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Mumbai Terror Attack? Unanswered questions
by mahe on Dec 01, 2008 11:20 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why Terrorist were selective in killing the ATS staff at the Cama hospital?

Core Hindi Words in email. Why?
'Chetavani nahi haqeekat’ was the screaming headline of the two-page e-mail sent to some media houses after the terror strike. It used some typical Hindi words like 'kriya' (action), 'pratikriya' (reaction) and 'udhaharan' (example). Very unlikely language of lashkar men.

Un-Islamic bands on Hand. Why?
One of the terrorist had a yellow band on his hand, this is not seen anywhere on media before. Normally they have a turban, long beard, etc.,

Why would so called jihad terrorist be drunk?
Terrorists were drunk, if they are doing jihad for heaven, they should not drink by Islamic principles

They spoke Marathi in Cama hospital. How come?

Maharashtra Times said the terrorists who targeted ATS chief Hemant Karkare, police commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar were speaking Marathi fluently.

The newspaper claims the terrorists having fired at two watchmen in uniform asked the other beside them on gunpoint in Marathi, 'You are here an employee?' The employee caught the legs of the terrorist and said, 'I am not working here. My wife has suffered from heart attack and I have come here to admit her.' The terrorist asked him again in Marathi, 'You are speaking true or false?' The employee answered, 'No, by God I am speaking true.'

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Re: Mumbai Terror Attack? Unanswered questions
by anurag verma on Dec 01, 2008 11:27 AM  Permalink
Who r u ?

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Re: Re: Mumbai Terror Attack? Unanswered questions
by mahe on Dec 01, 2008 11:31 AM  Permalink
An Indian, who is shocked and angered by the heinous terrorist attack on this country

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Re: Re: Re: Mumbai Terror Attack? Unanswered questions
by sachin chaudhary on Dec 01, 2008 11:36 AM  Permalink
must be paki or communist (read chineese)

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Mumbai Terror Attack? Unanswered questions
by mahe on Dec 01, 2008 12:01 PM  Permalink
why are u revealing ur identity

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Re: Mumbai Terror Attack? Unanswered questions
by max skinner on Dec 19, 2008 10:26 PM  Permalink
Dear Mahe,

Do you happen to be the son(legitimate or illegitimate) of Mr.Antule or Mr.Amar Singh by any chance?

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Re: Mumbai Terror Attack? Unanswered questions
by Vijay on Dec 01, 2008 11:30 AM  Permalink
They have strong evidence that these terrorists came from Pakistan, the calls from their satellite phones were routed to Pak, they used Punjabi accent etc.
Of course, even if they come on live tv and say they were terrorists from Pak, you would still blame BJP/RSS because you are a traitor.
Have some shame at least now. The damage you people did to our country is already substantial. Stop your anti national activities...

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Re: Mumbai Terror Attack? Unanswered questions
by Venkat Chandra on Dec 01, 2008 11:42 AM  Permalink
While the ATS was busy pleasing their Political masters with the Malegaon investigation, these Paki terrorists had come in from the sea months ago even renting a room in Colaba. The lone captured terrorist has confessed that they surveyed the entire area, reconotired the locations, and even learned to speak the local language. That is why after the shootout at Leopold Restaurant they would walk down the lane and enter Taj Hotel through the BACK Entrance like employees of the Hotel because they knew there were no metal detectors there. They knew the entire terrain of the Hotel and knew that the metal detectors were only in the Front. It is gross negligence on the part of ATS to have allowed the terrorists to get well entrenched here inspite of warnings from Fishermaen Union leader Tandel and also IB and RAW.

At Cama Hospital the terrorists who shot tthe Police officers probably didn't know their identities but only that they came in a police vehicle. There is a report on this by constable Jhadav the only person who survived inside the vehicle (see Times of India November 30, 2008)

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Re: Re: Mumbai Terror Attack? Unanswered questions
by mahe on Dec 01, 2008 12:00 PM  Permalink
Also read Maharashtra Times which states the Terrorist spoke Marathi

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decalre war on pakistan
by sanjay on Dec 01, 2008 11:10 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

nuke pakistan out of the world map.

blow pakistanis (men women children ) into shreds.

