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Why Congress fears the latest Wikileaks revelations

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Why such a hue and cry
by sam on Mar 18, 2011 08:26 AM

Why do we need Wiki leaks to prove this...Already this was proved and Amar Singh was the broker who arranged these transactions..
When the bundles of currency were shown on the floor of the house in 2008 Advani clearly exposed these crooks...But thanks to a compliant Rajdeep Sardesai and CNN IBN and CONGIS played the game nicely and hoodwinked every one.

Now as usual we need an American certificate to prove any thing!! This country has no hope...people will again deliver a hung parliament and these crooks will again use money to come to power.

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what happen to N-deal
by sameer on Mar 18, 2011 08:26 AM

Can any one update me what happen to N-deal , did we get fuel from them or not?? i remember it is a deal , which make enforced indian ppl to vote for UPA again

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K Bhaskaran
Pranab's Logic
by K Bhaskaran on Mar 18, 2011 08:18 AM  | Hide replies

Pranab says "each Lok Sabha is soverign" and what happened in 14th Lok Sabha cannot be decided in 15th. Hence a crime committed in an earlier year cannot be decided in the next and so on. The corruption in India surpasses all others in the World. The culprit UPA and the Ruling Party leaders from top are to be booked. In a lesser scale Ruling Parties in Karnataka and other non-congress ruled states are also following the UPA leaders.

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Re: Pranab's Logic
by Edward on Mar 18, 2011 08:22 AM
We should stone our MPs & MLAs wherever they are seen. This is the only solution.

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Narendra Modi
Minorities have one track agenda
by Narendra Modi on Mar 18, 2011 08:17 AM  | Hide replies

Minorities have one track agenda that majority should not prosper.. its ok if India goes to dogs..
Thats the only reason they support congress..

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dinesh kumar
Re: Minorities have one track agenda
by dinesh kumar on Mar 18, 2011 08:20 AM
modi never speaks abt minority or majority

only congis agents -digy, amar singh, antulay- have such agaenda

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Narendra Modi
What ever happenned to Ceasers Wife !
by Narendra Modi on Mar 18, 2011 08:15 AM  | Hide replies

What ever happenned to Ceasers Wife ! Nice to see her getting r aped again and again !

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Pankaj arora
Re: What ever happenned to Ceasers Wife !
by Pankaj arora on Mar 18, 2011 08:29 AM
Not only has the MMS been caught with his pants down but also caught with selling the country to US. His ceasers wife comments might lead to some divorces in the UPA.

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Ulta Pulta
I wish ...
by Ulta Pulta on Mar 18, 2011 08:11 AM

... that India wins the World Cup or something like that. Because, quite frankly, I am fed up after reading about scams, corruption, murders, rapes, accidents, natural disasters, scandals etc. etc. Give me a break!

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Vijayan TA
UPA PM a serial liers
by Vijayan TA on Mar 18, 2011 07:58 AM

sir, sorry, Gandhi must be crying, coniwalalhs are sinners, liers,scamsters, dependent on ferangi ideas to loot .Is this gandhism.please reply.let us throw out scamsters, US feet falling politicians.

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Congress is dying....
by B M on Mar 18, 2011 07:26 AM  | Hide replies

As scams galore, the the UPA government is hurtling to the ground in terms of popularity. Congress & Sonia che "aataa waajale ki baaraa..."

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sushanta chowdhury
Re: Congress is dying....
by sushanta chowdhury on Mar 18, 2011 08:20 AM
Congress=Cons grew within and creating a mess (for the country, that is).

