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Sohail Khan: We are not an insensitive family

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Death on the roads....
by kay on Jul 03, 2012 12:24 PM  | Hide replies

The incident has caused a death.My friend's son, only 18 then (2001) was hit by a Qualis and is paralysed neck down...like Charu the animation programmer hit a few months back in Andheri.

The boy's case at the MACT Mumbai has been going on and mosty getting adjourned and no decision is in sight, in the near future.11 years have gone by.

Incidentally, a similar case happened in USA in 2010 and left the victim, an Indian from Mumbai, paralysed waist down, has been decided and a compensation of 36m dollars has been awarded in 2012.Speedy justice is necessary.

I hope the Khan's would own responsibility and compensate the old woman's family, handsomely.They may not be able to fight a court case and the police/witnesses may not be with them for long.

The meandering court cases are a tragedies, worse than the accidents. It is time for us to take charge of the law and order, then, the justice would take care of itself.

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nilesh gavali
Re: Death on the roads....
by nilesh gavali on Jul 03, 2012 12:55 PM
Media Is Bhedia...

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Death on the roads....
by kay on Jul 03, 2012 12:24 PM  | Hide replies

The incident has caused a death.My friend's son, only 18 then (2001) was hit by a Qualis and is paralysed neck down...like Charu the animation programmer hit a few months back in Andheri.

The boy's case at the MACT Mumbai has been going on and mosty getting adjourned and no decision is in sight, in the near future.11 years have gone by.

Incidentally, a similar case happened in USA in 2010 and left the victim, an Indian from Mumbai, paralysed waist down, has been decided and a compensation of 36m dollars has been awarded in 2012.Speedy justice is necessary.

I hope the Khan's would own responsibility and compensate the old woman's family, handsomely.They may not be able to fight a court case and the police/witnesses may not be with them for long.

The meandering court cases are a tragedies, worse than the accidents. It is time for us to take charge of the law and order, then, the justice would take care of itself.

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gaurav tiwari
Re: Death on the roads....
by gaurav tiwari on Jul 03, 2012 12:26 PM
Rather the family of the women be Punished because they abandoned her in old age and force her to live such a miserable life

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raks reddy
nice family
by raks reddy on Jul 03, 2012 12:21 PM  | Hide replies

salman's family mean what they say and portray.being human and pls dont sully the image of this family they dont deserve it they are good people

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Anna Crore
Re: nice family
by Anna Crore on Jul 03, 2012 12:44 PM
how do u know they r good people. even osama was a good man

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Message deleted by moderator
Message deleted by moderator
by Ravi on Jul 03, 2012 12:21 PM

Media sometime play foul for making their news with Mirch Masala, this has to be stopped and action should be taken on these type of media persons.

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Arun Premraj
by Arun Premraj on Jul 03, 2012 12:15 PM  | Hide replies

over populated cities, no rules followed by pedestrians.. lack of walking spaces ..slums, people sleeping, living on roads..
yet no one will consider all this even if driver is careful n responsible n still has an accident

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Arunabha Dey
Re: dsfsdf
by Arunabha Dey on Jul 03, 2012 12:21 PM
can't agree more

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