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Prof Loganathan, Minal cremated

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Brenton Cordeiro
At half mast
by Brenton Cordeiro on Apr 22, 2007 11:53 PM

Today the flag in my heart is flying at high mast as i pray in sorrow for the souls of these two victims... who lost their lives so suddenly, tragically and painfully. God bless you both

For a full list of victim names visit

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Mayur Sridhar
Not jus condolences
by Mayur Sridhar on Apr 22, 2007 11:16 PM  | Hide replies

Wake Up!! Its been said more than once all through these years where we had to face these kind of tragedies....Im completely dissatisfied with the way the 2 hrs in between were handled.....I hope the cops were not sleeping....Track THAT!!!

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RE:Not jus condolences
by kumar on Apr 23, 2007 05:48 AM
The primary thing is how come an unstable person get security clearance in 1/2 hour. This is where the thing should have happened.

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Shantanu Bapat
RE:Not jus condolences
by Shantanu Bapat on Apr 23, 2007 06:55 AM
Mayur and kumar,
The police were not sleeping in between the two shootings. I watched in details all that happened on TV here. The police were mislead to believe by other students, at the place of first shooting, that it was the boyfriend of the first girl killed. The boyfriend(a white guy not the same korean) and a avid gun lover was tracked and arrested for murder. It later turned out it was not him but the deranged korean who did it. You can't blame police for anything here, they do not have crystal ball.
Secondly, cho was deranged is known to us after the fact. Nobody knew it before the incident. Not even his roomates knew he was that deranged. There was nothing on his record. So his clearence came by without any issues.
There was no lapse here in this case.

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Mayur Sridhar
RE:Not jus condolences
by Mayur Sridhar on Apr 23, 2007 09:31 AM
I agree, I haven't seen wat u've seen on TV and the details of the Story - "The Unidentified Boyfriend" is also satisfactory.....if you had a murder in your college or university do you think the classes will still go on?? Where are the Security guys?? Wat about the Cameras?? and the imp thing is was Cho masked when he killed them during the first shooting....and the ans is NO HE WASN'T...right??........Why dint the cops put the Unv Campus on Alert...Why dint they get Hold of Cho in 2.5 DAMN hours??? Cmmon Shantanu....think about all these unanswered questions and PLS dont forget to read about Cho's past in one of the Comments given below....by some 'abcxyz'....alrite....and if you really wanna reply...do reply with all answers....Thanks!!

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The Bitter Truth
by m on Apr 22, 2007 08:22 PM  | Hide replies

Are you a patriot?
Not, unless you donated your body posthumously.

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Proud Hindu
RE:The Bitter Truth
by Proud Hindu on Apr 22, 2007 09:06 PM
But medical colleges do not accept bodies that have undergone autopsy.

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konanur krishnamurthy
Tributes to Dr. Loganathan and the talented Minal Panchal.
by konanur krishnamurthy on Apr 22, 2007 05:45 PM

It is extremely hard to say anthing about the two brilliant Indian lives the globe lost recently in the Virginia Tech massacer. One was that of a very eminent engineer professor and th other was a budding lovely lotus flower which would have blossomed to the level of Kalpana Chawal. May God rest their noble souls in peace and geive strength and courage to all members of the two bereaved families. I earnestly hope the governments of USA, India and Virginia States establish a Chair in honour of Dr. Lognathan and some scholarships for Indian students in Minal's name. This way their names and their wonderful contribution for the fund of glaobal knowledge can be perpetuated for posterity.

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I do care of any life in this world...
by james on Apr 22, 2007 04:59 PM  | Hide replies


Its really heart breaking to read this article.But still there is no equal respec of humanity world over.If even 25000 been killed in iraq or afghanisthan it still be noticed as an 2 line news.But if some one like aishwarya and Abhisek gets married it packs up all the front page.where is media moving on.U r not reporting news U media are making news and enjoying with it.U media spolied the Indian cricket world cup with much of hype on indian crickters who is capable of nothing.Please CHANGE.......

