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The various versions of the Lokpal Bill

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aashutosh sood
Re: sms message
by aashutosh sood on Aug 26, 2011 05:08 PM
What Young PM in LINE has to comment on this and what his elders in list has to say????????????????

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Harish Krishnan
by Harish Krishnan on Aug 26, 2011 03:14 PM  | Hide replies

I like the citizen charter part of the JLP, wherein every dept/ function in the government will have a standard timeline to complete standard tasks. If the work is not completed within timeline salary cuts.. Inflation & Salary cuts can be devastating for all Govt employees. Will anyone now stand in queue for sarkari naukri.. I like this clause though. For this, the govt employees should know all their responsibilities first..

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Mahesh Chandra
by Mahesh Chandra on Aug 26, 2011 03:16 PM
Forget of 42 years Lokpal bill. We are talking from April -11
Govt assured that they will finalize the draft of bill by Jun 30, 2011 along with Anna Team.
Later on they have gone back from their assurance.
They have prepared their bill and
Anna team has prepare Janlokpal.
At time time Mr. – Pranab Mukherjee , Mr. Kapil Sibal, and company assured that they will forward the both copy of bill in Standing committee in first week of July-11 but they have done this
If Govt was serous they could ask suggestion from people in month of July itself and modify the draft after receipt of reponse by 30/7/11
Govt would have present the agreed draft in first week of August-11 as they have advance information about the Anna fast
I think some honest officer has given wrong information to Mr. Kapil Sibal and PC
We should support Anna Hazare reasons :--
1.      If we postpone we may not able to achieve this kind of momentum again
2.      WE should not give time to think to these dirty politician
3.      We have lost opportunity in 1975
4.      Not a single politician is serious from heart to bring such a harsh bill
5.      The people who have organize this movement have no politician ambition
6.      We have to work more than 16 hrs to meet politician requirement including IAS/IPS/IRS officers
7.      This brighten our future after 3-4 years
8.      Our future will be safe for basic needs and amenties
9.      After this our money will in India not in Italy/ Switzerland/ any tax heaven count

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Nandakishore Kuruppal
Re: Re: JLP
by Nandakishore Kuruppal on Aug 26, 2011 03:32 PM
He is a fool. Who allowed him to blabber in Parl ?

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aashutosh sood
by aashutosh sood on Aug 26, 2011 03:13 PM  | Hide replies

First of all and basic necessity is to CHANGE INDIAN PENAL CODE especially its provisions where fine is inked out.
IPC is of 1861 and that value of FINE written in IPC should be escallated to Present Value of That amount of fine in 1861.

I am very hopeful that it will have deterent effect in society as the present system maxmum bauil amount you all see around / read in papers / media is less than 5 lacs and is very small in contest to the value of crimes committed.

ask / force all MPs to come out immediate ammendment in IPC as to the value of FINE as indexed to present value from that value.

there should be no bail to any one in GRAFT issue till case is decided in fast track and there after he / she be released honourably in case not found guilty and in case found guilty all his and family assets be confiscated.

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by JAYANTA DAS on Aug 26, 2011 03:17 PM
nice proposal

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aashutosh sood
by aashutosh sood on Aug 26, 2011 03:35 PM
sounds good
will all MPS / MLA will agree for that as till now they are accustomed to such treat?

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Abhi Bhat
Anna and team need force to overcome this govt.
by Abhi Bhat on Aug 26, 2011 03:12 PM  | Hide replies

Anna and team need force to overcome this govt.
Police will not support Anna as Police is currupt and coward. They will not like lokpal that can stop their bribe income.
So Anna team should connect with Army and use his past connections to seek help from Army to takeover the reins of this country.
Now or never. Do not lose this freedom strgle or else we will be always slv.
Govt delaying proceedings hoping that Anna gives up his life. Then the things will go back to usual.

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Abhi Bhat
Re: Anna and team need force to overcome this govt.
by Abhi Bhat on Aug 26, 2011 03:19 PM
kagress has nothing to do with M.Gandhi. It is a mask to hide a group of evil people who commonly have itch to benefit at the cost of common people.

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Bikash Biswas
Govt wants to tire out the people
by Bikash Biswas on Aug 26, 2011 03:11 PM  | Hide replies

It should not happen that people loose interest in the plethora of varieties, legal jargons and obscurity of discussions. That is the govt's plan. To tire out aam admi and then dump everything in the Yamuna.

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Re: Govt wants to tire out the people
by RAHESH SINGH on Aug 26, 2011 03:13 PM
we will not tire ..



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naresh sehgal
my maid has also prepared a Lokpal bill
by naresh sehgal on Aug 26, 2011 03:10 PM

Corrupt Nehruvians by bringing different version of lokpal and through delay tactics try to scuttle this movement.Veteran renowned legal experts Bhushan duo have prepared the bill after studying the best of such bills implemented in Hongkong,Singaporte,other nations.Equating it with Sonia maid Aruna Roy bill prepared in a ziffy is insult to legal experience of these legal experts.Crown prince and future PM Rahul put spoke in bill by talking about the next step of Anna team.Moron! let the first step be implemented by passingthe Anna bill !Tomorrow Rahul may propose as there is no benefit of law /judicial system let judicial system be scrapped from India so that his bro in law Robert Vadra keeps on looting through DLF,UNITECh and many more industrial houses.Rahul you prove to be equally insensitive to Anna as your other gang members

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