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''Pink chaddi campaign a perverted act''

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hallabol hallabol
by hallabol hallabol on Feb 22, 2009 07:35 PM

where the hell are my messages you rediff management? why takes you so long ?

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Robin Chukerbuti
Re: 'Pink chaddi' campaigners are the women who have no moralit
by Robin Chukerbuti on Feb 22, 2009 07:49 PM
you said - "if some body wants to celebrate its their wish". If the west wants to celebrate Raksha Bandan, they are free to do so.
You are responsible for your own actions and to a great degree that of your direct family. So why waste energy commenting on others. Keep you own nose clean and a clear conscience.

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Tamil Arasan
Re: i want to become popular
by Tamil Arasan on Feb 22, 2009 07:35 PM
Media wants to create a bad impression about Hindu organizations, so they are making Muthalic as a big leader who has a few misguided youths as his followers...culprit is Media...

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by Naveen on Feb 22, 2009 07:35 PM
Are O' Mullah! Don't show your traitor qualities here too! At least have the guts to post with your real name! Suvvar!

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sridhar krishna
Attacking PUB incident raises some good questions
by sridhar krishna on Feb 22, 2009 07:30 PM  | Hide replies

Its good that they did this, even though manhandling is wrong in general. This is raising some valuable questions like:

IS IT CORRECT FOR OUR YOUTH TO BE ADDICTED TO THESE Smoking, Liquor, drugs etc that spoil their lives in the name of freedom?
Is it correct for the Politicians to let the flow of cigaretts, liquor and drugs to be available that freely and cheaply to generate revenue to the governments?

Is it good for the parents to tell their kids not to drink or smoke, while the parents themselves cannot control their own addictions?
Is it good for the nation, if its youth is addicted to the materials and not using this valuable time in thier life to build character.

Do you know why we have our politicians such a corrupt ones? Its because they had not built their character in thier childhood and in their youth and hence they turned out to be leeches and parasites, rather than sincerely serve the nation. we donot want current generation youth to be like current politicians and we want our future leaders to be more stronger at their character. So, shun all the addictions and then build your character which is what THE GOOD you can do to the nation.

Some good questions to be considered. Are we using the hard earned freedom wisely or are we ending up making the same freedom a curse later in our lives? THINK ABOUT IT.

FREEDOM IS A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD. Use it wisely and you will be a winner at the end. Otherwise, you will be a victim of the same FREEDOM.

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Chaturchuramoni Chatterjee
Re: Attacking PUB incident raises some good questions
by Chaturchuramoni Chatterjee on Feb 22, 2009 07:34 PM
Answer of all your questions are:- NO.

But think, if the youth is beaten up, will they stop going to the pubs?

I think the answer is again :- NO

Why don't they close (or at least reduce the number of ) these pubs. Their own government is in power.

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Saab Grippen
Re: Attacking PUB incident raises some good questions
by Saab Grippen on Feb 22, 2009 07:35 PM
Moreover it has become the alternative way of paving road in politics by abusing people in the name of morality. These immoral scums of society have no other way of earning breads. They dont even pay tax these hooligans. They just dont have any right to tell us whats wrong and whats right. They should get down to their knees and serve us. These uneducated religious warmongers.

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Re: Re: Is it?
by KingCobra on Feb 22, 2009 07:40 PM
Sridharrrrrr. Go Hanggggggggg. Remove your name Krishna as well. Shame on you carry that name...

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