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Vipin Vijayan
RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by Vipin Vijayan on Apr 22, 2007 04:53 PM
Guess you are not surfing properly... rediff carried a report on the Iraq blasts...

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nidal kolothody
RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by nidal kolothody on Apr 22, 2007 04:10 PM
u r rite dude

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RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by Sameer on Apr 22, 2007 04:15 PM
Mr.VS, Many girls are ra?ed at Redl?ght area but no news comes in newspaper. But if u r ????? got rap?d definately all news channel will flash the news. Hope u understood the point. U r yet to develop.

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kalyan chatrathi
RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by kalyan chatrathi on Apr 22, 2007 08:48 PM
vs - it is sad to learn of your perspective.

i just wanted to point out one of the speeches in the VT convocation: a professor said that it was unfair for these people to die and so was it unfair for people to die in africa of AIDS, people to be kidnapped and killed and i am sure massacres in Iraq also falls under this same category

250 people lost in Iraq has the same shock in my system as 32 killed in VT!

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RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by TishaBhatia on Apr 23, 2007 12:13 AM
Why is this news sensationalized all over the world? I guess because in the US such incidents are just too shocking, because they do not happen so often. Its sad that for many other countries such stories have become a part of their everyday lives, that it does have the shock effect anymore. Which is infact so unfortunate! I wonder when the world will be rid of all this violence and when we will all learn to co-exist in harmony.

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RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by Ramesh on Apr 22, 2007 04:06 PM
You are a sick man

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Manish Jain
RE:RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by Manish Jain on Apr 22, 2007 04:21 PM
Why is he a sick man? With all the deserved respect for those who died in this massacre, Just becuase something is going on for quite some time now you would justfiy that its okay and forget what is happening in Iraq. Like no body has any right to ridicule this massacre, similary Iraqis are also innocent people who needs to be shown some respect as well.

Moreover again and again why it is being made to feel people dying in US are more important than people die anywhere else including India. Even Indian dying in US derver peronsal letters from Sonia Gandhi. What does she do when a professor is beaten to death in Bhopal? These are desperate attempts to attract people. Just disgusting.

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daniel  kamaraj
RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by daniel kamaraj on Apr 23, 2007 08:22 AM
Manish you are not 100% correct. Professor dying in Bhopal within India is common which is taking place every countries of the world. I mean it is within country. But A person dies
in US, means The Government and others have to experess the condolance just to express the love that he belongs to INdia.

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RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by Sameer on Apr 22, 2007 10:54 PM
U r Right Manish, we and our journalism is playing in the hands of superpower

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RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by Silver on Apr 22, 2007 11:36 PM
Right Manish Jain, totally agreed with you..

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sajjad ahmad lone
RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by sajjad ahmad lone on Apr 22, 2007 04:22 PM
Rediff need not to mention about killings in Iraq, these people actually celebrate the killings of muslims. 250 muslims amounts nothing in comparison to even one american. Don't you know America killed millions in Iraq, afganistan etc etc, have you seen anybody uttering a single word of condemnation. Fortunately the killer was a Cristian, and he himself said that he was a firm believer of Jesus. If he would have been a muslim, his native country would have been annihilated in the name of Alquida, Usama etc etc

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RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by df on Apr 22, 2007 04:36 PM
There is nothing fortunate about the killer calling himself a christan. Infact why associate any religion with the Killer...The killer was just an insane person with no religious association. Dont be like Islamophobics who attribute the acts of individuals to communities and religions.

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RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by armando on Apr 23, 2007 01:12 AM
i totally agree with you. No killer can have any religious feelings. A killer is a killer and nothing more should be read into that.

When anyone dies, it is obviously a time for mourning whether the person is Hindu, Christian, Muslim or of any other religion.

God Bless us all......let us try and take the peace torch further. Every good word has it's own positive reaction. So, let us start with ourselves.

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RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by on Apr 23, 2007 01:27 AM
In iraq, it is not US military that kills those innocent Muslims but other muslims kill them. Shiite kills sunnis, Sunni kills Shiite!

