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Abu Azmi hit by MNS leader

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by dya on Nov 09, 2009 07:05 PM  | Hide replies

I am no fan of Abu or Raju....(both sound like daily labrourer from North!)

But I am Ashamed of being an INDIAN.
Any of the followers of Raju here, don't you see Hindi as a language of India as spanish is for Spain, French for France, this is true when you visit outside the country.....
But then I guess hate is strong, stronger when you are a failure, failure like Pakistani or Bangaleshdesh blaming India for their incompetence....Marathais blaming the Bhaiiyas...(though Maharashtra had gujratis, punjabis,bengalis,, south indians) but then the weakest challenge the weak to feel stronger!!!!
JAI MAHA RAASTA to hate...!!!

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Bolaka Bahula
by Bolaka Bahula on Nov 09, 2009 07:30 PM
why don't u write with same intensity against ur ministers for having poverty in up and bihar...

waste ur energy at right place...

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sanjay kachhadiya
by sanjay kachhadiya on Nov 09, 2009 07:34 PM
nobody denies the involvement of UP Bihar ministers in the current state of these states but that doesnt mean that if the innocent people shud b targeted or should be seen in an subjective manner and compared with other goons from these states

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manjeet singh
by manjeet singh on Nov 09, 2009 07:44 PM
do you think hitting people from up & bihar will solve the problems of marathi Manoos. Its idiots like you who support self serving guys of MNS.Lot of Marathis have a made a mark outside Maharstra and no body targets them in UP , Bihar because even the crap politicians konw they are the root of all problems and not the common public.

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News with the highest TRP rating!
by Sikandar on Nov 09, 2009 06:38 PM  | Hide replies

The news channel finally got it! After Maharashtra assembly elections there was no breaking news. I think any news associated with Raj Thakre gets the highest TRP either with Marathi, Hindi or English channels. Hindi channels would now go on describing RT as a monster and a villian and the Marathi channels would make Raj a hero out of it. Isnt there a single channel which gives the correct perspective to the situation in Maharashtra? I think the problem is more of resource crunch in Maharashtra. Just due to scarcity not prevalent in the past in Maharashtra, the Maharashtrians are opposing outsiders. I think its very natural. Its time north Indian states reduce there dependence on Maharshtra and create their own states. Its really surprising to see the most hardworking Bihari labourers develop other states and not develop their own due to lack of oppurtunities. The political and social setup in UP & Bihar must be changed or such a frustration may lead to disintegration of the whole country.

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Kanwar Arora
Re: News with the highest TRP rating!
by Kanwar Arora on Nov 09, 2009 07:06 PM
it is not about north indian states, shiv sena initially opposed south indians

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sanjay kachhadiya
Re: News with the highest TRP rating!
by sanjay kachhadiya on Nov 09, 2009 06:49 PM
Point to b noted here is that raj thakre himself relies on these very hindi news channel to spread his notoriety. He has earned these seats by making these same north indians whom he doesnot like his election issue. so this is a constant chakra. not to be fooled of.

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Devil Reincarnate
Detailed Analysis
by Devil Reincarnate on Nov 09, 2009 06:36 PM  | Hide replies

Today Maharashtra has 32% migrants from other states. The next state in the Indian Union would have near to half or less than two-thirds of this figure in terms of migrant population, so comparison with other states is odious. The influx has not been gradual, but instead has happened at a very sharp pace especially in the last 10 years. Not only city of Mumbai where Maharashtrians constitute just 30% of population, Hindi speaking migrants have come in hordes in smaller cities of Maharashtra like Pune, Nashik, Solapur, etc. Delhi, Kolkatta, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad cities are nowhere near Mumbai with regard to migrant population. Maharashtra is in a unique situation.

Other Linguistic states ===> other states, especially the linguistic states (South India, Gujarat, Bengal, etc), unlike Maharashtra have adopted preservation of local language and culture in their policy mechanism itself, in every aspect of social and public sphere. All government work there happens only in two official languages and that is the local language or English, no Hindi, whereas Maharashtra follows the 3-language formula, English-Hindi-Marathi, thus giving migrants from Hindi-speaking states a natural advantage and who in turn never bother learning Marathi. Take for e.g. ICSE/CBSE schools in Maharashtra have English and Hindi as a compulsory subject till Std.X, but Marathi is optional. This is not so in the South Indian states where instead the local language is compulsory, while Hindi is an optional.Fair?

