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Amitabh: We have inherited casteism

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Arun Premraj
by Arun Premraj on Aug 09, 2011 12:24 PM  | Hide replies

more attention needs to be paid to dalits at grassroot level and not just give reservation at college n pg..because they face plenty of hardships all the way till college n pg n not prepared in many ways to avail the opportunity and many quit too

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arungopal agarwal
Re: dsfsdf
by arungopal agarwal on Aug 09, 2011 12:42 PM
No new families are getting benefit, as everything is snatched by sons/grandsons of already benefitted. Who will stop all this.

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kumar kn
castes are basically tribes and now they mean a set of culture
by kumar kn on Aug 09, 2011 12:04 PM  | Hide replies

Thousands of years back, India was the most prosperous country in the world. More proeperous than the US of 50's to 90's. So many people came an d settled in India. Many tribes came and setteld in India. Unlike US where all people are expected to follow the anglo-saxon culture , in India the society was very accomodative to allow all the tribes to continue following their culture. At the same time, for the ease of assimilation of these tribes into the society, the Indian had come up with the concept of chatur-varnas-- Four Varnas- The warriors and kings, the intellects and religious people, the business people, the people doing all other works such as agriculture, wevaing, pottery, metal work etc etc. This was done to make people more specialised as the society was in the path of development. ANy caste could get into any varna based on their interest. THis was beneficial to the society which is reflected in the fact that India's GDP was more than 25% of that of the world, even after the Invasion of mohammed of ghori, ghazni, to kiljis, banur and moghuls. Even during the rule of aurangazeb, indias gdp as a whole was 25% of wolrd gdp and it was very rich. The british then came and looted the country in a different way than the other invaders before. They transferred wealth out of India and destroyed local industires. Hence India became poorer.

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Re: castes are basically tribes and now they mean a set of cultur
by kabir on Aug 09, 2011 12:08 PM
and moral of the story?

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SunilKumar De
There are hatred and castism among SC,ST and OBC students.
by SunilKumar De on Aug 09, 2011 12:03 PM  | Hide replies

My son got admitted in the top most IIT with Computer Science as a general category candidate. One day in the hostel, one boy teased my son saying that my son definitely belongs to SC/ST and because of that only he has got computer science in this top most IIT.
Latter I found the details of this candidate in the net and surprised to see that he himself belongs to OBC catagry and his OBC rank is 504 and has no general catagory rank. It is because of his OBC caste only he got Electrical in this IIT.

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Re: There are hatred and castism among SC,ST and OBC students.
by kabir on Aug 09, 2011 12:10 PM
think how the SC/STs might be suffering this discrimination? and why castism should be treated along the line of racism.

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SunilKumar De
There are hatred cast ism among SC,ST and OBC.
by SunilKumar De on Aug 09, 2011 11:59 AM  | Hide replies

My son got admitted in the top most IIT with Computer Science as a general category candidate. One day in the hostel, one boy teased my son saying that my son definitely belongs to SC/ST because of that only he has got computer science in this top most IIT.
Latter I found the details of this candidate in the net surprised to see that he himself belongs to OBC catagry and his OBC rank is 504 and has no general catagory rank. It is because of his OBC caste he got Electrical in this IIT.

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Re: There are hatred cast ism among SC,ST and OBC.
by NC on Aug 09, 2011 12:02 PM
Politicians have stamped them as dalits and they are also enjoying.

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Jha and team is afraid of talking the truth that
by NC on Aug 09, 2011 11:58 AM  | Hide replies

Reservation in present form is political and in 60 years if dalits can't uplift then its theri mistake and politician are using the issue as vote bank this way they will never uplift but will be dalit only who are expoliting them in these 60years. in 60 years general cat. have been exploited and merit is compromised in the name of dalits. this is also corruption to get power by politician

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Re: Jha and team is afraid of talking the truth that
by kabir on Aug 09, 2011 12:06 PM
you are right. reservation should be stopped. Dr. Ambedkar had told them to uplift themselves and embrace to better religion. They forgot both. Now if the reservation is stopped at least they will follow what Dr. Ambedkar told them.

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Phaltu Ulloo
Today India has only 2 castes ......
by Phaltu Ulloo on Aug 09, 2011 11:56 AM

On top are SethiaRams and below them are the exploited KadakaRams.

I'm just lovin' being a SethiaRam!

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stop reservation so lower caste will convert
by kabir on Aug 09, 2011 11:55 AM  | Hide replies

reservation must be stop immediately. At least that will enlighten these lower caste about their situation in "their" religion and they will follow Dr. Ambedkar's path and convert to buddism or whichever religion they like. They are still sticking to their religion only for the fear of loosing their reservation.

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rajesh sarma
Re: stop reservation so lower caste will convert
by rajesh sarma on Aug 09, 2011 12:58 PM
it is 'losing' reservation and not 'loosing' reservation.

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Re: Re: stop reservation so lower caste will convert
by kabir on Aug 09, 2011 01:41 PM
yup you are doing your job. :-) that is what brahmins are paid to do. servants and clerks.

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rajesh sarma
Re: Re: Re: stop reservation so lower caste will convert
by rajesh sarma on Aug 09, 2011 05:34 PM
brahmins are teachers and that's exactly what I did.

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Sachin Kulkarni
Stop Reservation based on caste ,keep only on low income base
by Sachin Kulkarni on Aug 09, 2011 11:51 AM  | Hide replies

The movie maker has picked-up a good story. Our politicians are keeping the cast system alive for their vote bank. we should understand that the reservation should be kept on low income and not on caste. “All lower caste people are not poor and all upper cast people are not rich” so the reservation is on caste basis?

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Re: Stop Reservation based on caste ,keep only on low income base
by kabir on Aug 09, 2011 11:53 AM
good. next day whole india will be below BPL. how hard it is to get that income certificate in this country.

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Sachin Kulkarni
Re: Re: Stop Reservation based on caste ,keep only on low income
by Sachin Kulkarni on Aug 09, 2011 12:12 PM
At least let us take a first step to implement this to remove castism, The right utilization will be taken care by Ann's tream

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harikumar nair
by harikumar nair on Aug 09, 2011 11:50 AM

Why all are silent on Minority reservation.
Mera desh mahan

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