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RE:brahmin play
by Rajmohan K on May 19, 2007 05:17 PM  Permalink
I think you have gone nuts.go to a good psychiatrist and take are sounding very sick.stupid

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RE:RE:brahmin play
by sanjay surander on May 19, 2007 05:26 PM  Permalink
Mr. Surya Kumar i think u have no right to have such a name because u have no enlightment at all , Please take Rajmaohans advise and visit a psychiatrist

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RE:RE:RE:brahmin play
by hrishi on May 19, 2007 06:29 PM  Permalink
Actually Rajmohan should clean his brain and see what is happening around. Do not see what psudo seculars want to show?
Did you really read Gita or kuran?
Then only comment .....

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by Zakir Hussain on May 19, 2007 05:11 PM  Permalink 

All the religions talk of peacefull co-existance. This is clearly the act of anti-social elements. They want to disturb the society. . It could be political parties, terrorist's are any one. Govt and Inteligence agencies should play thier role in a better way. Compare to the inteligence agencies of the West, and the governments there, our governments fail always. These law keeping agencies themselves are corrupt. Its hihg time Citizens feel their responsiblity and change the system.

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Religon: --?
by Warrior on May 19, 2007 05:04 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Religion is nothing but a set of rules and keep an order among humans.You can say in other words constitution written by a philosophical guy.Imagine a place without law .It will be a hell.
In anceint days when human beign came together and lived together,they created a set of rules in the name of religion.There is one god and different law All religion teachs same.
There Jail is refered as hell and creimes are listed as sins.If one is truely knows the meaning and goodnes of this life understands this.

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RE:Religon: --?
by tiger on May 19, 2007 05:46 PM  Permalink
nice explanation!!

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RE:Religon: --?
by thiyageshwar chandran on May 19, 2007 05:50 PM  Permalink
100 % true

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Muslims on target ? will the attackers be remain safe.....this fire will reach to them too
by indian on May 19, 2007 04:51 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

First in Purna, Maharashtra then in Parbhani Maharashtra, Jama Masjid delhi, then Mosque in Malegaon then Train in Rajasthan now it is hyderabad on target.... is the time coming to reply them in the same coin .... the only problem is that being muslim we can not be facist, but it is request to the malfactors (those who have done this heinous act

) don't check our patience.... this is inhuman and dangerous for the society as a whole. still they ask on different forums why only muslims be terrorists. My answer is First do your introspection then ask this question.

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RE:Muslims on target ? will the attackers be remain safe.....this fire will reach to them too
by Neeraj Sharma on May 19, 2007 05:04 PM  Permalink
My freind there are some vested political interest working for these nefarious acts of violence.They dont taget a particular community as you said muslims are the taget, but they want to foment trouble and create strife between the communities to gain a political mileage out of it.Whether its Blast in Raghunath Temple of Varanasi or Mecca Masjid,the persons who are killed are innocent citizens.Had you ever heard that a kin of the so called community leader or politician getting hurt in a communal violence.Its only we innocent citizens ,are the primary victim

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RE:RE:Muslims on target ? will the attackers be remain safe.....this fire will reach to them too
by Prabhu Bhaktan on May 19, 2007 05:24 PM  Permalink
Dear Neeraj, Don't beleive this Indian, he used to abuse muslim, brahmins and sikhs by ID "on". He is trying to instigate different communities. Take care.

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RE:RE:Muslims on target ? will the attackers be remain safe.....this fire will reach to them too
by Prabhu Bhaktan on May 19, 2007 06:27 PM  Permalink
by on May 19, 2007 02:25 PM

First in Purna, Maharashtra then in Parbhani Maharashtra, Jama Masjid delhi, then Mosque in Malegaon then Train in Rajasthan now it is hyderabad on target.... is the time coming to reply them in the same coin .... the only problem is that being muslim we can not be facist, but it is request to the malfactors (those who have done this heinous act

) don't check our patience.... this is inhuman and dangerous for the society as a whole. still they ask on different forums why only muslims be terrorists. My answer is First do your introspection then ask this question.

