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E darwin
he just wanted a union territory but said more by mistake
by E darwin on Dec 07, 2010 03:42 AM  | Hide replies


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E darwin
Re: he just wanted a union territory but said more by mistake
by E darwin on Dec 07, 2010 03:44 AM
maybe a jammu state expanded to kashmir as well and kashmiris re-settled in andamans for the azadi lands.

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@Police Officer
by secret on Dec 07, 2010 02:54 AM

You are really humorous. How does one give autonomy to BCs in the states, where they are mixed with Higher castes?

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Ujjawal Verma
The minister is right in his own way
by Ujjawal Verma on Dec 06, 2010 11:20 PM  | Hide replies

I think the minister is right in his own way. Today J&K means Kashmir. The other parts of J&K have become of no interest to the country. All of the attention is diverted towards Kashmir only. And this is hurting the interests of the people of Jammu and Leh-Ladakh. Well, the minister might be right in his demand for a Jammu state separate from the problem ridden Kashmir region but he is wrong in suggesting azaadi of Kashmir. People of Jammu have left no interest in Kashmir. The issue of separate state is justified here.

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viswanatha seshadri
Re: The minister is right in his own way
by viswanatha seshadri on Dec 07, 2010 01:52 AM
right, he only asked for aazaadee for jammu and ladhak from the valley-moslems' 370-syndrome. the valley moslems can continue to have their existing 'aazaadee' of 370, keeping other indians away from them socio-economically. if the bjp objects, it should rename itself as the bhaarateeya moslem league.

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viswanatha seshadri
Re: Re: The minister is right in his own way
by viswanatha seshadri on Dec 07, 2010 02:05 AM
if special treatment for j/k within india is justified, the 'special-squared' treatments for jammu and ladhak within j/k is also equally justified.

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Muhammad Ali
by Muhammad Ali on Dec 06, 2010 10:29 PM  | Hide replies

Remove dirty congress from India.
We dont want this cancer.

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Re: cancer
by AKB on Dec 07, 2010 01:20 PM
Fake identity HARA*MKHOOR Muslim.

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Thanks Congress
by rashtravadi_indian@rediffmail.com on Dec 06, 2010 10:18 PM

What an idea sirjee....

In my opinion every state should be an independent country. Small self sustaining country like Europe.Like USSR splitted.Every country will be responsible.At least corrupt Kannad will not eat maharashtrian money.Corrupt maharashtrian will not eat Kannad's mo0cvney.The country called Uttar pradesh will produce wheat and export to country called kerala. No Bihari will be allowed to country called Maharashtra or what ever...without Visa.

What is the harm? How does it make the difference if I am patriotic to my small country called Rajasthan.

Consider it and garland Sharma of Congress who pretend to unite country bullshit

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asad hgjkf
by asad hgjkf on Dec 06, 2010 10:18 PM  | Hide replies

Kashmir is the most subsidized state in India. The central govt spends huge amounts of money in education, infrastructure and education in the state, all in return for stones that are pelted on the security forces. Not to forget the huge money and manpower spent on “protecting” this area.
Let the Indian govt give Kashmir azaadi, along with means to sustain themselves for 2 months. Seal the Indian borders, and don’t let any Kashmiri into India.
In 6 months, these people will come begging to India for alms. And that would be a scene to watch.

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Re: .
by Sanjay on Dec 07, 2010 06:40 AM
Insane person if they want azadi go to Pakistan the homeland for Muslim, Do not repartition this county and free POK.

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viswanatha seshadri
Re: .
by viswanatha seshadri on Dec 07, 2010 01:56 AM
fence off only the valley, as an indian palestine. leave jammu and ladhak as non-370 states within india.

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