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Bhagavad Gita ban: Three views, three solutions

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Legally Squeezing
@Renju Dharan
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 08:04 PM  | Hide replies

"deva-dvija-guru-prāj�ūjanaḿ śaucam ārjavam
brahmacaryam ahiḿsā ca śārīraḿ tapa ucyate"

Could you please enlighten us on the meaning of "tapa" which is the crux ofAhimsa??!!!

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Jena Bharati
Re: @Renju Dharan
by Jena Bharati on Dec 23, 2011 08:15 PM
expecting too much from a cute paste.

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Legally Squeezing
Re: Re: @Renju Dharan
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 08:23 PM
Hahahahahahahahaahaha!!! The CTRL-C/CTRL-V has run away!!!

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Renju Dharan
Re: Re: Re: @Renju Dharan
by Renju Dharan on Dec 23, 2011 08:31 PM
Tapa, means tapasya, also this is said to be one of sattvik things to be done. Sattva guna, is the superior thing which everybody needs to aspire for according to the good book, this stanza along with the next 3 stanzas mentions about the various tapasyas which can be undertaken by the body, words and mind and goes on to mention that these are sattvik qualities. Anything else?

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Legally Squeezing
Re: @ Renju Dharan
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 08:08 PM
AdiShankara never debatedBuddhists!!! Infact, it was KumarilaBhatta, the Mimamsa philosopher-guru of MandanaMishra, who beat theShit out ofBuddhist theology!!! AdiShankara only debated MandanaMishra and defeated his MimamsaPhilosophy to push theAdvaitaPhilosophy and made him his disciple!!!

AdiShankara never had any link withBuddhismDebates at all!!!

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Legally Squeezing
Re: Re: Re: @ Renju Dharan
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 08:11 PM
So that they can sweep their attrocities onBuddhists under the carpet!!!!

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Legally Squeezing
Re: @ Renju Dharan
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 08:10 PM
Infact, AdiShankara was accused of teachingBuddhism in the garb ofAdvaita because both the philosophies are very similar!!!!

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Legally Squeezing
@Renju Dharan - TheMuslims DID NOT wipeOutBuddhists??!!!
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 08:02 PM  | Hide replies

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! TheBuddhists were knocked off by none other than theMuslimInvaders!!!! There were noBrahmins in Afghanistan sirji!!! The first attack onIndia (Sindh region) was in 715 AD!!!! Please read History!!! BuddhistCentres likeTaxila (where a brahminChanakya was a senior teacher!!!) and Nalanda were wipedOut by muslims and NOTBrahmins!!! TheBrahmins only had debates withBuddhists to crush theBuddhist ideology of KarmaAndDharma!!!

BrahminAttack onBuddhists was through DEBATES and were in no way responsible for their cleansing!!!

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Legally Squeezing
Re: @Renju Dharan
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 07:48 PM
Well said. The onlyDickhead was that PrithvirajChauhan who spread his legs forGhori after winning the battle!!!

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Legally Squeezing
Re: Re: Re: @Renju Dharan
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 07:56 PM
True. But still Indians bounced back like no other civilization and took back almost everything without losing touch with the ancient civilization unlike other civilizations which are DODO!!!! Even the West lost Greek and Roman civilization, China lost its preBuddhist civilization, Arabs lost their paganCivilization and Egyptians too!!! The only other ancient civilization which managed to bounce back after losing everything is Israel!!!

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Renju Dharan
Re: Re: Re: @Renju Dharan
by Renju Dharan on Dec 23, 2011 07:58 PM
Wrong : it is mentioned is one stanza that ahimsa is a tapasya which can be done by the body. :)) guys, come on.

deva-dvija-guru-prāj�ūjanaḿ śaucam ārjavam
brahmacaryam ahiḿsā ca śārīraḿ tapa ucyate

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Renju Dharan
Re: Re: Re: Re: @Renju Dharan
by Renju Dharan on Dec 23, 2011 08:00 PM
I only meant to say that ahimsa is extolled in the book, not that Raghu is wrong.