by on May 18, 2007 02:25 PM

We sikhs have always faced the worst. First it was the mouglals who we fought and made our gurus sacrifice there lives for our indipendent india. Then came the britishers . With them too our community made the highest number of sacrifices and lay their lives for ther mother land.Being a miniority and history says the highest number of sacifices were made by us. But in return what have we got. The riots of 1984 when 10000 sikhs were killed. Till today no one is punished . Then the terroism period where the whole one generation of punjab was wiped out.And now this event. It is very sad indeed that after every decade we are pulled back by a few years . The goverment and the politicians should avoid from such conflicts and let the people of punjab luive in peace and prosperity

by on May 19, 2007 11:22 AM | Hide replies

Been a Muslims I know that call so called pseudo secular party want to exploit Muslims .They are playing a tawdry and deplorable religious based politics towards the minority of india.BJP at least have premise and yardstick even when they play hindutava based politics.

The social condition of Minority is deteriorating day by day. Congress wants to play the Minority card in every election by inflicting fear and chaos among the Minority towards Majority. Congress always advertises itself as priest of Minority in India. If congress is in vanguard in safeguarding the Minority of India then why most of Minority in India are still living below the average poverty and why congress has been carried out any program to life the social status of Muslims in India.

I condemn the terrorist attack because I am Indian first then Muslims. We Muslims don%u2019t want azfal to be protected by our secular party since he is involved in heinous crime of attacking my nation India. We don't require the Haj subsidies. What are we looking for is the balance among the allocation of resource among the Majority and Minority.

Congress party and its leader never try to address the real plight of Muslims in India. They call Bjp a communal party whereas they always exploit Muslims. Congress party is doing it deliberately cause they

by on May 19, 2007 01:21 PM

Dear DalitBible,

So what happens to the people born before Christ. They all should be hell by now ? For no fault of theirs except they were 'born' before Christ. Gautam Budha and Mahavira and Gandhi would be in Hell and Hitler would be in heaven because he was a Christian. Somehow hell starts looking more like heaven to me.

Take your thinking to its logical conclusion. While its not nice on my part to downgrade any belief, I do feel you need to think for yourself and should not blindly believe somebody else. Otherwise there is not much difference between you and a Jehadi. May God bless you.

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RE:RE:Muslims on target ? will the attackers be remain safe.....this fire will reach to them too
by indian on May 19, 2007 05:11 PM  Permalink
Hi Niraj with due respect to your sentiments,

Problem is that hiren this is not for the first time this is for the 4th time in a row within a year, pls read my msg. muslims on target just above urs one , who is been caught till now....none this is the big fix.....if an incident happens in a train in mumbai police caotures muslim youths not only from mumbai but from entire maharashtra , they goes till parbhani a small town in maharashtra. But if a mosque comes under attack then still they goes after muslims , aren't they trying to safe guard the real malfactors. Think of it.

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RE:Muslims on target ? will the attackers be remain safe.....this fire will reach to them too
by Prabhu Bhaktan on May 19, 2007 05:30 PM  Permalink
Dear Neeraj, see the message below which Indian had posted with a different name at2.25pm:

by on May 19, 2007 02:25 PM

"First in Purna, Maharashtra then in Parbhani Maharashtra, Jama Masjid delhi, then Mosque in Malegaon then Train in Rajasthan now it is hyderabad on target.... is the time coming to reply them in the same coin .... the only problem is that being muslim we can not be facist, but it is request to the malfactors (those who have done this heinous act

) don't check our patience.... this is inhuman and dangerous for the society as a whole. still they ask on different forums why only muslims be terrorists. My answer is First do your introspection then ask this question."

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RE:Muslims on target ? will the attackers be remain safe.....this fire will reach to them too
by Prabhu Bhaktan on May 19, 2007 05:20 PM  Permalink
So, now you have changed your name. First you were a Daali (by on), sikh (by on) than Muslim (by on) but with old messages. Where will you stop-? You are not Indian but a blot on India.

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RE:hindus are dirty
by Asif on May 19, 2007 04:52 PM  Permalink
I can bet that you are not a muslim...u are impersonating as a muslim and just trying to get all the attention towards muslims...cause a true muslim will never say something like that... It is not at all preached in our religion to abuse anyone... no matter if they are abusing you...
And if you are a muslim then shame on you... You are a black spot on the whole community and truly of barbaric age...shame shame

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