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Howdy Texan
RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by Howdy Texan on Apr 22, 2007 06:32 PM
dude, leave religion out of here. every life is important to someone who is hurt by it.
this news item is here because the professor was an indian american and he has shared something valuable with others, knowledge. there may be equally important somebody somewhere in the world that has been in a tragedy, it would be of no relevance here.

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sabu abraham
RE:I dnot care who dies in America
by sabu abraham on Apr 23, 2007 07:56 AM

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Its a US gov mind controlled assassin , Black op
by asdfq on Apr 22, 2007 03:52 PM  | Hide replies

      All the tell tale signs are there:
1. Simultaneous Exercise or drills( there were bomb threats on the campus 3 days before, lots of policemen on campus)
2. Perpetrator on Prozac( he was on anti depressants )
3. Perpetrator comes in contact with Psychiatrist ( he was sent to mandatory Psych Assessment in 2005 dec)
4. media packet delivered in a convenient manner( like 9/11 passports out of the plane into the streets then someone hands it into the hand of FBI agent)
5. media packet has lots of visual media: The agenda is to terrorize the American populance to agree to more regulation ( Gun control , universal monitoring etc.)
6. He had a 60% fatality rate with handguns - that's unheard of given 9 millimeters don't kill people instantly.
7. he was allowed to perpetrate even though there was presence of police on campus till he terminated himself.
8. Parents and Family member work for the US military( Sister worked for a state dept contractor, worked as an intern for US embassey)
9. Vtech has been pulling out links to CIA and NASA funding and related research.

Vtech/Blacksburg was a hotbed for CIA activity

High School cho went to shares a compound with Northrupp Grumann's special research wing.

CIA has had documented evidence of carrying out Mind Control Experiiments:
Projects: MKULTRA, bluebird
They have done this before!

If you cant understand this post just ignore it dont report abuse it others have a right to see it.

The only motive of this attack is to ready the ppl for more gun control and terrorize US population.

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Ajit Khan
RE:Its a US gov mind controlled assassin , Black op
by Ajit Khan on Apr 22, 2007 06:50 PM
thats an interesting conspiracy theory :)

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Andrew scott
RE:Its a US gov mind controlled assassin , Black op
by Andrew scott on Apr 23, 2007 10:16 AM
Thats an interesting conspiracy theory man......good going dude

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James Bond
RE:Its a US gov mind controlled assassin , Black op
by James Bond on Apr 22, 2007 09:53 PM
Hmm! Facts are put up quite smartly! I know a little bit of the guns & all and truly the fact of 60% fatality rate really hit me bullseye. Novice cannot be so perfect with a handgun. I am not sure how correct or legitimate they are however if they are, they make sense.

Cud u try n answer the Moral of the story means "...motive of this attack is to ready the ppl for more gun control and terrorize US population..." Does it really make sense?? Little more specific

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RE:Its a US gov mind controlled assassin , Black op
by asdfq on Apr 23, 2007 12:05 AM
Thats a long story mate.

Something to do with Illuminati, Skull and bones, 9 /11 bieng an inside job, Putting a Chip in every individual, Big brother, CIA drug trade, Child pornography and a New world order.

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Heartfelt condolences
by Abhishekh on Apr 22, 2007 03:43 PM


This is amazing article written by Aziz and I have literally tears welled up in my eyes...and feeling deeply hurt within...by the unpardonable act of Cho and loss of such great lives...I am a student in NZ and further inspired by the values and committment of prof. Loganathan to education and excellence. Minal 's truncated life is littered with great achievements and I offer my prayers at the feet of Lord Ganesha that there souls rest in peace.

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Ruzbeh Bharucha
Rest In Peace
by Ruzbeh Bharucha on Apr 22, 2007 03:37 PM

May GOD keep their souls rest in peace and give their families and friends strength and love to go through life and this tragic period. Life is so damn unpredictable. I guess if there is anything one can learn from such senseless tragedies is that Value life and your loved ones each moment and every day. GOD BLESS

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