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Digvijay Singh: The controversy king

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arungopal agarwal
by arungopal agarwal on Jul 21, 2011 11:12 AM

He has direct link with terrorists, as Hindu as well as Islamic terrorists first consult him. Actually his place is either in jail or mental Hospital, no place for such people spreading hatred.

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Mahesh Jagga
Its not insanity, it is a strategy
by Mahesh Jagga on Jul 21, 2011 11:09 AM  | Hide replies

Digvijay's comments are not incoherent ramblings of a mentaly unstable person. They are part of a well thought out strategy.

The "Run with the hare and hunt with the hound" policy of Congress is decades old. So while Digvijay keeps making statements which seem to appease minority and anguish the majority, the leadership of party is keeping a safe distance. The message to minority is "Do not worry, our position is clearly stated by Digvijay, we cannot make such clear statements but he represents us"

The second part of obfuscation is the message to non minorities. Here the message is, "Digvijay is doing it on his own and we do not subscribe to it. But we are a democratic party and have to give space to every one, even extreme and fundamental components of the political discourse"

This policy of congress ensures that it does not represent any ideology today. It is supposed to be secular with Digvijay as the certificate, democratic with the family as the totem, socialist with MMS as the flag bearer.

In trying to become everything for everyone, it becomes nothing for anyone.

But the real travesty is that the public neither votes on ideology nor on deliverables. When the d-day comes, we will once again be swayed by emotional appeals.

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Jai Babu
Re: Its not insanity, it is a strategy
by Jai Babu on Jul 21, 2011 11:35 AM
Well said Mahesh. It is now clear that Congress General Secretary Digvijay Singh's utterances over the issue of saffron terror does match that of Rahul Gandhi's views and they were articulated with a definite purpose. They are pandering to Muslim sentiments with an eye on important state elections.
Minority appeasing and votebank seeking politicians like Digvijay Singh are the biggest curse on this country. This is the same shameless fellow who went to Azamgarh and raised doubts about the BATLA house encounter and denigrated the memory of a martyr like Inspector Sharma. The way he dragged in martyr Karkare, the Maharshtra ATS chief is also deplorable. Does this Digvijay kow that many Indian Mus1ims also died in Terror attacks at Mumbai and other places in India. What did Digvijay do for the Bhopal Gas victims when he was CM of MP? A majority of the victims of Bhopal were Mus1im. Indian Mus1ims & Hindus know it too well. Why is he creating the spectre of MINORITY Communalism and MAJORITY Communalism?

Pakistan and their terror groups must be laughing out aloud at the shenanigans of shameless indian politcians like Digvijay Singh.
So why is there Is1amism inspired terror in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Sudan, US, UK, Sweden, Russia, Spain, etc?? Was it all inspired by the actions of RSS?

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Jena Bharati
Re: Its not insanity, it is a strategy
by Jena Bharati on Jul 22, 2011 05:48 AM
well said, man.

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Re: Its not insanity, it is a strategy
by rohan on Jul 21, 2011 12:23 PM
Boss public is improving thats why congress has not come in mp again, people re-elected nitish kumar and narendra modi only because of their performance. they threw karunanidhi and marxist governments from tamil nadu and bengal... people are changing they are talking about more and more development but the issue is congress is not able to accept the change. the time when congress will improve when there will be no chamcha and there will be no gandhis who like these chamchas... recently i have heard that congress is trying hard for ex-home minister (disastrous as 26/11 happened at his time) to take him to rajya sabha. diggychacha blog diggychacha fan club

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Sachidanand Gupta
Re: Re: Its not insanity, it is a strategy
by Sachidanand Gupta on Jul 22, 2011 12:37 AM
bOSS public i definitely not improving, thats why con gress comes again and again and am sure will come again in 2014 in india survives by than. cheers!!

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Jay Prakash Shah
hit with shoe
by Jay Prakash Shah on Jul 21, 2011 10:49 AM  | Hide replies

please sombody hit on his face with shoes.I will take his bail if arrested.

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Re: hit with shoe
by Makya on Jul 21, 2011 11:18 AM
We will cut his balls & play Table-Teniis with it.

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Re: Re: hit with shoe
by lycoming on Jul 21, 2011 12:16 PM
Sonia must have already cut them and kept in her safe custody!!
Think of something else!!

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Raj narain of the day
by KERBA KERBA on Jul 21, 2011 10:43 AM  | Hide replies

He is the Rajnarayan the joker ,speaks most of the time what should not be spoken .Media is giving free publicity for he is worse than Lalu.

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kiran bhatt
Re: Raj narain of the day
by kiran bhatt on Jul 21, 2011 10:54 AM
this fool consider himself to be a king,he is damaging more to the congress party,even some good action of the party and d goi, r washed away by his statments.