no other solution to stop indias terror

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Re: decalre war on pakistan
by kshitij chaudhari on Dec 01, 2008 11:17 AM  Permalink
i think now india should have to take strong step to word terror or should ask pakistan to distroy all terror camp including D compay if they wont do that india should declear war against pak and terror

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Re: Re: decalre war on pakistan
by Sunita Mall on Dec 01, 2008 11:53 AM  Permalink
Absolutely...we shd finish the Pakistan ka "NAMO NISHAN"

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Raghuvanshi might be ivolved ?
by jayesh mayekar on Dec 01, 2008 10:48 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I have a doubt in this massacre. When kirke became chief , ATS cheif Raghuvanshi was brought down and when kirke is out Raghuvanshi is UP ..
Any idea

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Re: Raghuvanshi might be ivolved ?
by japjit singh on Dec 01, 2008 11:04 AM  Permalink
You don't know anything, atleast get the names of the people right then we can talk about conspiracy theories.

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How much is too much
by Rajaraman on Dec 01, 2008 10:36 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

How much of blood should this world see before it realizes that it is too much?
How much of hatred must we put out there before we realize that it is too much?
How much of insanity must we be exposed to before we choose sanity?
How much of loss of love must one bear, before we lose ourselves?
How many eyes must we remove for someone removed one of ours?
How many times must we kill before we kill our souls?
How many children should cry before we turn a deaf ear?
How many guns must we buy before we run out of iron?
How many bullets must we fire before we run out of targets?
How many buildings must be razed before we run out of homes?
How many women must be widowed because we chose to stand up and fight?
How many limbs must be lost before all the landmines are used up?
How many men should sacrifice their youth for someone else’s cause?
How many tears must I shed before my glands run dry?
How many times must we die before we forget to live?
How many ideologies must we extinguish before we decline to follow any?
How many religions must I change before I am let to live?
How many countries must I migrate to before you let me go?
How many times must this injustice go on?

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Re: How much is too much
by SANJEEV SINGH on Dec 01, 2008 11:33 AM  Permalink
One answer Boss remove Pakistan from the world map with a eraser

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Where is inside?
by Raam on Dec 01, 2008 10:36 AM  Permalink 

The title said 'inside the Nariman House' but all pix are taken from outside!!

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Re: FREE LOCAL /STD / ISD Calls (Mobile-2-Mobile Only)
by Nishesh Shah on Dec 01, 2008 10:43 AM  Permalink
Please show some respect. This place is not for your advertisement. Atleast be human enough not to use your commercial gimmicks in such disturbing times. There is a place and time for everything. Atleast this page is not that.

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kya yede log hai..
by jai on Dec 01, 2008 10:18 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

all the snaps are showing the outside of the building..not a single photo showing the inetriors..rediff pl chk the material before giving the heading..

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Re: kya yede log hai..
by sachin chaudhary on Dec 01, 2008 11:38 AM  Permalink
kyuon ander sai dheek kai maja aata tumhe ?
unhi logon main shamil ho jo taj kai bahar mela lagaye huai thee 3 din tak ...

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Nariman House and Islamic Massacre
by Gopi on Dec 01, 2008 10:10 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Claiming wrongs done by others, the Religion of Peace Adherents have gone about their regular business of murdering and massacring innocents AGAIN. What did these Jews do in Mumbai that was against the Muslims - even the terrorists can't explain, I'm sure.

Every where these chaps go, they create mayhem. They do not allow freedom of any sorts to people in their lands, but without batting an eyelid demand special treatment wherever they go.

Palestine, Iraq, Bosnia, Uighur, Kashmir, Hyderabad, Pakistan, Indonesia, Chechnya, Serbia, Thailand, Spain, England, America, Sudan, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, France - the world has seen just too many flashpoints - all of them involving these Muslims.

The sooner they understand their barbarity and reform themselves the better it would be for the world.

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Re: Nariman House and Islamic Massacre
by Gopi on Dec 01, 2008 10:11 AM  Permalink
Even better now doing the rounds on the Internet is that these guys talk of US, Israeli and Indian forces joining together to execute this massacre in order to incriminate the Muslims.

Yeah, we need proof to make these guys look small in the eyes of the world, don't we?

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Re: Re: Nariman House and Islamic Massacre
by srinivanan krishnan on Dec 01, 2008 10:23 AM  Permalink
Very true.

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