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What Ram Gopal Varma has to say about Ra.One

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Tiger Bastion
Im Shocked at hearing his opinion
by Tiger Bastion on Oct 19, 2011 10:26 PM  | Hide replies

Coming from a director RGV's calibre, Im totally shocked to hear this. I dont know what prompted him to tweet this, but I completely disagree with him. People goto watch good movies. Period. If the actor is well known, the film achieves instant success. If the actor/director are unknown, it takes a while for the word to spread. RGV was an unknown when he made Shiva and so was Nagarjuna (I think), but that became a big hit. So is the case with so many other films over the years which have become hits and made their actors/directors overnight stars.

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ujjwal basnet
Re: Im Shocked at hearing his opinion
by ujjwal basnet on Oct 20, 2011 09:55 AM
He is saying the bitter truth. It might be hard to digest his view but it is the reality. Why would films like Ready and Bodyguard be blockbusters if it was not for Salman Khan? Who cared about the director of the movie? or the story? Ramu may sound mad but he has the gutts to tell the truth. If he makes a film with Salman Khan do you think it will flop?

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Re: Re: Im Shocked at hearing his opinion
by V SR on Oct 20, 2011 10:18 AM
If those are good examples of Salman hits, there were plenty of flops of Salman movies. Why? Just put Salman, and a hit? Is it true?

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Jai Babu
Re: Im Shocked at hearing his opinion
by Jai Babu on Oct 20, 2011 12:55 AM
EXACTLY-Who deserves credit for Satya, Shiva, Sarkar, etc? Ramu has lost his marbles!

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vadlamudi srinivas
Re: Re: Im Shocked at hearing his opinion
by vadlamudi srinivas on Oct 20, 2011 01:28 PM
Please read into his words , he is sarcastic there, but right or wrong we need to decide

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Arun Premraj
by Arun Premraj on Oct 19, 2011 09:42 PM

hope ramu can recreate some shiva n satya magic.. the man is talented but not consistent

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rgv is a genius
by glen on Oct 19, 2011 06:08 PM  | Hide replies

RGV is truly genius director frm india...sad that ppl say a lot of negative things abt him rakth charitra was masterpiece of a film..even not a love story was superbly directed film.. department is going to be another classic.Also wish someday aamir works with you again.

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Re: rgv is a genius
by V SR on Oct 20, 2011 10:20 AM
Yeah, rkth charitra... out of theaters in just two weeks. A master piece, but no one liked?

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by Aphrodite on Oct 19, 2011 05:19 PM

Wishing RA-ONE all the best! Hope it will b a hit.

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