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Amitabh: We have inherited casteism

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Raimer Rainer
ambedkar father of casteism
by Raimer Rainer on Aug 09, 2011 01:25 PM  | Hide replies

ambedkar the agent of colonialist is the progenitor of casteism in india. the reservation policy was only aimed at dividing indian society and upsetting the balance. india has a 10000 year of peaceful existence and its own traditional constitution. we do not need this reservationist constitution. we should throw out this constitution and return to our traditional societal values otherwise corrupt leaders will keep on sucking our blood.

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Re: ambedkar father of casteism
by kabir on Aug 09, 2011 01:39 PM
hmm.. "peaceful existence" do u even know the meaning of it? and yes, reservations should be stopped so all the lower castes will realize their place in the society and convert to other religions. It must be done immidiately

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Raimer Rainer
Re: Re: ambedkar father of casteism
by Raimer Rainer on Aug 09, 2011 02:50 PM
religious conversion is another mess that requires immediate redress. it should be made a punishable offence. Not only the victim, but also the motivator should be punished.

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Reservation monster V.P.Singh
by sumana on Aug 09, 2011 01:20 PM  | Hide replies

Jha should have exposed that two-headed snake called V.P.SINGH who is solely responsible for creating unnecessary reservations just for vote-bank politics.

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Re: Reservation monster V.P.Singh
by V SR on Aug 09, 2011 01:36 PM
VP Singh was not the original criminal. The origins were with earliest congress men, right from Nehru, in the name of social in-justice. Instead of really finding a way to remove the caste system, they went ahead and created system which further divided the society.

In short, politicans used this as tool for vote bank once they felt that peole's emotions can be played with.

Instead of all of these, they should bring amendement to constituion that any racial descrimination will be punished severely. In India somebody from lower caste get affected, they only politicise things and the real culprit go around freely due to money power.

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saif look
by divine on Aug 09, 2011 01:12 PM

for once saif looks really graceful with his hair dress. Hope, he continues with the same style as it suits him well and he looks very sober. With this look, he will never fit for Kareena.


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Caste and Reservation......!!!!!!!!.......
by kamalar on Aug 09, 2011 01:04 PM  | Hide replies

Reservations for Dalits, OBCs, SC,ST, etc etc have been made by the Founding Fathers of this country with all Good intentions......The idea was that people belonging to the suppressed classes of Society should also be given a chance to " level up " to the Forward castes...

As usual - the first generation politicians found a " SAFE : Avenue to ensure that their own kin and kith get into the Elite Educational
institutions, PSUs, Govt Depts etc etc....and it became a different type of monopoly by the affluent and powerful people in the " so called oppressed class " and in their own interest these powerful members of the " oppressed class " have ensured that the benefits of the
reservation does not get watered down.

If somebody tries to probe into the benefits
of the "Reservation" reaching the poor and
lower class - they will be shocked to know that these benefits have never reached down to the
" Aam Aadmi " - simply because these benefits have always been enjoyed by the affluent and powerful few, in the " so called oppressed class ".....

This also resulted in a situation where, a son
of a Forward Caste family gets himself ADOPTED
by a SC Lady to become her son and then go on to enjoy the FRUITS of RESERVATION....!!!!!


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Re: Caste and Reservation......!!!!!!!!.......
by V SR on Aug 09, 2011 01:38 PM
It only divided India further and helped few to amass wealth.

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SunilKumar De
Re: Caste and Reservation......!!!!!!!!.......
by SunilKumar De on Aug 09, 2011 02:34 PM
You are very much right. It is a new phenomena to notice that rich upper-class students are trying their best to get adopted by a Dalit neighbor lady so that he can get admission easily into an IIT. It has happened in our locality. One brahmin boy had been adobted by a dalit lady so that he can get admission into IIT next year.

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ramamani iyer
Caste and Reservation......!!!!!!!!.......
by ramamani iyer on Aug 09, 2011 12:46 PM  | Hide replies

Reservations for Dalits, OBCs, SC,ST, etc etc have been made by the Founding Fathers of this country with all Good intentions......The idea was that people belonging to the suppressed classes of Society should also be given a chance to " level up " to the Forward castes...

As usual - the first generation politicians found a " SAFE : Avenue to ensure that their own kin and kith get into the Elite Educational
institutions, PSUs, Govt Depts etc etc....and it became a different type of monopoly by the affluent and powerful people in the " so called oppressed class " and in their own interest these powerful members of the " oppressed class " have ensured that the benefits of the
reservation does not get watered down.

If somebody tries to probe into the benefits
of the "Reservation" reaching the poor and
lower class - they will be shocked to know that these benefits have never reached down to the
" Aam Aadmi " - simply because these benefits have always been enjoyed by the affluent and powerful few, in the " so called oppressed class ".....

This also resulted in a situation where, a son
of a Forward Caste family gets himself ADOPTED
by a SC Lady to become her son and then go on to enjoy the FRUITS of RESERVATION....!!!!!


