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China needs to learn from India's democracy: Dalai

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ambikanand jha
China needs to learn from India's democracy: Dalai
by ambikanand jha on Mar 16, 2011 05:26 PM  | Hide replies

Although it looks a very political statement to keep India happy . However , we Indians must take pride in being a democratic state . More so since our neighbors are struggling for the same and the Arab world is striving for the same .
Nonetheless , the current form of democracy is definitely not an acceptable state where people vote once in 5 years and left at one or the other party's "Leaders" till next time . The accountability of the leaders , ministers and bureaucratic system for the public in general is seriously lacking . Functioning and decision making process of the government is mysteriously opaque . This results in great comfort for the authority and leaders to loot the country during their tenure .
This must change . Most of the developed worlds have the functioning of the government in a very transparent way . Many Scandinavian countries even make the arms purchase deals with details in public . We Indians must fight for transparency in government dealing from top to bottom . PM to a clerk in Municipality must do their transactions in a transparent manner . The Policy and procedures of government functioning and the decisions must be disclosed on the websites .
Right to information must be widened to include this . We will not have series of surprise scams followed by drama of investigations for few years and then all forgotten , till we have another one ..

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Xingen Sang
Re: China needs to learn from India's democracy: Dalai
by Xingen Sang on Mar 16, 2011 05:29 PM

China and Pakistan are real enemy of India and Western Countries.
China supports NE militants in India.
China supports Pakistan, Iran, N. Korea with nukes.

China is illegally captured Tibet which is integral
part of India.
Indian claim on Tibet is right because Hindus holy place of Kailas mansarowar is in Tibet.
Also nearly all holy rivers of India originates
from Tibet.

India and western world should support Tibet, Taiwan, and East Turkistan freedom.

India must supply nuke to Taiwan and arms to Tibetans.
China do not have democracy hence support for such movements can break China in many peaces.

India with NATO countries have common enemy that is China.
Hence democratic powers of world must work together to tackle Chinese evil.

Similarly Pakistan is biggest supplier of terror in the world. Pakistan have all types of modern technology imported from China.

Truth of China
No democracy,
World highest human right violation
Many labor dies daily in coal mines
Minority musslims are tortured in Xinjiang
PPL in Tibet very angry.
ppl in Hongkong are very unsatified.
ppl in Taiwan already declared freedom.

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karthikeyan sen
NOT autonomy
by karthikeyan sen on Mar 16, 2011 05:13 PM  | Hide replies


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Xingen Sang
Re: NOT autonomy
by Xingen Sang on Mar 16, 2011 05:29 PM

China and Pakistan are real enemy of India and Western Countries.
China supports NE militants in India.
China supports Pakistan, Iran, N. Korea with nukes.

China is illegally captured Tibet which is integral
part of India.
Indian claim on Tibet is right because Hindus holy place of Kailas mansarowar is in Tibet.
Also nearly all holy rivers of India originates
from Tibet.

India and western world should support Tibet, Taiwan, and East Turkistan freedom.

India must supply nuke to Taiwan and arms to Tibetans.
China do not have democracy hence support for such movements can break China in many peaces.

India with NATO countries have common enemy that is China.
Hence democratic powers of world must work together to tackle Chinese evil.

Similarly Pakistan is biggest supplier of terror in the world. Pakistan have all types of modern technology imported from China.

Truth of China
No democracy,
World highest human right violation
Many labor dies daily in coal mines
Minority musslims are tortured in Xinjiang
PPL in Tibet very angry.
ppl in Hongkong are very unsatified.
ppl in Taiwan already declared freedom.

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om shanti
Which passport does he hold?
by om shanti on Mar 16, 2011 05:13 PM  | Hide replies

In Indian democracy,all government agencies are hijacked by globalists and their agents...It is a monarchy of the Gandhi dynasty and belong to their boot-lickers.

Dalai Lama is giving a paid lecture.His underwear is also paid from Indian tax payer's money.

What is Dalai Lama's status? Does he have an Indian passport or Chinese passport? How does he travel abroad,he must not be having a Chinese passport.

If he holds an Indian passport,then he is an Indian citizen and therefore he should shut his mouth on Tibet.He has no right to increase enmity between India and China being an Indian passport holder...

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Re: Which passport does he hold?
by panda1969@rediffmail.com on Mar 16, 2011 05:34 PM
Government of India has invested a lot in Dalai Lama since 1950s.

It is a bit difficult for GOI to abandon this man.