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Renju Dharan
Re: @Renju Dharan
by Renju Dharan on Dec 23, 2011 07:54 PM
Britishers are not the only people who has invented and erased stuff from India. :) Let me give you an example; there were two religions which originated in India, Jainism and Budhism, one of which agrees (sort of) to the brahminical tradition and one which doesnt. Look at the plight of the one which didnt agree to the brahminical ways, I am referring to Budhism, if we look around India, in almost every country this religion is pratised in full force. What happened to this religion in India?? :) This religion was annihiliated from our land around 800 AD, how well, is up to guess work, and this was a period still before mohammedan invasions in India.

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Legally Squeezing
Re: Re: @Renju Dharan
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 08:01 PM
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! TheBuddhists were knocked off by none other than theMuslimInvaders!!!! There were noBrahmins in Afghanistan sirji!!! The first attack onIndia (Sindh region) was in 715 AD!!!! Please read History!!! BuddhistCentres likeTaxila (where a brahminChanakya was a senior teacher!!!) and Nalanda were wipedOut by muslims and NOTBrahmins!!! TheBrahmins only had debates withBuddhists to crush theBuddhist ideology of KarmaAndDharma!!!

BrahminAttack onBuddhists was through DEBATES and were in no way responsible for their cleansing!!!

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Renju Dharan
Re: Re: Re: @Renju Dharan
by Renju Dharan on Dec 23, 2011 08:12 PM
I didnt mention that they were killed. :) Did I? Yes ofcourse they were defeated in debates, however it is curious though that this religion still exists around India, not inside India as it exists outside. It cannot be ruled out that force was not used by the erstwhile rulers in our country. Muslims; do they care if a kafer is a Hindu or a Budhist??? :)
Another exampe to point out : Jainism : exists only in pockets in India, this is again a religion which fourished in India. Where are they; we know one instance where they were eraced from Kalinga by the Great Ashoka. Is that the only one??

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Legally Squeezing
Re: Re: Re: Re: @Renju Dharan
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 08:18 PM
Thank theMuslims for their disappearance!!!

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Renju Dharan
Re: Re: Re: @Renju Dharan
by Renju Dharan on Dec 23, 2011 08:20 PM
May be one reason why Budhism was accepted in India was because some of the rulers were pro Budhism, for eg the Great Asoka who himself converted to Budhism and influenced the neighbouring states. When a ruler declares his stance, it makes a difference. Infact he sent his daughter down to Sri lanka to spread Budhism, which lead the spread of budhism in Sri lanka. CHristianity and Islam, didnt have that support from the rulers of this land.

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Legally Squeezing
@Renju Dharan
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 07:34 PM

No society is perfect even if they have the best of philosophers!!! Dont filmActors' children today get into filmdom or the politicians' son get into politics??!!!! The dynastyShit exists everywhere and in every society!!! Remember GeorgeHairyBush Senior and GeorgeHairyBush Junior??!!!

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Legally Squeezing
@Renju Dharan - IsAhimsa always good??!!!
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 07:31 PM  | Hide replies

Who told you thatAhimsa is always good??!!!! Sometimes, Ahimsa is more dangerous than poison which ends up getting innocentPeople killed!!!

You should listen to Osho's take on your favouriteGandhi where he has blasted theHell out of him!!!

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Renju Dharan
Re: @Renju Dharan - IsAhimsa always good??!!!
by Renju Dharan on Dec 23, 2011 07:39 PM
I am not for Gandhi nor am I against, I am only about finding the truth. :) And yes ahimsa is mentioned in BhagavadGita, in many places. refer and see.

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Legally Squeezing
Re: Re: @Renju Dharan - IsAhimsa always good??!!!
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 07:43 PM
It discussesAhimsa as a part of nature apart fromHimsa and doesn't rigidly dogmatize it as good or bad!!! In fact, it goes on to say that greatSages who have realized theSelf realize that there is no difference between HimsaAndAhimsa and become totally neutral!!!

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Jena Bharati
Re: Re: Re: @Renju Dharan - IsAhimsa always good??!!!
by Jena Bharati on Dec 23, 2011 07:50 PM
very witty and wise take.

