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Ram Setu must not be destroyed

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Sanjay Shah
Protect RAM Setu by Sanjay Shah
by Sanjay Shah on May 13, 2007 01:26 AM

It is indeed a great tragedy that the democratic rulers of the country like India do not realize the importance of such a precious heritage.

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posco vs turtles
by dineshramesh on May 12, 2007 09:39 AM

the posco project in orissa is facing a lot of problems from the villagers who dont want to be relocated, thus hampering the development of the state of orissa.

the project is with a south korean firm and will help manufacture steel and help us. more ever if people are so concerned of the turtles they can go to malaysia to see plenty of turtles there.

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madhavakannan m
alternate route
by madhavakannan m on May 07, 2007 02:49 PM  | Hide replies

when an alternate route is available, why to demolish a historical figure?

Concerned authorities should consider this cry and make necassary arrangements!

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RE:alternate route
by ALOK MISHRA on May 09, 2007 02:08 PM

I fully agree with this view.
It seems India is turning to be a non-hindu state soon.

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S  Anto
RE:alternate route
by S Anto on May 11, 2007 03:47 PM
Now and always india is no hindu stae only

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Ganesa Subramanian
by Ganesa Subramanian on May 05, 2007 04:13 PM  | Hide replies

NOW i feel that indian govt planned to build sethu samudhram by destroying rama bridge which
represent our anciant history for some instant
benifits not considering 80 crores of indians
this govt will face problems if they do this .
This govt only belive that indian hindus dont have unity if they do this project next time 100% of hindu vots will go to BJP related govt
be careful if u want to continue in the power
and dont under estimate us we r united by the name of lord rama, dont hurt our fellings .
If u do that u will face the consequences.

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Sadhan Pande
by Sadhan Pande on May 08, 2007 05:40 AM
Yes Sir!
United we STAND divided we FALL!
Can hindus unite now?

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Madhava Reddy
Rama Sethu
by Madhava Reddy on May 05, 2007 12:47 PM  | Hide replies

It is a tragedy that the Government of India is demolishing the ancient Rama Sethu that Lord Sri Rama had built to cross over to Sri Lanka. What should have been preserved with utmost reverence is being demolished today. Would they have done the same thing had this structure been of religious significance to Muslims or Christians. No, not in their wildest dreams. They would have bent over backwards to preserve this structure. Since the Rama Sethu is of religious significance to Hindus, it being treated with callous irreverence. The Hindus are always taken for granted and their religious feelings and sentiments do not matter to the powers that be. I request the Government of India to immediately stop this rape of our heritage and take all steps to preserve this ancient bridge for future generations so that the memory of Lord Sri Rama and Ramayana is preserved for eternity.

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ramakrishnan balasubramanian
RE:Rama Sethu
by ramakrishnan balasubramanian on May 08, 2007 11:22 AM
Dear Mr Reddy: Dont you know the motivating factor for the destruction of the Rama Sethu? Its nothing but MONEY, MONEY and MONEY..........

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Raju Puducode
Save our precious temples from Congress & Commie goons !
by Raju Puducode on May 04, 2007 04:06 AM

It is good to discuss the good & bad in our country. But the urgent need is to wake up & defend our institutions like temples built over thousands of years by the sages & saints of India. They are under mortal attack by secularists. HELP preserve them by signing the petition:



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Gopi nath
RAMAYAN is not an EPIC
by Gopi nath on May 03, 2007 02:43 PM  | Hide replies

No power on the earth can question the validity of Lord Ram or Ramayan.
There were no cultures / civilisations elsewhere in world when Valmiki put Ramayan in writing.
How can a sage just imagine of island Sri Lanka and write stories that too when there were NO communications ??
How can one deny the fact that Sri Lanka mentioned in Ramayan is the exact one what we see now??
Can you say the places mentioned in Ramayan written some thousands of years back are not existing or just an imagination ??
Is it possible for a sage to mention all these in his writings with just an imagination ??
Unless Ramayan took place, Valmiki could have not known about Sri Lanka which is a cut-off island that too some thousands of miles away from where Valmiki lived.
Just think..and try to understand !!!
Ramayan is not an epic !!!

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by BostonPunekar on May 03, 2007 09:31 PM
Ramayan was written after it took place and Valmiki merely put it in text. Its a record of History. every single place and point is verifiable. Ramayana and Mahabharta is Indian History.

