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SRK saddened over Shiv Sena mess

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lakshmanan murthy
What is wrong?
by lakshmanan murthy on Feb 07, 2010 10:02 PM

No doubt the mindset of Shiv Sena is to be condemned. But, Shah Ruk is not beyond the blame. Being the ownwer of KKR What prevented him from hiring any one of the Pakistan players. Having not picked the pak players, he has no business to shed crocodile tears for Pak players. Probably, being a pure businessman, he is trying to create media attention (free) for his new movie?

Of all the Indians, he is not the fittest person to comment on Pak players, as he had not decided in their favour, when he had the chance

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Ek ChaturNaar
The difference between Amitabh and SRK
by Ek ChaturNaar on Feb 07, 2010 09:59 PM  | Hide replies

Amitabh did a lot of Tapori roles. But in real life he is a classy human being. SRK did a lot of classy roles but in real life he is a Tapori with a rotten mouth and cheap living.

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khalid faruqi
Re: The difference between Amitabh and SRK
by khalid faruqi on Feb 11, 2010 01:47 PM
More so he is a friend of Modi and Thakrey

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Ek ChaturNaar
Tapori SRK
by Ek ChaturNaar on Feb 07, 2010 09:55 PM  | Hide replies

Thanks to karan Johar he dresses better. Pick up any of his interview and His comments in Filmfare awards over years and you know that the guy is a Tapori to the core.


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Re: Tapori SRK
by snimra on Feb 08, 2010 02:36 PM
you got bad sense of humor!
SRK is the most articulate speaker full on wit and humor. He is a charmer.

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Deepak Raje
SRK is a ZERO actor!!!
by Deepak Raje on Feb 07, 2010 04:59 PM  | Hide replies

SRK is supporting Pakistani cricketers...and showing his love for his religion and does not show any feelings for his own country. Shame on him. He keeps mum on so many national burning issues and uses 'Inshallah" deliberately all the time. He is a zero...plastic actor but media won't criticize him because media has a soft corner for all Muslim actors. His rude attitude towards his film world colleagues, his loud mouth arrogance
on the stage and egoism and his dirty politics is undigestable. Enough is enough. Why every time in Hindi movies they show Hindu girl and a Muslim boy...why not Muslim girl and a Hindu boy. We should teach SRK a lesson for forgetting Kargil war...for forgetting Mumbai attack and make this zero actor a jobless actor in India. Guys are you ready? We can do it.

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Re: SRK is a ZERO actor!!!
by ajay on Feb 07, 2010 05:47 PM
Yes we r ready

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Aditya Kobra
Congress doing a Telanghana on Maharashtra
by Aditya Kobra on Feb 07, 2010 03:13 AM

Looks like the same Telanghana formula is being applied on Maharashtra by the congress. Create animosity and hate between two groups, create a law and order problem and then separate and split the state.

The Congress did the same thing in Andhra Pradesh the first state in India formed on lingusitc lines by declaring the breaking of Aandhra in Telanghana and Andhra, and yes even there KCR was a Congress Ally.

Looks like the decision to split Maharashtra has been taken, everybody else are mere pawns in this game, now its the postering and situation creating that is going on.

Now that Maharashtrians and Marathis like me have now been declared as traitors and anti Nationals by the Delhi based government and ofcourse the Delhi based media, its now easy to break Maharashtra into 3 states namely states namely Mumbai, Maharashtra and Vidharbha.

Seems this entire fiasco was planned by top congress leadership 2 months ago as a stepping stone to promote Prince His Highness Rahul Baba Yuwaraj Gandhi.

Myself, Maharashtra, Marathi and Marathi Manoos are merely scapegoats and pawns in this entire preplanned gameplan

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Aditya Kobra
Congress doing a Telanghana on Maharashtra
by Aditya Kobra on Feb 07, 2010 03:13 AM

Looks like the same Telanghana formula is being applied on Maharashtra by the congress. Create animosity and hate between two groups, create a law and order problem and then separate and split the state.

The Congress did the same thing in Andhra Pradesh the first state in India formed on lingusitc lines by declaring the breaking of Aandhra in Telanghana and Andhra, and yes even there KCR was a Congress Ally.

Looks like the decision to split Maharashtra has been taken, everybody else are mere pawns in this game, now its the postering and situation creating that is going on.

Now that Maharashtrians and Marathis like me have now been declared as traitors and anti Nationals by the Delhi based government and ofcourse the Delhi based media, its now easy to break Maharashtra into 3 states namely states namely Mumbai, Maharashtra and Vidharbha.

Seems this entire fiasco was planned by top congress leadership 2 months ago as a stepping stone to promote Prince His Highness Rahul Baba Yuwaraj Gandhi.

Myself, Maharashtra, Marathi and Marathi Manoos are merely scapegoats and pawns in this entire preplanned gameplan

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Abhishek Lulla
My name is Khan, I Love Pakistan
by Abhishek Lulla on Feb 07, 2010 12:00 AM  | Hide replies

My name is Khan,
I Love Pakistan!!
My fans are emotional fools,
I do anything - they find it cool!!
Money is the only thing on my mind,
When earning it, I dont act kind!!
I will buy Awards, NDTV, Pak players, whatever,
I want MNIK to be biggest hit of the year!!
Sena & I promoted the film together,
My fans must make us millionaire!!
So what if my standards are double,
My fans support me in trouble!!
My name is Khan,
I will always Love Pakistan!!!

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Re: My name is Khan, I Love Pakistan
by Chohan on Feb 07, 2010 02:40 PM
idiot. Why only cricketers I say ban all the trade with Pakistan- jute, salt, sugar, cotton, poultry etc Can you??

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Re: My name is Khan, I Love Pakistan
by Sudarsan on Feb 07, 2010 06:01 AM
Instead of using this talent to abuse Shahrukh Khan, find a better job using these skills, you definitely can!

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mumbai should b an UT..
by dipak on Feb 06, 2010 08:37 PM  | Hide replies


I can give my blood to see mumbai as a Union Territory..
Pls count on me.

Jai Hind

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Re: mumbai should b an UT..
by gaurav on Feb 06, 2010 09:58 PM
hey dipak its not only you but lacs of people like me with u who can die for mumbai.....Can leave everything for it.

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abboral boral
SRK --dont do politics --learn from Rahul
by abboral boral on Feb 06, 2010 08:05 PM  | Hide replies

Since Rahul has shown to CM and others in Maharastra as how to deal any political opponent peacefully with out any provocation and travelling by a local train must teach this kind of week CM (ever seen in Maharastra )as if you have will ,you can do wonder .I must praise Rahul for his courageous poster of travelling by train ,standing in que for ticket and all small and big leaders should learn this trick .Anything ,a bomb blast in train could have happend in Mumbai on that day .Rahul actually travel fearlessly in support of Sharukh and it is now Sharukh to play the role of a fearless person .If not then he remains in the mercy of political parties whether congress ,Bjp,or any other parties

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vasudeva rao
Re: SRK --dont do politics --learn from Rahul
by vasudeva rao on Feb 07, 2010 12:10 AM
If he continues stunt like this, he may follow his papa & granny

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