikrishna and his bunch of jokers within the committee should not only be arrested but should be given the stern punishment given to murderers because they played with the lives of the crores of Telangana lives with their stupid report.
Cant even imagine how many innocent people were put to cross by his idiotic judgements during his active period of service.

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