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Devil Reincarnate
Re: Detailed Analysis
by Devil Reincarnate on Nov 09, 2009 06:37 PM
Message Contd..Political Dimension ===> Such is the extent and pace of recent migrations that the Hindi-speaking people who have migrated have not assimilated with the local population; they do not understand the local language and its culture. The most alarming fact, which differentiates the Hindi-speaking migrants, is the political dimension, unlike any of the previous wave of migrants from other parts of the country. Their lack of assimilation has provided a golden opportunity not only to leaders within themselves but also leaders from regional parties of UP/Bihar to form Hindi-speaking vote banks. Take recent examples of how increasingly Hindi-speaking leaders from these vote banks are gaining important positions e.g. Kripa Shankar Singh who is a champion of the Hindi-speaking vote bank in Mumbai is the new Congress Chief, or the recent attempt made by Hindi-speaking corporators in the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation to make Hindi as an official language. Do you expect political power to remain with Maharashtrians if this trend continues? It automatically then becomes an issue of Marathi astitva not only asmita. Maharashtrians are getting marginalized in their own linguistic state.

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Devil Reincarnate
Re: Detailed Analysis
by Devil Reincarnate on Nov 09, 2009 06:38 PM
MEssage Contd...
Funds from Center === > Next is the point of funds from the Center to support these load of migrants. The load on Maharashtra's infrastructure has now reached breaking point. If you do not stay in Maharashtra, please do not comment on this point. If the Center provides for commensurate increase in infrastructure as it provides out-of-turn to Delhi that would definitely bring down the level of animosity felt against these migrants.

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sanjay kachhadiya
Re: Re: Detailed Analysis
by sanjay kachhadiya on Nov 09, 2009 06:45 PM
please dont mislead ppl check the stats firt Delhi has the highest no of migration then is bangalore and after that mumbai is ranked , how does ppl following there own culture harms others culture i havent understood till now. if only language is culture that we must strive even harder for the cause of sanskrit. Raj thakre and others complain of northern states of being lawless in the process they r making mumbai 1 of the most law less cities in india.
Please check the no of maharshtrians in MP and Southern UP and Benaras how well they have preserved there culture instead of being out of maharashtra this proves that the claims made by raj thakre are purely meant for gullible unemployed youths.

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Bolaka Bahula
Re: Re: Re: Detailed Analysis
by Bolaka Bahula on Nov 09, 2009 07:20 PM
[i]how does ppl following there own culture harms others culture i havent understood till now. if only language is culture that we must strive even harder for the cause of sanskrit. [/i]

it will definitely harm the culture...

will u ever thought why mns is not against gujarathi people... and people from south who comes in maharashtra???

there is limit to each and every thing... people from UP and bihar comes here and instead of respecting maharashtra they are abusing people over here.... i think they have that habit...
And it's a fact... u should visit slum area in mumbai... all are staying in illegal ways.... is it written in the law that if ur own state won't be able to feed u then go to other good state and stay illegally.... burden the system...

instead of blaming raj thakarey... why not u blam to ministers from UP and Bihar... who are responsible for proverty over there... it's much more simple and legal...

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sanjay kachhadiya
Re: Re: Re: Re: Detailed Analysis
by sanjay kachhadiya on Nov 09, 2009 07:28 PM
Then y there is no complain fro the other sects of society which live in mumbai. I havenot come across any such dadgiri have you. instead I do find that after the formation of MNS Marathi youth are trying to impact the society in a negative manner. you can take the examples of recent rapes (3 of them to be precise) in which the local MNS leaders were allegedly rapists. so they do show there power but on meek and week women and other fellows. Apart from this I dont think the taxi wallahs who were abased by MNS Goons were involved in the act or did they confirm their involvement in the acts mentioned by you. and above all you have not explained the culture thing to me, instead MNS is spoiling the gullible youth of maharashtra.