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Why this news still on main page
by Pratham on Jul 21, 2011 10:33 AM  | Hide replies

Wonder why rediff is keeping this on main page for so long ?

whats the point ?
he is nothing but publicity hingry nut - like rakhi sawant. rakhi sawant is much better then him.

Both belong to same religion too.

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Re: Why this news still on main page
by trader on Jul 21, 2011 11:40 AM
Its very simple!!In India,if you have to grab headlines and get instant fame,degrade Hindus viciously!New journalists who are starting their career seek anti Hindu news and write that with all serious abuses!!There are 2 reasons:-

1.Hindus like Muslims don't attack the author,his office and harm him physically!The same goes to politicians also.
2.If at all anyone is attacked for his anti-Hindu stance,he will get the widest support from English media - press,TV Channels and websites and he will become instant hit overnight!
3.You write anti- muslim and whole of English media again will be condemning you and your friends and party will desert you in addition to some insane Muslim man physically injuring you!Even Courts,Election commission,..etc will become against you and you will be the # 1 villain in the country with no one supporting you!!

Now,anyone can see which is the best and easy way to become famous!

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Re: Why this news still on main page
by lycoming on Jul 21, 2011 12:36 PM
She changes her religion every year so christian can relax after one year.

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False statements
by guru on Jul 21, 2011 10:00 AM  | Hide replies

By making such comment indicating RSS , he helps the real culprits to escape.
In other words it is affecting the fair investigation.
Such statements must come from the Police not from politicians especcially those who bank on vote Bank Politics.
This Gentleman is a obstacle in conducting free & fair investigation and Court must take such statements as misguiding factor in the investigation .
Intetion of such statements are under suspecion and Court must intervine and punish for such statements

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Jai Babu
Re: False statements
by Jai Babu on Jul 21, 2011 11:41 AM
None of these self serving leaders like Digvijay have addressed radical Islamism as a real and thriving movement or recognized the fuel of anti-Mus1im hatred that perpetuates it. If they did, they would have to concede their own complicity or inertia in its spread. The yoke of secularism as always, is hoisted on India's tolerant Hindu majority community! Do any of these fellows realize that India is still secular & liberal because of the Hindu majority? When Muslims in a liberal & democratic society like India, rightfully have freedom to practice their faith, the large majority of moderates of other faiths also support them by referring to freedom of faith and fundamental rights and liberty.
How many such Mus1im-majority countries are there in the world, who give same rights to their minorities? Look at the conditions of Hindus in Kashmir itself for an answer!!
IB has its eyes fixed on towns like Azamgarh in Uttar Pradesh and Bhatkal in caostal Karnataka. The big names in the IM has hailed from these towns and the agencies are now looking for those people who are closely associated with the terror outfit. The IB says that there has been a lot of movement in these places and there are plenty of disgruntled youth who are ready to take to violence.
Yet shameless people like Digvijay make grand trips to Azamgarh, denounce police actionr and terrorist horror while shedding crocodile tears for abettors!

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D z
by D z on Jul 21, 2011 09:56 AM  | Hide replies


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by lycoming on Jul 21, 2011 12:27 PM
He is a ROBO ,but Rahul GAYundie has no problems!

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Rahul Gandhi... 1 %
by rkdmumbai on Jul 21, 2011 09:17 AM  | Hide replies

Rahul Gandhi said after 13/7 bomb blast.
99% Indian territory is safe..
1% such bomb blast...
Rahul, what would have been your reaction, if one bomb is near you and it is not 1% unsafe?
Rahul, remember your Kongi NOT even have 1% patriotic ministers.
Rahul, remember You and SOnia are not even 1% of entire foreigners.. but still running our country.
Rahul, Only one Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated when Rajeev Gandhi ordered to massacre Sikhs .
Rahul.. you are kid, immatured, nautanki baaz.. please do not teach your third grade intelligence to us.
You carry on to go to farmers, dalits house for your political gain..but dont interfere in life of middle class family.. You will be crushed.
It is better to talk less of Digvijay Singh.. I dont wish to malign my mind...

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Re: Rahul Gandhi... 1 %
by PEHCHANKAUN on Jul 21, 2011 10:46 AM
This 1% should take place only in 1o JP, r/o fake gandhis.

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sudhir mehta
by sudhir mehta on Jul 21, 2011 09:16 AM  | Hide replies


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by rkdmumbai on Jul 21, 2011 09:19 AM
It is better to talk, discuss less of this person (DigVijay SIngh)... He is mouthpiece of nautankibaaz Rahul Gandhi..
Rahul Gandhi hates Hindoos... I have proof on my allegations.. Therefore he never comment on Digvijay's baseless statements.

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