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Re: Caste and Reservation......!!!!!!!!.......
by divine on Aug 09, 2011 01:06 PM
Lallu, Mulayam, Deve Gowda, Maya,MK all belong to some caste or the other. Their total illgotten money during their political rule(ruin) of their states will be equal to ten years GDP of this nation. The government can give vacation to all tax and the people can definitely have some good savings. Will these scoundrels ever be penalised or punished? Foolish followers still fall at their feet and lick their boots for the freebies they throw to them once a five years like the owner throws skeleton to the dog.

These scoundrels thrive due to foolish and lazy idiotic voters.



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Re: Re: Caste and Reservation......!!!!!!!!.......
by Narinder on Aug 09, 2011 08:02 PM
Do you know the parties name of these leaders???

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Re: Re: Caste and Reservation......!!!!!!!!.......
by Narinder on Aug 09, 2011 08:03 PM
Do you know the parties name of these leaders???

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ramamani iyer
Caste and Reservation......!!!!!!!!.......
by ramamani iyer on Aug 09, 2011 12:45 PM

Reservations for Dalits, OBCs, SC,ST, etc etc have been made by the Founding Fathers of this country with all Good intentions......The idea was that people belonging to the suppressed classes of Society should also be given a chance to " level up " to the Forward castes...

As usual - the first generation politicians found a " SAFE : Avenue to ensure that their own kin and kith get into the Elite Educational
institutions, PSUs, Govt Depts etc etc....and it became a different type of monopoly by the affluent and powerful people in the " so called oppressed class " and in their own interest these powerful members of the " oppressed class " have ensured that the benefits of the
reservation does not get watered down.

If somebody tries to probe into the benefits
of the "Reservation" reaching the poor and
lower class - they will be shocked to know that these benefits have never reached down to the
" Aam Aadmi " - simply because these benefits have always been enjoyed by the affluent and powerful few, in the " so called oppressed class ".....

This also resulted in a situation where, a son
of a Forward Caste family gets himself ADOPTED
by a SC Lady to become her son and then go on to enjoy the FRUITS of RESERVATION....!!!!!


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ramamani iyer
Caste and Reservation......!!!!!!!!.......
by ramamani iyer on Aug 09, 2011 12:44 PM

Reservations for Dalits, OBCs, SC,ST, etc etc have been made by the Founding Fathers of this country with all Good intentions......The idea was that people belonging to the suppressed classes of Society should also be given a chance to " level up " to the Forward castes...

As usual - the first generation politicians found a " SAFE : Avenue to ensure that their own kin and kith get into the Elite Educational
institutions, PSUs, Govt Depts etc etc....and it became a different type of monopoly by the affluent and powerful people in the " so called oppressed class " and in their own interest these powerful members of the " oppressed class " have ensured that the benefits of the
reservation does not get watered down.

If somebody tries to probe into the benefits
of the "Reservation" reaching the poor and
lower class - they will be shocked to know that these benefits have never reached down to the
" Aam Aadmi " - simply because these benefits have always been enjoyed by the affluent and powerful few, in the " so called oppressed class ".....

This also resulted in a situation where, a son
of a Forward Caste family gets himself ADOPTED
by a SC Lady to become her son and then go on to enjoy the FRUITS of RESERVATION....!!!!!


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ramamani iyer
Caste and Reservation......!!!!!!!!.......
by ramamani iyer on Aug 09, 2011 12:43 PM

Reservations for Dalits, OBCs, SC,ST, etc etc have been made by the Founding Fathers of this country with all Good intentions......The idea was that people belonging to the suppressed classes of Society should also be given a chance to " level up " to the Forward castes...

As usual - the first generation politicians found a " SAFE : Avenue to ensure that their own kin and kith get into the Elite Educational
institutions, PSUs, Govt Depts etc etc....and it became a different type of monopoly by the affluent and powerful people in the " so called oppressed class " and in their own interest these powerful members of the " oppressed class " have ensured that the benefits of the
reservation does not get watered down.

If somebody tries to probe into the benefits
of the "Reservation" reaching the poor and
lower class - they will be shocked to know that these benefits have never reached down to the
" Aam Aadmi " - simply because these benefits have always been enjoyed by the affluent and powerful few, in the " so called oppressed class ".....

This also resulted in a situation where, a son
of a Forward Caste family gets himself ADOPTED
by a SC Lady to become her son and then go on to enjoy the FRUITS of RESERVATION....!!!!!


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natarajan nil
by natarajan nil on Aug 09, 2011 12:43 PM  | Hide replies

Why so much hue and cry. Nobody has seen the movie so far. Let us take a movie as a movie. It is a story telling in a different way.

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by V SR on Aug 09, 2011 01:39 PM
advertisement. MNIK got the money back only with controversies and packaging.

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arungopal agarwal
by arungopal agarwal on Aug 09, 2011 12:36 PM  | Hide replies

Everyone must know, aarakshan was given to deprived one to bring them in main stream of the country, over the years-this will become a political tool, basic purpose is defeated, hardly any new family is covered as all benefits are snatched by already beneficiaries.
This must be curbed immediately.

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Re: Aarakshan
by V SR on Aug 09, 2011 01:41 PM
India need people like AdiSankara, who united the nation with his simple preaching. Never adopted any caste based approach and inculcated good habits and improved faith on individuals. We need person like him to reform evils in the society.

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