Worthy watch
by Vik on Aug 25, 2013 11:40 PM | Hide replies
Liked the presentation of the movie, but if that kind of specific intel was available , perhaps there would have been a more forceful intervention into the travel plans.
by PARSHAN on Aug 25, 2013 10:25 PM | Hide replies
I advise to enjoy film and forget its political affairs. Nice location, good sceneries and photography. Acting of Abraham is OK and the role played of Bala is good, clean Movie and enjoyable .
by SivaSankaran Sarma on Aug 26, 2013 07:22 AM
This is how they spread lies watch enjoy and subconsciously absorb the lies and Congress/Sinhalese propaganda.
by Ananya Gupta on Aug 26, 2013 02:14 PM
The movie simply depicts what happened in that era ! It is for the viewers to c and decide whether the decisons taken in that era was right or wrong !If u hve problems with what happened then u shd go and have a meeting with the Congress goverment -why take it out on a movie ??
It's just a cinema.
by srinivasan krishnamurthy on Aug 25, 2013 10:00 PM | Hide replies
Watch it if you have enough patience.Do not go by the actual facts.Just a time pass.Photgraphy is good and some good background music.no characters made any significant impact at the end of the day.
Great movie and mindless discussion
by Animesh Ghosh on Aug 25, 2013 01:31 PM | Hide replies
Watch this movie for sheer cinematic experience, brilliant script,tight and engaging act.. no unncessary melodrama. The movie is inspired from a real life tragedy which most of us are aware. There is nothing so political to show tamil or LTTE in bad light .. whatever happned has been shown in neutral view, acknowledge the fact and grow up, please don't bring mindless issue in this forum...
Re: Great movie and mindless discussion
by rajatk on Aug 25, 2013 02:43 PM
In this film truth is raped in the name thriller story, ple media don't write this story as a truth of past history, this is mistake same , i.e, a sin of changing the words in holy book of any religion
Re: Great movie and mindless discussion
by SivaSankaran Sarma on Aug 26, 2013 07:21 AM
Good we will produce a real life story (not a fake ) of Hindian rapists and you can watch and enjoy it too, or a movie of India's covert and overt help to the Sri Lankan government to commit genocide on its Tamil population, that could be even better and you can grow up and enjoy that too.
Re: Great movie and mindless discussion
by yogan on Aug 28, 2013 07:46 PM
There is nothing nuutrel in this movie.Most of the north Indian people not aware what is really happen there. Atleast watch some srilankan war crime video clips .You know nearly one lakh seventy five thousand people killed by Srilankan, Chinese,Indian Army.
Movie twisting facts
by SivaSankaran Sarma on Aug 25, 2013 05:06 AM | Hide replies
More than 99% of the Eelam Tamil civilians killed in the civil war were deliberately targeted by the Sinhalese SriLankan armed forces and the IPKF. The IPKF raped looted and killed around 10000 innocent Tamil civilians, You can Google and read about the IPKF atrocities. The Sinhalese dominated SriLankan government and the Sinhalese armed forces on guise of fighting the LTTE deliberately targeted and killed more than 300000 innocent Tamil civilians, around 145000 in May 2009 with India's help and ethnically cleansed around 1.2 million indigenous Eelam Tamils from their land. The LTTE is dead and gone but this deliberate c=killing and ethnic cleansing of Tamils from their ancient lands is still going on. The Sri Lankan government's plan post -war is to make sure the Tamils become a negligible minority, with structural genocide of Eelam by settling Sinhalese,destroy8ng Hindu temples and building Buddhist Viharas on these sites and changing the demography. They have already done this in large parts of the east. This movies is taking trues incidents and twisting the facts to make the Sinhalese and the Indian government look good, whilst demonizing the just struggle of the Eelam Tamils in their own land . The IPKF had no right to come to a foreign Tamil land on the pretext of being a peace keeping force and then rape loot and kill and do the dirty work for the Sinhalese. This is a war crime and no one has been punished. The Eelam Tamils and the LTTE were in their land.
Re: Movie twisting facts
by Ananya Gupta on Aug 26, 2013 02:15 PM
so what it all this info to do with the movie ?? -it simply shows what happened during that time !
Re: Movie twisting facts
by Shaan Nair on Aug 26, 2013 09:52 PM
LTTE refused to be part of the peace process and elections. it was LTTE's choice to fight with IPKF.
LTTE's war crimes cannot be hidden in your heap of propaganda.
