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Pak: 22 Taliban militants killed

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jamsheed abumohammed
by jamsheed abumohammed on Jun 27, 2009 07:26 PM  | Hide replies

Pak fighters have just pounded the Taliban strong hold killing more than 40 militants. This is the right reply to the inhuman elements. They deserve the worst. They should be eliminated before they become a danger to the humanity. They are drug warlords who thrive on opium and heroin trade. They are not Muslims in the true sense. They are the enemies of humanity. They wanted some strong hold to carry on their nefarious activities. What else is better than Pak itself. In the name of Islam and Sharia, these hypocrites of Islam, wanted to mislead the people. In the guise estabilshing a just and Islamic rule, they wanted to capture power so that they can take hold of the nuclear arsenals of Pakistan to be used against US and allied forces. They are not mujahideen as it is widely believed. They are just mercenaries of death out to kill humanity. They are not only fighting among themselves but also against the very people who have given them shelters when Russians have occupied their country Afghanistan. These people should be dealt with iron hand. The action was long over due and what Pak is doing in the circumstances, is right and they should carry on the fight till they are completely eliminated. But the problem is they bury their arms and mingle with the crowd. It is very difficult to segregate them from the crowd as lamented by Pak commander. Now it is once and for all. House to house search would reveal their true identity. Identify them and kill them on the spot if resist.

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ad na
by ad na on Jun 27, 2009 08:33 PM
lol that would mean killing all pakis. All pakis are terrorists who want kafirs to die, radicals who deserve no better.

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Ashish Bandyopadhyay
by Ashish Bandyopadhyay on Jun 27, 2009 10:10 PM
ad na, you are a senseless moronic idiot. It's this generalization of the Pakistanis that only aggravates the entire situation between India and Pakistan. There are genuine people in Pakistan who too want to get free from the stupid Taliban who are actually not Pakistanis.

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jamsheed abumohammed
by jamsheed abumohammed on Jun 27, 2009 07:26 PM  | Hide replies

Pak fighters have just pounded the Taliban strong hold killing more than 40 militants. This is the right reply to the inhuman elements. They deserve the worst. They should be eliminated before they become a danger to the humanity. They are drug warlords who thrive on opium and heroin trade. They are not Muslims in the true sense. They are the enemies of humanity. They wanted some strong hold to carry on their nefarious activities. What else is better than Pak itself. In the name of Islam and Sharia, these hypocrites of Islam, wanted to mislead the people. In the guise estabilshing a just and Islamic rule, they wanted to capture power so that they can take hold of the nuclear arsenals of Pakistan to be used against US and allied forces. They are not mujahideen as it is widely believed. They are just mercenaries of death out to kill humanity. They are not only fighting among themselves but also against the very people who have given them shelters when Russians have occupied their country Afghanistan. These people should be dealt with iron hand. The action was long over due and what Pak is doing in the circumstances, is right and they should carry on the fight till they are completely eliminated. But the problem is they bury their arms and mingle with the crowd. It is very difficult to segregate them from the crowd as lamented by Pak commander. Now it is once and for all. House to house search would reveal their true identity. Identify them and kill them on the spot if resist.

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vikas sethi
by vikas sethi on Jun 27, 2009 11:52 PM
Good views if only you could wake up early and stop believing all the nonsense which your govt and military tell you.

Until the flogging video of the young girl in Swat was out most of you Pakis were actually supporting Taliban.

It was your govt which proped up these beasts. It was the Pak military which considered them as assets against India. Till a few months back Mehsud was declared to be a friend of Pak. Today after your army has received money (after begging) from US, it says Mehsud is being supported by India and there are lunatics (actually in a majority)who believe this.

Dikhawe pe mat jao, apni akal lagao.

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Karuna Yadav
Problem is with ideaolgy
by Karuna Yadav on Jun 27, 2009 07:18 PM  | Hide replies

Problem is with ideaolgy. Fight with wrong idealogy not with wrong people.

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Ashish Bandyopadhyay
Re: Problem is with ideaolgy
by Ashish Bandyopadhyay on Jun 27, 2009 10:13 PM
Karuna Yadav is right. If only the Americans and the people who actually care for their country in Pakistan actually understood this and actually fought against it....

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abc xyz
Pakistan's pogrom against Pastuns
by abc xyz on Jun 27, 2009 07:15 PM

The Taliban is predominantly pushtuns who are one of the multi ethenic culture of Pakistan. all these bombings will only create future instability. the pakistan is doing all this just to get money from US. world's best Beggers!!!!

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abc xyz
Down with pakistan!!!
by abc xyz on Jun 27, 2009 07:13 PM

the country which suppress its own people and uses forces to control them will not survive!!
DAMN on such countries!

The very fact that they have a government and military is to protect them!! the Taliban is a monster which they created now they themselves are unable to control them. what is the proof that the people who gets killed from bombing are civilians or terrorist!!

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Pervez Musharraf
Pak policy
by Pervez Musharraf on Jun 27, 2009 07:11 PM

serves right for US.. ISI , taliban kashmir issue being fanned by them.. now pakis will extort billions under pretext of 'preventing' world from disaster ( read US ) forever.
American extortion money is 95% of pak GDP

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Ki-ll ISI
by manjit on Jun 27, 2009 07:07 PM

Amrerican and Indians are happy thinking that Taliban are being removed from the earth.

They all are forgetting that as long as ISI is there, Pakistan can and will create ten such organization like taliban.
Then will ask American to give them more money to remove those organization... this is how pakistan's economy works.

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syed jawahar
Good.....Kill these Terrorists
by syed jawahar on Jun 27, 2009 06:51 PM  | Hide replies

Its good to see that these terrorists who are bringing bad name to the religion of GOD are getting killed...

Ya Allah, Bless us with your support from these terrorists who are using your name for their killing acts. Give knowledge to the people who have gone astray from your religion.Ameen

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