Just for information we have underwater discovery of Lord Krishnas Dwarka.

If it was an epic you will not have the exact pinpointed descriptions.

But you cannot explain this to an Atheist, an comee and a dumb Tamil.

Ihe inferiority complex and self reliasation that they are indeed inferiors than the rext makes them a> make such claims and stories and then believe them.

comees are more endangered all over the world than the Tiger. trying hard to hold their last haven in India is becoming incresingly difficult.

Count your days, these 3 types a> Perriyarised Tamils, b>Athesists and C> Commees.

you have very few left too.

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Bheja Try
by Bheja Try on May 04, 2007 05:06 PM
Sage Valmiki was supreme among rishis. in fact he had vision of entire Ramayana even before events happened and he wrote them down.

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Rojo Don Poho
by Rojo Don Poho on May 03, 2007 10:44 PM
Gopi nath: With due respect, i am questioning the validity of Ramayan.

you said: How can a sage just imagine of island Sri Lanka and write stories that too when there were NO communications ??

Does not it possible that Valmiki heard of the name Lanka and tales of lanka... as it was not much communication between the lanka and india...so its possible he thought its a good idea to include lanka in his story. why not?
Lanka is a name existed before valmiki started writing the ramayana. check wikipedia.
Why there are no dates references in ramayana?
Why there are no cities referred from Lanka in ramayana?

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by on May 06, 2007 06:53 PM
There were no flights during that time but Valmiki IMAGINED Pushphak VIMAN (The flight of RAVANA), There were no Autom bombs, Valmiki imagined one thing like the arrow of rama can destroy the whole world. Our knowledge is limited. There were the arts like Walking on water, talking with spirits, converting mud to any thing you wish. How much communications we got may be we cant predict whats going to happend tomarrow BUT those sages predicted whats going to happen after 1000 years. so you read fully and question the validity of ramayan.

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by BostonPunekar on May 04, 2007 12:00 AM
there are cities and towns mentioned in Ramayana.

Right from Ayodhya and right upto the southern tip.

Its simple case of..READ RAMAYANA AND MAHABHARTA then you understand.

Its a simple case of an illeterate telling an eye docter that he cant read please cure me, and the eye docter tells him..freind i can only provide you with glasses to help you read..but I cant teach you how to read and write. You need to learn from someone how to read and write. its the same scenario.

Read Ramayana and Mahabharta otherwise you would be a laughing stock again at some forumn...!

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by on Jun 23, 2007 11:59 AM
Boston Punekar bhai...No point banging our heads against fools. Till all the hindus unite... There is no end to this? Imagine these fools talking about validity of Indian Gods and Ramayana and on the other hand people who have nothing to do with UK complaining about Salman Rushdie beingn Knighted by the British.

Surprisingly no comments from jawed Akhtar, shabana Azmi,Nafeesa Ali or Commies

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Rojo Don Poho
by Rojo Don Poho on May 04, 2007 06:30 PM
Well BostonPunekar... i like your illustration of eye doctor.

Speaking of reading Ramayana and Mahabharatha ...i grew up reading and watching TV serials those.

lets just talk about Ramayana...as this topic is about Ramasetu... If you read my earlier post carefully... and again "Why there are no cities mentioned from Lanka or Srilanka" ... to clarify i am not talking about Ayodhaya and southern tip of India... i am talking about cities in Srilanka ... if valmiki was a great sage he could have known inside-out of Srilanka.
My point is ...and that is a quite possibility...that valmiki heard the tales of Lanka and included Lanka in epic Ramayana because he wanted people to scare out of that so called mysterious land Lanka.

Again the timeline of the epic is not clear...some says it is 880,100 years ago...some even more... bottomline is Valmiki does not mentioned any timeline in the epic.....why not? if that is a history why there is no mention of the timeframe?
these questions need to be answered...or it will always be a epic tale or good ancient novel.

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by on Jun 23, 2007 12:02 PM
Unfortunalely Roji Valmiki was not as logical as you. He forgot to put a date on his documentation. And by the even if he had put a date u would have belive it right?

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by on May 06, 2007 06:47 PM
First of all durging that time there were no cities i think. If you read Ramayan you can easily come to know how valmiki descripted Srilanka with all its boundaries. In TV serials its not possible to describe entire Ramayan. So please read full Ramayan and then say your opinion.