Google "PDF History of Modern Tibet"

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Kalyanasundaram Venkatesh
Re: Which passport does he hold?
by Kalyanasundaram Venkatesh on Mar 16, 2011 06:08 PM
Shanti, both you and me are in the same boat on this. Your last 2 sentences were from my previous comments if I could still remember. Thanks for re-writing this here !!!! This guy DalaiLama is making unnecessary comments which is unwanted. We(Indians) all know how democracy is killing us; we all know who good these politicians are looting the country in the name of democracy; we all know how the wealthy corporate kings and industrialists are exploiting the innocent people in our country. There is NO proud/pride to proclaim 'we are the greatest democracy'; in fact, we are insulting the word 'democracy'.
DalaiLama is just enjoying his life in India since 1956 at the cost of our tax money. Millions of our people do NOT know these things. Who is this DalaiLama to tell China about what political system that country to follow? Dalailama does NOT have any right to talk about China bcoz he has been living in India for the past 60 years. True chinese people in Tibet should NOT allow him to enter into Tibet. Dalailama is the one who cheated Tibet people by cleverly running away from there into India; he did NOT support & fight for his people by living in INdia for 60years. Dalailama does NOT even has any right to talk about Tibet.

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om shanti
Re: Re: Which passport does he hold?
by om shanti on Mar 17, 2011 02:57 AM
Yes,I lifted from your post,I agreed to it :)

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A poor old man.
by panda1969@rediffmail.com on Mar 16, 2011 05:10 PM

Time is too cruel.

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Wrong suggestion Mr.Dalai Lama
by navneet on Mar 16, 2011 04:53 PM  | Hide replies

It looks like Mr. Dalailama does not want to see china progress and become a laughing stock like India. China is Giant now in all respect and why should they follow India where few in power are looting the state in the name of democracy. What have we got in the last 60 years? made more than 3/4 of the population below poverty line! What freedom are we talking? Freedom to loot the state! Billions are looted and a democratic govt. does nothing but save those culprits! What harmony you see here, hatred is being injected among different religion for the sake of capturing power! The party which got majority of seat is not allowed to rule! What is the use of freedom where thousand of farmers suiside? What is democracy given to us? Human rights? Is there no human right's violation in India? Then why China should follow Indi's foot step? To go back to poverty?

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Kalyanasundaram Venkatesh
Re: Wrong suggestion Mr.Dalai Lama
by Kalyanasundaram Venkatesh on Mar 16, 2011 06:14 PM
well said, Navneet !!!
fully agree with you.

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by Sujal on Mar 16, 2011 04:44 PM  | Hide replies

Dalai lama said it many times and still he says for peace & harmony, China should learn from Indian democracy leadership. He also praises the sensative leader Manmohan singh.. It's a hit of slipper on the face of china and anti-MMS people who don't know his great deeds in the past!!!

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pradeep m
by pradeep m on Mar 16, 2011 04:55 PM
yes this shld learn and commit 2g,CWG,SPECTRUM,N-deal,,,US slaves....
and chinese pm shld learn from MMS to create crime and say he don't know anything wen asked.

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Re: NO WAY!!!
by Sujal on Mar 16, 2011 04:40 PM
I'm very happy to be i India atleast freedom is given to us to do what we want... China is autocratic, devastating acts of leadership in china is worst than indian corrupt leaders!!! By the way, have all of you have ethical practices when it comes to vote. All of us will vote for our religion leader or bribed by money & liquor or otherwise they will not vote only,, it's people of india are culprits then these politicians!!!

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Aravind R
Re: Re: NO WAY!!!
by Aravind R on Mar 16, 2011 04:46 PM
I am ready to sacrifice my freedom for some leader who can relieve this bharath from the congress and its firangi leaders

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by navneet on Mar 16, 2011 04:30 PM

Which way India is better than China? China is gone much beyond India in all friends. And Freedom? In the name of Democracy looting the state by allmeans is what ios freedom we dont need this. If 2g scam was in China by now all involved would've been shot dead which is the right thing to do. With freedom what we got for the last 60years,Poverty? Few people in the power are enjoying everything under the sun. Is this the fruit of democracy? which harmony are you talking about? people are divided, hatred among religions are injected in quest of capturing power!The party which got majority to lead the country is made to sit in the opposition .

We can no way reach China in the near future. just look at the progress they made in these few years. In a year or two the will be the no.1 in the world. May be there are human rights problems there which is verymuch here also. so what is the big deal. China will be a loosert if it follow India.Dalailama wanted china too become a laughing stock like India and may that is the reason he wanted them to follow India's footstep.

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Democracy in india
by BUSH on Mar 16, 2011 04:26 PM

Democracy in india
Choose the best among the worst.
Choose the better rapist or criminal

Democratic india is ruled by italian then half indian (Rahul), then Quarter Indian (Rahul and his combodian girl friend's son)

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kiran ddasdsadsa
China should learn corruption!!!!
by kiran ddasdsadsa on Mar 16, 2011 04:19 PM

China should learn corruption!!!!..India has become worst democratic country..I don't know what sense Dalia Lama has said this.

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