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Renju Dharan
Re: Re: Re: Re: @Renju Dharan - IsAhimsa always good??!!!
by Renju Dharan on Dec 23, 2011 07:56 PM
Wrong : it is mentioned is one stanza that ahimsa is a tapasya which can be done by the body. :)) guys, come on.

deva-dvija-guru-prāj�ūjanaḿ śaucam ārjavam
brahmacaryam ahiḿsā ca śārīraḿ tapa ucyate

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Legally Squeezing
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: @Renju Dharan - IsAhimsa always good??!!!
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 07:58 PM
Could you please also enlighten on what the word Tapa means??!!!

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Jena Bharati
Re: Re: @Renju Dharan - IsAhimsa always good??!!!
by Jena Bharati on Dec 23, 2011 08:01 PM
Want to know truth, try to understand gandhi.

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Jena Bharati
Re: Re: Re: @Renju Dharan - IsAhimsa always good??!!!
by Jena Bharati on Dec 23, 2011 08:04 PM
This guy is all crock. can not even reference.

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Renju Dharan
Re: Re: Re: Re: @Renju Dharan - IsAhimsa always good??!!!
by Renju Dharan on Dec 23, 2011 08:24 PM
I didnt hear anything meaningful from you so far and I didnt understand what point you didnt agree to. Please mention your point?

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Ignorance comparing Satanic verses with Gita
by brookie on Dec 23, 2011 07:31 PM  | Hide replies

Vicky interviewed SIMI fellow who told double standards in condemning Satanicverses in India. Is he ignorant or intentional in inciting emotions on this subject. The book by Rushdie was banned instantly in India.

Further, Rushdie wrote a book on Quran highlighting some of its darkside. No one tarnished Quran as such.

What Russians trying to ban Bhawadgeetha itself, which is like banning Quran or Bible. How can this be allowed? You can always discuss but cant ban any religious book.

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Legally Squeezing
Re: Hindusim(It is not anIsm as such)
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 07:30 PM

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Re: Hindusim(It is not anIsm as such)
by brookie on Dec 23, 2011 07:33 PM
absolutely. No incitation of people emotion for attaining jannath in Hindu religion or its texts.

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Legally Squeezing
Re: Re: Hindusim(It is not anIsm as such)
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 07:35 PM
Infact, BhagavadGita itself says: "Dont expect any fruits for your actions but just perform your duty" unlike slaughterInfidels to get 72Vermins!!!

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Sameer Bhagwat
Of religions and Gods
by Sameer Bhagwat on Dec 23, 2011 07:22 PM  | Hide replies

Religious beliefs and faith in Gods have outlived their utility. Science and humanity are the new religions. (of course, not money and materialism!). Religions, castes, sects, racism have divided and killed more people than united them towards good causes.
It is really ridiculous that we still keep on believing in God in the face of corruptions and injustice taking place all around us. The temples need z-security from terrorists, ornaments on the idols, and money from the temples get stolen. Beggars queue outside the temples. Filth surrounds the places of worship. Politicians and money-hungry administrators take control of temples. What kind of Gods reside in this atmosphere? Believe, if you wish. But have your personal faith.
Let's retire the God! Let's try to be honest, actively participate in political process, throw scandalous politicians out, adopt egalitarian principles, have value for human life - even for beggars, and improve the human lot. Let's start with our nation first. We should become strong, rich and just. Others will think twice before making negative remarks on our religious books. But then when we reach there - we will neither be interested nor overly sensitive about our religions and Gods.

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Legally Squeezing
Re: Of religions and Gods
by Legally Squeezing on Dec 23, 2011 07:24 PM
Science is still in nascent stages when it comes to understanding the human nature and will continue to remain so!!! Till then, religionsOrPhilosophies will flourish unabated!!!!

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Re: Of religions and Gods
by brookie on Dec 23, 2011 07:37 PM
The beggars you see outside temples get fed by some or other.

Atlest, neither they wont be asked to convert to get food NOR brainwash them to fight for religion and die to attain Jannath.

Still I bet Hinduism is better in its vision. Just tells you try to be pious and help others. Listen or not, it depends on that individual.

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