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by anoop on Jul 31, 2007 06:16 PM
Hi Rojo,
I read your post today. It seems clearly u have not read the ramayana. In ramayan every event is traced by valmiki clearly in the astronomical measurements. If it was fiction , why he need to specify date & time clearly for all the major events ?
And also how he can imagine all those places which now are exactly found to be in the same sites as described in ramayana from ayodhya to sri lanka.
just think over these points, then go through ramayana , then if any doubts
just conatct me at anoop3d@gmail.com
I will clarify all your logical doubts.

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by on Jun 23, 2007 11:54 AM
Ok Sir MR Logical... What do u want? Hindus should stop following there Gods and scriptures and values in Life...Ok Your highness... You seem to be the only intelligent sould on earth. You are our GOD Now?

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Gopi nath
by Gopi nath on May 03, 2007 02:35 PM  | Hide replies

No power on the earth can question the validity of Lord Ram or Ramayan.
There were no cultures / civilisations elsewhere in world when Valmiki put Ramayan it writing.
How can a sage just imagine of island Sri Lanka and write stories that too when there were NO communication ??
How can one deny the fact that Sri Lanka mentioned in Ramayan is not the exact one what we see now??
Can you say the places, incidents mentioned in Ramayan written some thousands of years back are not existing or just an imagination ??
Is it possible for a sage to mention all these in his writings ??
Unless Ramayan took place, Valmiki could have not known about Sri Lanka which is a cut-off island that too some thousands of miles away from where Valmiki lived.
Just think..and try to understand !!!
Ramayan is not epic !!!

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Bheja Try
by Bheja Try on May 04, 2007 05:09 PM
Valmiki had written Ramayana events much before they actually happened. He met Lord Rama for the first time when Lord Rama was enroute to the forest to start his vanvas.

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Why Name it Adam's Bridge if it is just mud Bro?
by on May 03, 2007 10:34 AM  | Hide replies

And isn't this the same trick Moses did? Splitting sea? Miracle is OK! I see

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RE:Why Name it Adam's Bridge if it is just mud Bro?
by on Jun 23, 2007 12:01 PM
Arrrey Nahin bhai What Hindu's belive is questionalble.... baaaki sab to geniunine hai... Ask Commies or Congresss or TR Ballu or so called minorities

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Save Ram Sethu - for a valid Reason
by bro on May 02, 2007 03:47 PM  | Hide replies

Save it by all means if it will protect the Kerala Coast from Tsunami.
But not because of some sentimental(i wouldnt call it religious) crap like some pre historic monkeys built it.

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Madhava Reddy
RE:Save Ram Sethu - for a valid Reason
by Madhava Reddy on May 05, 2007 12:30 PM
It is nothing but untrammeled ignorance and arrogance to state that "But not because of some sentimental(i wouldnt call it religious) crap like some pre historic monkeys built it." If you cannot and do not want to respect Ramayana kindly keep your trap shut. Ramayana can do without people like you.

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Ganesa Subramanian
RE:Save Ram Sethu - for a valid Reason
by Ganesa Subramanian on May 05, 2007 04:33 PM
do u know what u r talking about. If u dont know about the devinity of my ramayana keep u r
mouth shut. This country is represented by my
the name of hindu dharma and culture. Not by the wicked fellows like u. At least practice
yoga which will fill u r ugly insidu with some sense

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Sudhanshu Shirsh
RE:Save Ram Sethu - for a valid Reason
by Sudhanshu Shirsh on May 03, 2007 02:05 PM
U idiot they are not historic monkeys.They are GOD.

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Yuvaraj Bhosale
RE:Save Ram Sethu - for a valid Reason
by Yuvaraj Bhosale on May 03, 2007 02:47 PM
yes correct. I have being to setuband and dhanushkodi and felt the vibration of devotion.
Please dont call it crap

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Gopi nath
RE:Save Ram Sethu - for a valid Reason
by Gopi nath on May 03, 2007 02:47 PM
Plz remeber that modern science has proved that human-beings are evoluted from apes.
You can not deny a fact.

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pandurang jadhav
RE:Save Ram Sethu - for a valid Reason
by pandurang jadhav on Sep 12, 2007 01:53 PM
who are U?
Are u Man,Woman or 6?
I think u r 6 thats why u say something bad but not have guts to put ur real name

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