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Review: MSG The Messenger is not a movie

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Mukesh Kumar
MSG-The Messenger is Great Movie made For a Good Cause.
by Mukesh Kumar on Feb 14, 2015 06:33 PM  | Hide replies

The people who oppose this movie are those who support liquor, prostitution and drugs and endorse these things.. Tell me what is the wrong thing do you see/feel in this movie.. Nothing.. Suppose Your brother/sister is rescued by Guru Ji,, did Guru ji do any bad thing? if after rescuing your bro or sis from drug attack and prostitution, Guru ji shows all this world this task and inspires us to expect same from us,,,, Now u answer,, did he do anything bad? Just think about it with open minded.

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Re: MSG-The Messenger is Great Movie made For a Good Cause.
by AB on Feb 15, 2015 10:31 PM
My mind is open enough to think right better do not waste your time,energy by following these type of false godman if this man is telling you what is good and what is bad and become your guru than come to me I can tell you better than him. Be rational be wise

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Sharukh khan
hurt religious sentiments
by Sharukh khan on Feb 14, 2015 07:45 AM  | Hide replies

this movie hurt religious sentiments of muslim. they should ban it.

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Re: hurt religious sentiments
by T S on Feb 14, 2015 09:58 PM

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Nitin Gurmukhani
Must be Hilarious
by Nitin Gurmukhani on Feb 14, 2015 01:34 AM

I am feeling so tempted to watch this one...I hope my friends are ready to come along for this one...it will be really amusing to watch this piece with a group of friends.

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Nitin Gurmukhani
Must be Hilarious
by Nitin Gurmukhani on Feb 14, 2015 01:33 AM

I am feeling so tempted to watch this one...I hope my friends are ready to come along for this one...it will be really amusing to watch this piece with a group of friends.

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Nitin Gurmukhani
Must be Hilarious
by Nitin Gurmukhani on Feb 14, 2015 01:33 AM

I am feeling so tempted to watch this one...I hope my friends are ready to come along for this one...it will be really amusing to watch this piece with a group of friends.

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John Smith
Do you have a spine?
by John Smith on Feb 14, 2015 12:22 AM

Do you have a spine Raja Sen? What is it with referencing a "godman" (which itself is synonymous with the word "fake") as "Saint Ji" throughout your review? Shameful!!

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aam admi
by aam admi on Feb 13, 2015 11:39 PM

As long as it runs it is good.

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Kunal Arora
Woth Watching movie
by Kunal Arora on Feb 13, 2015 09:38 PM

It is a worth watching movie nd the above review made by Raja sen are totaly irrevelant reviews.Censor board also once didn't passed this movie and then lila samson resigned nw i think this person will also resign after being criticised for these illogical reviews.

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