Re: Its a let down...
by Vikas Bhatt on Aug 23, 2013 01:19 PM
The film can only show so much in 2 hours. What do you want? A documentary chronicaling all in stuill pictures?
Re: Re: Its a let down...
by useless bollywood on Aug 23, 2013 03:09 PM
go watch the tamil movie kannathil muthamitta.. manirathnam has shown the state of tamils in srilanka in 1 hour..
Re: Re: Re: Its a let down...
by abc_xyz abc_xyz on Aug 23, 2013 03:19 PM
Adding to Kannathil Muthamittal, watch other tamil films "Nanda" or "Rameshwaram" to know the sufferings of tamil refugees in India.
Re: Its a let down...
by asha s g on Aug 23, 2013 02:48 PM
films shud not be made to provoke they are there just to show both sides of a story to keep u well informed about a certain issue u must have missed in the past so that we learn out of it
Re: Its a let down...
by hvprashanth kumar on Aug 23, 2013 12:58 PM
&what did u tamilians do for that? bomb blasts etc... in srilanka? wherever u go, u want to dominate&create problem
malayalee is reviewing malayee acted &produced movie and giving good review. very nice. Jai kerala and their unity. think of situation, if malayalees in Gulk countries are treated like tamils in srilanka, will they accept a moview like this
Re: Re: madras cafe
by CHANDRAMOHAN SRINIVASAN on Aug 23, 2013 12:07 PM
by the way why are hiding your name, must be a cunning & cheap mallu who will do anything for money
Re: madras cafe
by ragesh aravindan on Aug 25, 2013 07:35 PM
Malayalees support the cause of Sri Lankan tamils in Lanka and wants them rehabilitated with good security ,subjected to proper human rights and given every right to prosperity and growth.
Film does not reflect typical malayalee views which are in favour of Sri lankan tamils.
However we abhor the use of violence and ask them to focus on diplomacy ,tact and negotiation for handling the issue.
The great tamil sage Tiruvalluvar, in his classic book Thirukkural, have also advocated non-violence and diplomacy for resolution of conflicts and issues.
If the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) hands weren't tied by Rajiv Gandhi Government, the LTTE story would have been finished by 1988 itself. Much like the present Manmohan Gov't, the then Rajiv Gandhi Gov't dithered & didn't let the IPKF take Tanks, Helicopter Gunships & heavy armoury top Sri Lanka. The result was that hundreds of our Soldiers were killed. The Irony is the man they wanted to protect, the mad megalomaniac ended up killing Rajiv Gandhi in 1991.
Re: Madras Cafe
by desi twist on Aug 23, 2013 02:11 PM
I think a better solution would have been to not send the IPKF at first place, isnt it? I was amused when some people in this forum had claimed that India should not have voted against SL in UN, as LTTE issue was an internal issue. If so, then why send IPKF to SL at first place?
Re: Madras Cafe
by on Aug 23, 2013 03:03 PM
WHy should India interfere into Lankan matters?? Why tehre si a need for IPKF?? WHy Rajiv should send our troops to SriLanka?? Why our Indian Army always had problems with their behaviour be it in SriLanka or in North East or in Kashmir??
No point in blaming politicians, Indians are shameless.
Some simple facts and chronology - 1. Tamils in Lanka were second class citizens. 2. They did peaceful protests for years then turned towards LTTE. 3. Indira Gandhi helped them to keep control over Lanka. 4. Rajiv Gandhi was the greatest, he sent Indian Army to kill Tamils. 5. Indian Army couldn't finish the mission. But in that process Rajiv Gandhi lost his life. 6. Now Indian govt helped Lanka to wipe out LTTE and in that process thousands of innocents lost their lives.
India could have stopped Lanka in last 68 years at any point of time. India is too big for Lanka. But India watched shamelessly when Tamils were wiped out, rather India helped Lanka.
Now another shameless breed of movie makers, showing that Lanka is right and Tamils were menace in Lanka.
Re: India - Shameless nation
by on Aug 23, 2013 02:55 PM
Absolutely True!! If Eelam movement is really bad, why would Indira gandhi supported them in the first hand??
Re: India - Shameless nation
by vinay ansurkar on Aug 23, 2013 09:48 AM
No second thought that India is a shameless and without a backbone. One day this Nation would be again run by foreigners since all citisens are busy in their personal goals.
Re: India - Shameless nation
by Gopinath B on Aug 23, 2013 10:34 AM
I think shameless is very small word describe. We are never been a country, we never been patriates. We Indians are never loyal to a SYSTEM, but feet lickers to person, very much loayl to him than the country or system. That's even after 68 years we still living a pathetic life. No point in thinking about all these, Greedy Blood suckers...cont think any thing else.
Re: India - Shameless nation
by useless bollywood on Aug 23, 2013 12:16 PM
full tamil race has been destroyed in lanka but many ppl india dosent know what happened there..only TN people are fighting and protesting for it. but these shameless bollywood film makers just for money, without knowing anything about the situation making a movie to show everybody in india that what lanka govt did is correct and showing all tamils as terrorist. this movie should be banned.. many students in TN protesting and fasting to save tamils in srilanka but these bollywood dont respect the feeling of their own countrymen but go lick the feet of other country for money.
Re: Re: India - Shameless nation
by abc xyz on Aug 23, 2013 01:09 PM
why would India would protect Sri Lankan Tamils?? they can't protect there own citizens.
Re: India - Shameless nation
by ramen das on Aug 23, 2013 12:22 PM
nobody is denying that... but at the same time you just cannot ignore the fact that LTTE turned into a Frankenstein itself...
And crying foul over a movie doesn't make any sense... people havn't even seen it and concluded it is against them...
Re: Re: India - Shameless nation
by on Aug 23, 2013 02:57 PM
LTTE may not be a politically or morally right organisation but after futile efforts of peaceful protests LTTE has become a Robinhood for Eelam Tamils....