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Telecom ministry should be diluted for ever
by GirishPV on Nov 15, 2010 11:40 AM

Since the Telecom ministry should be diluted. Since the entire ministry, every since the NDA ruled invided controversies,is only a division to raise corruption. Now the Raja scam is clear that the UPA government, since inception, was unable to keep a tap on its telecom minister untill the exposese. Why should there be a telecom minister, neither the minsitry takes any proactive steps against the mounting issues nor has the government been able to control its members. My view is, the ministry should be diluted!

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bn yalamalli
Rediff and Sheela Bhatt,
by bn yalamalli on Nov 15, 2010 11:31 AM

If you are the solitary reporters of Solicitor General's alleged meeting,then watch out, your days seem to be numbered.

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atul gupta
Time has come for action against these corrupt politicians
by atul gupta on Nov 15, 2010 11:27 AM

By the time we all r aware of misdeeds by Raja's, Kalmadi's, lalu's, Mayawati's.... its time to take a strict action against these politicians. Reiterating that Media is a very powerful tool and it should come in full way with common man to eridicate this muck from society.

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Venkatraman Sekar
Corruption and Indian Politics
by Venkatraman Sekar on Nov 15, 2010 11:17 AM

These two are inseparable, even surgically, twins with the two heads conjoined at birth.The sugar scams, wheat scams,food for oil scams, money for questions/votes scams,Bofors scams, CWG scams, Adarsh scams, and now a raja of all scams.All have their origins with the politician. Money is siphoned of through the relatives and friends and last but not the least are sent to the the coffers of the political parties themselves. If the CBI,the CAGs and CVCs imagine themselves to be smart,the ministers certainly are SMARTER.The political party ruling the country has more Liers than Lawyers to defend their corrupt deeds, as none of them have they have any respect for morality or the Supreme Court. So we all have come to that level over 60 years of the INC rule. The only scope for redemption is development of a new kind of society with vigilante like groups freely roming the streets who may not put up with such ignominies in the Land of Mahatma Gandhi.

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What a Name?
by Roy on Nov 15, 2010 11:16 AM

A.Raja-Andimuthu Raja.

Really He is Andithappi Raja.

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Jagdish Nayak
Dalits should Hang Raja to avoid Discrimination
by Jagdish Nayak on Nov 15, 2010 11:08 AM  | Hide replies


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Mahendra Patel
Re: Dalits should Hang Raja to avoid Discrimination
by Mahendra Patel on Nov 15, 2010 11:21 AM
Because, 30 Billion Dollar, scam means, He looted, RS 1500 , from eanch and every INDIAN.

There should be massive demand to trace Money, Mean while Raja should be arrested and 2G should be VOIDED, and all who got RAJA'S favor in Liscence their Banks Should Be frozen, So also DMK's official Account to recover Your Money.

Congress should be considered as Co-conspirator in the LOOT with DMK.

There is no other way to Clean UP this Curruption no one involved in this should be able to walk away with LOOT, all should be put behind bars and all money recovered.

Will we do that to protect our democracy ? YES there is no other way Opposition did their part now is our turn, We the PEOPLE NEED TO SEND RESOUNDING VOICE, THAT IN AWAKENED INDIA - DAYS OF RUNNING AWAY WITH LOOT- are gone for ever, each and every individual will be chased untill caught and put behind bars and MONEY recovered, and the PARTY which knowing full well detail kept PUBLIC the LIP service will have to be VOTED OUT FROM PUBLIC OFFICES.

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Jagdish Nayak
Why one rule for Satyam Raju and Other Rule for Spectrum Raja
by Jagdish Nayak on Nov 15, 2010 11:04 AM

Why is Raja not arrested? Is CBI/CID/SC afraid of Sonia?

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by shadowofrahulji on Nov 15, 2010 11:02 AM  | Hide replies

this haressment of DALITLEADER will makedalits feel discriminated

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hiral joshi
Re: haress
by hiral joshi on Nov 15, 2010 11:07 AM
And this haressment is done by Sonia and Rahul, both failed to save a Dalit leader lol.

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Ram Sharma
Re: haress
by Ram Sharma on Nov 15, 2010 12:52 PM
dear shadowof... Yes it is really very sad. U r shadow of Rahul, so u should ask him, why he did not say anything in favour of Raja!

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Loknath Rao
Re: haress
by Loknath Rao on Nov 15, 2010 11:05 AM
yes I am wondering how could congress afford to do this to a dalit leader. Seems like the days of congress are coming to an end.. Poor Raja. what will he do now. Since he is a dalit I hope he wont mind living off the kitchen scarps of Karunanidhi

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sabu alias
Re: Re: haress
by sabu alias on Nov 15, 2010 11:21 AM
what an idiotic comment. What was his quality. Dalits should be ashamed of this man. See the difference between Lalu and Raja.Both are corrupt. But Lalu made the Govt property (Railway) prosperous. Raja made the Public property a waste. Made BSNL a loss making Company and simply looted public money. Dalits do not call him as your member. He ia liability for all sections.

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Loknath Rao
Re: Re: Re: haress
by Loknath Rao on Nov 15, 2010 11:27 AM

There were and still are many bigger criminals who have lived a luxurious life without being questioned even once on their integrity. they were notable leaders in nehrus and indiras cabinet. sonia too has amassed wealth from kick backs and cuts and her son will go about plundering for another 40 years. nehru dynasty is blessed.

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Mahendra Patel
Re: Re: haress
by Mahendra Patel on Nov 15, 2010 11:24 AM
and DMK's Bank account need to be sealed and all 30 BILLION Dollar Recovered.

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svsrao rao
by svsrao rao on Nov 15, 2010 11:01 AM

what a great change in Congress,
Gandhi congress X Sonia congress

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coimbatoreflow controls
Raja our raja
by coimbatoreflow controls on Nov 15, 2010 11:00 AM  | Hide replies

Only Karuna, Kanimolzi and Raja knows
what happened to all those money.
With that money they can buy whole Tamil Nadu
( its believed thet already they got Coimbatore)

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Mahendra Patel
Re: Raja our raja
by Mahendra Patel on Nov 15, 2010 11:28 AM
They are Bussy Hidding this LOOT, but soon it will be sealed and All money will be recovered,That day Mother India say this is best gift my Childeren Gave me for New Year. By hounding all Currupt Politicians and Political Parties who harbered them- Both DMK and Congress are equally invonved in trying to deflect attention,so they both need to be taken to task.

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