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Is Satyamev Jayate a right platform for police reforms appeal?

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Corruption can't be selective issue.
by Mahi on Mar 10, 2014 11:53 PM  | Hide replies

Let us talk about reforming Bollywood too Amir!

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Raghavendra Ravi
Re: Corruption can't be selective issue.
by Raghavendra Ravi on Mar 11, 2014 11:20 PM
Absolutely correct/ Black money and unholy linkages and ...

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Delhi had broken out into mob violence and a frenzy of communal r
by nitmohan on Mar 10, 2014 11:09 PM

Delhi had broken out into mob violence and a frenzy of communal riots, murdering, burning, and butchering innocent members of the Sikh community indiscriminately, all orchestrated and with the active participation of Congress Party stalwarts.

Ram J.

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raghu rao
3 crores ?
by raghu rao on Mar 10, 2014 09:32 PM

Is it true that he has charged 3 crore rupees per episode for this show ?

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gunasekaran raju
by gunasekaran raju on Mar 10, 2014 09:14 PM  | Hide replies

Dear Amir,
I love you for bringing this program to the drawing rooms of our Indians. I don'nt know how you are different from other indian muslims who want to act as traitors.You are a great actor yaar if not a great Indian.

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raghu rao
by raghu rao on Mar 10, 2014 09:35 PM
are you sure ?

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Indian Police used as Hungry dogs as per Satya Meva Jayate
by Vivek on Mar 10, 2014 08:43 PM

As per the latest Amir Khan's show of SatyaMevaJayate, In the British Raj, Indian police were kept as hungry dogs, with meager salary and no money for carrying out their own duties.
But Britishers have a very different and great model for their own country. But the foolish Indian Politicians are still using the old style of keeping the Police hungry and deprived, so that they will be forced to take money as hafta from Aam Admi and carry out the corrupt activities of Indian Politicians.
All that Arvind Kejriwal was complaining about Delhi Police regarding the Police Hafta being collected by higher levels and finally reaching politicians for campaigning is clearly exposed by Satya meva Jayate.
So BJP and Congress can throw bones to the hungry dogs of Indian police. Clearly the Delhi Police(Neeraj Kumar) is seen barking against the Aam Admi Party

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police is corrupt and must be punished for theor crimes
by Yeddysobha on Mar 10, 2014 08:32 PM

what police reforms
how much salary they want after sixth pay commmission
why join police if u do not like salry

police must be under governemnt for sure and serve people as leaders r also for serivce to people
praksh singh th exips officser who came to show is most corrupt and communal police man ever in india he was unfit to call for show
police be made to file fir FIR
and any policeman who indulges in corruption be shot in maidan
no mercy at all for corrupt policeman like praksh singh exips from up
policeman in india are unbale to stop riots
unable to listen to peopleor file FIR
they only indulge in looting and corruption
so waht police reforms only makingit indepondant will it most dangerous and not answerab;le to people let it made answerable to public so if any tren people in area complian aboput SHO he must be susupend and if found guilty be termianted all this in one month time farme thats police reform we want for india

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prem k
Aamir Khan
by prem k on Mar 10, 2014 08:03 PM  | Hide replies

Aamir Khan hosted the program recently to "awaken" people about the crimes against women. He also showed how rich, influential and politically connected perpetrators escape the clutches the law.

However what shocks me is his hypocrisy. He was himself into an adulterous relationship with a British journalist and even sires a child out of this relationship at a time when he was married. Does he not know that adultery is a crime in India, even for Muslim men? It is even a crime in his own religious personal laws.

His ex-wife and his lover must not have been able to drag him to the court simply because of his wealth and the influence that he wields in our society. He pops up before every lok sabha elections to campaign for his political party, which clearly demonstrates his political influence and reach.

Being an offender himself, what gives him the moral right to host a program against harassment of women? And why are masses even taking him seriously?

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raghu rao
Re: Aamir Khan
by raghu rao on Mar 11, 2014 09:02 AM
He is getting good money out of this show which many people don't know.

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asha s g
by asha s g on Mar 10, 2014 06:48 PM


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peter fernandes
My view that there must be some new rules
by peter fernandes on Mar 10, 2014 05:24 PM

1) There must be salary increase on every shift and medical checkup of every constable after every shift
2) The place of police men should be check and must be proper double the constable insurance of police men so that they dont have any problem
3) there must be a rule that a constable if he or she do any overtime must have a break rule like airline piolets have
4) put latest morden technology evidence lab and safty features in the lab with insurance to it
5) there must also be a checkup of the police station the police employees quaters and must
be maintain
6) many police personal must be given holiday and another personal must also be replace put on replacement
7) Govement must also check the office buget and must increase

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Titus Godwin
Aamir Khan said a valid point
by Titus Godwin on Mar 10, 2014 05:14 PM

Yes..... no one is giving any clean chit to police but trying to understand the problem at grass root level from a different angle. While, all things said in the programme may not effective or may be not feasible to implement etc etc there are certain few good points to ponder & make reforms in POLICE.

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