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Mobile phones can increase cancer risk: WHO

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rl na
Mobile phones can increase cancer risk: WHO
by rl na on Jun 01, 2011 01:13 PM

The scientist should quickly find out the real effect of the mobile phone. Possibly, may be, can cause etc. does not it effect. Until they find the exact result they should not publish thier paper bacause the people are only panic because of their 'may be' 'possibly' etc paper

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by Raj on Jun 01, 2011 01:06 PM  | Hide replies

We fail to address the larger and more serious threats to the human body that can result in cancers - white foods (bread, etc.), sugar, pastries, alcohol, tobacco, chronic mental stress, lack of exercise, etc.

Cancer is abnormal growth and multiplication of cells when the body goes out of balance. Balance needs to be restored on a daily basis thru exercise, eating lots of veggies, avoiding man-made foods (biscuits, etc.), de-stressing activities, etc.

In fact, a little bit of research will tell you that 100% of humans have cancer cells in them, but they're allowed to breed by the body's defence mechanism (source: Anticancer, check amazon). A little caution and caring for the human body will prevent the catastrophe.

So the next time you reach for Brittania of Coke, think about your body. You owe it to yourself and your family.

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Sai Kumar
Re: Cancers...
by Sai Kumar on Jun 01, 2011 01:14 PM
Thanks Raj. Good informative message from you. Thats great.

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Re: Cancers...
by Varun on Jun 01, 2011 01:17 PM

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