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To hell with pakistan
by balamurali on Sep 23, 2010 05:52 PM  | Hide replies

It was Pakistan who objected the UN resolution which gave the rght to self determination to kashmir. Then they told either Kashmir should join India or pak.. thinking that Kashmir will be a part of Pak.. but it is obvious that nobody wants to join a country like pakistan??? Kashmir opted to be with India.. From then on Pak is playing foul in the matter.. Sending insurgents trying to create trouble and unsettle kashmiris.. It is true they succeeded a bit but at any cost Kashmir will remain Integral Part of India....

And does it not feel ridiculous when you see the pakistani officials complaining about the situation in kashmir??
To them, You hypocrites are you living out of the world for not seeing the situation in your country??? First cleanup your mess
Then find time to interfere in the matters of others...BUT NEVER EVER INTO OURS.. GOT THAT!!!

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Re: To hell with pakistan
by simhasamara on Sep 23, 2010 06:20 PM
Dear All Indians (includes Jammu and Kashmir), Please post letters to the President and PM with ur advice on J&K state.

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Re: To hell with pakistan
by VASU DEVAN on Sep 23, 2010 06:23 PM
Indian should tell to Pak,
"You Air Force & Tanks bombed your own people in Warsistan. This is smilar to that. So you better correct your internal mess first.
Until then shutup"

MMS, Sonia, PC all will keep quite.

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by anna on Sep 23, 2010 05:47 PM  | Hide replies

this pakis from kashmiri they are creating the problem in kashmir
they cannot fight with the india solidier so they have choosen this way many of kashmiri people r not comming in the road because of them forget kashmir and go back to u r home
uneducated people
kashmiri belong to india
u paki we given u land is it not enough for u
forget it and go back

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what they want?
by sanju on Sep 23, 2010 05:44 PM  | Hide replies

kashmiris(just kashmir part) are asking for freedom and all the shit what they think they deserve that. But i don,t understand that how many wars they need to to fight. Let suppose if they get so called freedom from india then they need to fight with pakistan to get autonomy.
OR they want to leave india and join pakistan which is failed state. stop dividing countries by religion.

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dhirendra singh
by dhirendra singh on Sep 23, 2010 05:43 PM
my weight has dropped to 99 kgs without her

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Ajit Birdi
by Ajit Birdi on Sep 23, 2010 06:36 PM
Can I stick a red hot iron up your backside first.

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