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US - India - Nuke Agreement and Congi Meltdown !
by whatswrongpeople on Mar 18, 2011 07:09 AM

Its a meltdown symbolizing the agreement wherein notes for votes scandal took place in the parliament. Congress has no place to hide its face other than questioning the veracity of Wiki-Leaks. Congress as a party and its honchos are going thru Menopause. Its head honcho doesnt have a face neither aam aadmi nor the urban literate. With scam ridden party going for polls next month - India is going to witness the change over. Its absolute power waning desertion is waiting to happen in due course of time. The party men have started to thinking twice now to be with the party or start a new one ....yes you are right split is the only answer to good ones in congress party instead of becoming tainted along with the party lines. Telangana and Jagan Mohan Reddy in AP. Infighting in Karnataka Congress. Failure of NREGA in Rajasthan. Scam ridden Chief Ministers and splitting power centres in Maharashtra. Buffoon talk by many of senior ministers. No matter what how many and how much Abhishake Singhvis or Manish Tiwaris the party may bring to save the face of the party. Congress is on wane ! The learned citizen have questions in mind about the second generation dynasty politics because the ill gotten wealth by their fathers in the party. Rahul is the weakest leader unlike his grand mother Indiraji.....I respect her for her gutts and glory in the Indo-Pak war... Corruption is part of DNA of our politicians but look at the opposition unity against congress regards to Wiki Leaks ! Oops !!!!

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Srinivasan Iyer
Field Day for media
by Srinivasan Iyer on Mar 18, 2011 06:55 AM  | Hide replies

This is exactly what the media wants as well as Mr L.KAdvani who is yet trying one last ditch attempt to be the PM! The whole idea of Wikkileaks is to make news which cannot be verified or proved but to be sensational. Do our media ever give any news of what is right in the world? NEVER. I totally distrust the media esp on unproven news!

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Moushumi Saigal
Re: Field Day for media
by Moushumi Saigal on Mar 18, 2011 08:25 AM
I am in Agreement with Srinivasan & Tushar.

wikileaks is all sensational, misleading & unproven Material.
Few Points to Note in this Revelations

1. The Timing
2. What is Nachiketa Kapurs Status so as to be entrusted 60 Crores ?
How He can be related to Con Gress
3. If at all He Was Entrusted, will He be such a Fool to Boast around that money to an American ?
4. Were the Chest Shown or The Money in The Chest Shown ?
5. Only a Fool would have done such a Thing Showing around Kickbacks Money
Indians are Not Such Fools
& Moreover anybody who has served as a Personal aid to a Minister.

There is Credible Circumstantial evidence to suggest that wikileaks is being used by Political Parties & Agencies across the Globe to De Stabilise Governments & Malign People By Paying them Money. It is the Biggest Black Mailing conman Going around in the world.

It is the Political Parties Making use of such antics to win elections etc.

Till Date where in the world Such Revelations Have caused such unrest
since it is in the Interest of Opposition Parties to Keep on Beating their Trumpet of such Malicious campaign which Cannot be Proved anywhere in the world.
Lastly There is No New Thing about Money Changing Hands or Horse Trading But I Dont Think Indians are such Naive to commit This kind of Blunder of showing Money Meant for Kick backs to an Outsider .The Fact of the Matter is who is Going to Find Out what Kind of Money was Paid to wi

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Moushumi Saigal
Re: Re: Field Day for media
by Moushumi Saigal on Mar 18, 2011 08:40 AM
what kind of Money was Paid to wikileaks to leak such material which seems all Fabricated.
We have a Chief Minister Serving in TN Whose Son, Daugther & Son In Law Benefitted by getting 5000 Crore of Land at Peanut Price Who is Unwilling to Go.and Here Nachiketa who is remotely related as an employee to some Minister
Based on Him The BJP is asking the PM to Resign ?
Isnt it Unfair ?
The Kickbacks for Horse Trading are not Necessarily cash, It is in Kind By Giving Chairmanship of PSU's to Other Political Parties People, appointment of People to Other Lucrative Positions where they themselves Churn the Milk
One Such Appointment was AK RAJA Jisne Khub Bajaya Baja.
As In BJP Chief Minister Case, Yeddurappa's sons etc Surrendered illgotten Land Back & BJP Said The Matter is Over, So Can Here If Believe the wikileaks, Will Taking back the money from beneficiary should Put The Matter to Rest Going by the BJP Formula as applied in TN ??

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