They can be credited with the following innovations
>Child human bombs >Endangering civillians by ambushing convoys and hiding in populated areas > Putting a tyre around captive's necks and putting on fire with kerosine poured in it was their favorite way of dealing with war prisoners... you know why ? cos kerosine burns slowly.
and IPKF was instructed to treat war prisoners with respect. they have even airlifted some critically injured LTTE fighters to Chennai during that time .
its difficult to believe ..but thats the contrast !
Re: Movie twisting facts
by Vikram on Aug 26, 2013 11:05 PM
The movie maker might have taken some cinematic liberties, but it isnt twisting facts. You are getting emotional, thats all.
Re: This film is against Indians...so dont watch it.
by jatin joshipura on Aug 24, 2013 11:35 AM
haha i did not know LTTE is a patriotic organization and prabhkaran is and indian before you enlightened me
Re: Re: This film is against Indians...so dont watch it.
by SivaSankaran Sarma on Aug 25, 2013 05:15 AM
Why should the LTTE be patriotic towards India? They have no reason to be. They were formed to fight and obtained justice for the Eelam Tamils. India only used them when it suited its purpose then when they made a pact with the Sinhalese sent the IPKF to do the dirty work of the Sinhalese and raped looted and killed thousands of Tamil civilians, then started to demonize the Eelam Tamils the LTTE and their just struggle to the entire world, aided and abetted the Sinhalese overtly and covertly in their genocidal pursuits and are still doing this. This movie is one of their tools to lies and misrepresent the truth. A movie to make the Sinhalese and the Indian government look good and the Eelam Tamils look evil and blamed for their own genocide and for fighting for their rights. They are now an easy target as they are now defenceless so any one can do anything or write or film anything about their plight, no one will question. This is like the Nazis blaming the Jewish population for the uprising at the Warsaw ghetto and the deaths that occurred.
Re: Re: This film is against Indians...so dont watch it.
by SivaSankaran Sarma on Aug 25, 2013 05:16 AM
Why should the LTTE be patriotic towards India? They have no reason to be. They were formed to fight and obtained justice for the Eelam Tamils. India only used them when it suited its purpose then when they made a pact with the Sinhalese sent the IPKF to do the dirty work of the Sinhalese and raped looted and killed thousands of Tamil civilians, then started to demonize the Eelam Tamils the LTTE and their just struggle to the entire world, aided and abetted the Sinhalese overtly and covertly in their genocidal pursuits and are still doing this. This movie is one of their tools to lies and misrepresent the truth. A movie to make the Sinhalese and the Indian government look good and the Eelam Tamils look evil and blamed for their own genocide and for fighting for their rights. They are now an easy target as they are now defenceless so any one can do anything or write or film anything about their plight, no one will question. This is like the Nazis blaming the Jewish population for the uprising at the Warsaw ghetto and the deaths that occurred.
Re: Re: This film is against Indians...so dont watch it.
by Kathir Krishnamurthi on Aug 25, 2013 08:02 AM
He is a true patriot... fought and died to protect his people.
shamelss people
by tillu tillu on Aug 24, 2013 06:27 AM | Hide replies
all you shameless people watching this movie which is not liked by Tamilnadu? you should all be jailed for celebrating this movie, focus on Pakistan not Tamilnadu .
Re: shamelss people
by madanmohan siddhanthi on Aug 24, 2013 09:19 AM
This country you should understand do you remember a few days back a movie of Kamal Hassan has to go through so many hurdles before finally exhibhited in theater. Film Industry is full of hypocracy and at times they say it is an artist prerogative but importance is the facts
Re: shamelss people
by gagan chadha on Aug 25, 2013 10:18 AM
Tamilians are the Worst, they speak in english and say no Hindi. Hey Hindi is not my mother tounge either, next time I go to chennai, and they say no hindi, I will also say no hindi and talk in Punjabi
Re: Re: shamelss people
by drunken monk on Aug 25, 2013 01:38 PM
Now why they call it as a sardar joke, understand. U are going in their land and expect them to speak in punjabi... so i am in jalandhar now, i can expect punjabis to speak marathi. Give respect to their land and language, do not force any language. They cant speak is because its not their mother tongue.
Re: Re: shamelss people
by indian bharat on Aug 25, 2013 02:06 PM
Typical North Indian mentality to dominate other.....days are gone brother...wake up....
Re: Re: shamelss people
by abc_xyz abc_xyz on Aug 28, 2013 07:59 PM
You go to Chennai for your survival and not the other way round. So if you choose to speak in Punjabi, so be it. You will be treated accordingly and you rightly deserver it.