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overblown blown
Re: Re: Re: Re: Detailed Analysis
by overblown blown on Nov 09, 2009 07:52 PM
bolaka, what about thousands of bangladeshi's living in mumbai illegally.

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Kanwar Arora
Re: Re: Re: Detailed Analysis
by Kanwar Arora on Nov 09, 2009 07:15 PM
good point

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Re: Detailed Analysis
by Sikandar on Nov 09, 2009 06:42 PM
Good Analysis

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sanjay kachhadiya
Jobs to UP/ Biharis in maharastra - Truth unfolds
by sanjay kachhadiya on Nov 09, 2009 06:33 PM  | Hide replies

This is a misleading information on raj thakres part and all his supporters part as I have filled up many such forms in mumbai for railway posts. this is a taliban way of spreading the words in which you believe. The state government had recently carried out survey which confirmed that the no of locals in every organisation is as per the mentioned norms, please dont propogate such false claims and mislead other gullible maharastrian unemployed youth. infact i have seen many maharashtrians employing these same outsiders as they are loyal and hardworking instead of local marathi youth whom they term as lazy and hraam Khor

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Bolaka Bahula
Re: Jobs to UP/ Biharis in maharastra - Truth unfolds
by Bolaka Bahula on Nov 09, 2009 07:26 PM
it's not that outsiders are loyal and hardworking... it's just that they are ready to work on less salary... and the reason is poverty in Up and Bihar...

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Aviram Vijh
Re: Jobs to UP/ Biharis in maharastra - Truth unfolds
by Aviram Vijh on Nov 09, 2009 06:35 PM
92% of all govt jobs in Maharashtra are occupied by maharashtrians...wtf is Raj talking about.

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Language & Slavery...
by CrystalClear on Nov 09, 2009 06:33 PM

Shame on MNS, everyone respect marathi culture but not marathi slavery, language cannot be used to enslave and abuse other culture. Hindi is our national language, we should respect that...

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sanjay kachhadiya
Jobs to UP/ Biharis
by sanjay kachhadiya on Nov 09, 2009 06:32 PM  | Hide replies

This is a misleading information on raj thakres part and all his supporters part as I have filled up many such forms in mumbai for railway posts. this is a taliban way of spreading the words in which you believe. The state government had recently carried out survey which confirmed that the no of locals in every organisation is as per the mentioned norms, please dont propogate such false claims and mislead other gullible maharastrian unemployed youth. infact i have seen many maharashtrians employing these same outsiders as they are loyal and hardworking instead of local marathi youth whom they term as lazy and hraam Khor

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vinod singh
Re: Jobs to UP/ Biharis
by vinod singh on Nov 09, 2009 07:49 PM
i support your analysis, only one man is enough in the forum to make Devil out.

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Konark Advertising
what will happen to these constituencies
by Konark Advertising on Nov 09, 2009 06:18 PM  | Hide replies

Can anyone say what will happen to the constituencies being represented by these leaders

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manish tawde
Re: what will happen to these constituencies
by manish tawde on Nov 09, 2009 06:24 PM
take my word These constituencies will see best developments and less crowd from all over. there is no place to live in mumbai .. u cant get into those local trains still instead of developing north indian states those north indian politicians export their gunda people in mumbai...to show their gundagiri

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Re: what will happen to these constituencies
by Sikandar on Nov 09, 2009 06:20 PM
The expulsion will be cancelled after the dust settles down! I think 4years expulsion is very harsh considering the nature of crime. Recollect what happened in UP assembly. For what period were the MLAs suspended?

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saarvesh tari
by saarvesh tari on Nov 09, 2009 06:16 PM  | Hide replies


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vasudeva rao
by vasudeva rao on Nov 09, 2009 07:03 PM
Jayalalita's saree was disrobed by Karuna's men ( PWD Minister ) in TN Assembly. Karuna was CM then and watched incidence & kept calm & quiet. MNS's act is nothing comparable.

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overblown blown
by overblown blown on Nov 09, 2009 07:56 PM
karuna is blind, may be he might be getting excited imagining some hot chic sareeless but not obviously jaya. But you never know these guys have funny choices

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