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Lokpal row: Kahani mein naya twist

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ashwani mehta
delibrate attempt by congress to break and divide lokapal stir
by ashwani mehta on Aug 27, 2011 09:09 AM

the congress agents the likes of bukhari , manu singhvi ,kapil sibal are working over time to divide the country on the basis of caste and religion

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ruhul gandhi
by ramkishan on Aug 27, 2011 09:08 AM  | Hide replies


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Ajay Vikrant
by Ajay Vikrant on Aug 27, 2011 09:05 AM

Mr. Rahul Gandhi , Mr. Varun Gandhi and Mr. Sharad Yadav shown their unique vision to remove corruption from Indian Society that reflect they are above present politician in and outside the Sansad. If sarkari babu shuld accountable to his conduct why not Khokha wala or media for his business.

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by ramkishan on Aug 27, 2011 09:05 AM


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suresh jain
Mrs Kiran Bedi & Politics
by suresh jain on Aug 27, 2011 09:02 AM  | Hide replies

If any body has seen Mrs Kiran Bedi on the stage on 26th Evening doing threatics , it can well be comared with any Madari or salesman selling cheap products at Jama Masjid with a crowd around.Can she be the same respected Mrs Kiran Bedi who has earned lot of respects in public eyes , guiding the public at large to solve even their personal problems or in Aapki Kutcheri.
It is not clear what has brought this change in her approach and attitude or she is showing her frustration on not being appointed Commissioner of Police -Delhi or CVC .It does not appear from her actions that she is a Magsay award winner.Even her Anna Team members hv not liked her attitude and papers are full of her criticism. As rightly said by Mr Bal Thacrsay , if the subject of Sh. AnnaHazare which has already been establishe in the minds of public , should break his fast and people like Mrs Kiran Bedi , Mr Kezriwal and Prashant Bhushan who are partying on public expenses should sit on fast till the bill is passed as deemed fit by public thru Parliament

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aravind nadathur
Re: Mrs Kiran Bedi & Politics
by aravind nadathur on Aug 27, 2011 09:07 AM
Kezriwal and Prashant Bhushan offered to sit in the fast but Anna wanted them to talk to the Government on his behalf as there would be nobody else to negotiate with the Government. Kiran Bedi , Arvind Kezriwal and Prshant Bushan have impeccable character and record and they have been fighting corruption since ages. Please do not defame them. Whatever they are doing is according to Anna's advice and anybody who is serious about corruption should not find fault with noble people like Anna and his team

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ravi pathapati
Re: Re: Mrs Kiran Bedi & Politics
by ravi pathapati on Aug 27, 2011 09:18 AM
you are right.

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RAJ Scientist
Re: Re: Mrs Kiran Bedi & Politics
by RAJ Scientist on Aug 27, 2011 09:26 AM
Kiran bedi and Bhusan wanted a post in CVC and they never fought for corruption. They could never ever fight for corruption. Corruption is the problem of sociaty. If there is inequality in the society there will be corruption. Nobody can contain that. Whenever the inequality in the society reduces corruption will come down. The above said persons never worked for reducing the inequality in the Society. The whole process of fasting and agitation will lead an upperhand to the RSS and their illegal moto to lingeron the differences in the society. The education mass in the society will never understand the backbrain of RSS. Only time can teach you. Wait for another 5 years you will again realise Lokpal also did not solved the common man's Problem. Kiranbedi and Bhusan are not the representative of commonman. If anybody is serious about corruption stop this nonsense protest and work for removing the inequalities in the society.

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sgb sgb
by sgb sgb on Aug 27, 2011 09:02 AM

congress still ruling in india under gandhi-family.
sonia,priyanka & now rahul facing same end?

but refer the following recent-examples;
1)Iraq ,saddam & family ruled for 40 years.
2)Egypt,hosni mubarak & family ruled for 40 years.
3)Libya,gaddafi & family ruled for 40 years.

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Karan Hi
Rahul Gandhi...
by Karan Hi on Aug 27, 2011 08:29 AM  | Hide replies

If the people of India are fighting for bread.. i will give them imaginary cake !

which my ancestors fed aam aadmi for last 60 years

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