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Send us movie bloopers that you spotted!

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Sourav Jhawar
by Sourav Jhawar on Jul 24, 2009 04:11 PM

1)Near the end, when the Devastator is being transformed from the cement mixer, crane, bulldozer etc., the cement mixer with the Decepitcons' emblem stops abruptly and the stunt driver can be seen being thrown back into his seat.
2) After escaping from Megatron, Sam and company go to a deserted junkyard. When Sam is leaning on the hood and Bumblebee drives forward and flashes his lights, a crew man can be seen in the driver's seat. This has been repeatedly corrected, wrongly, by the excuse that a few Transformers have been seen to create holographic drivers or pilots. This is not inaccurate, but cannot be plausibly applied to this case. (1) Bumblebee has never been seen to do this; in fact, no car-form Autobot has been shown to possess this ability, even in situations where it would seem sensible to do so. (2) There is nobody present who is unaware of Bumblebee's true nature, therefore he would have no reason to suddenly project one. (3) In the shots either side of this, no hologram is present. For the corrections to apply, we would have to accept that Bumblebee, for a matter of a few seconds, chose to display an ability that he's never shown to possess at any other time, in a situation where he has no reason to do so. Clearly this is not a supportable argument. This is a visible crew member and a valid mistake.
3) During final battle after Optimus' resurrection, the battle scene moves from the pyramids (located near Cairo) to the Karnak temple (located near Luxor)

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Blooper in ALL Bollywood Movies
by Jas on Jul 24, 2009 04:06 PM  | Hide replies

Hero Heroine are scene in different clothes every few seconds in SONGS in the movie..

dhaakChik dhaaChik music is playing in the background.

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Re: Blooper in ALL Bollywood Movies
by nai on Jul 24, 2009 04:18 PM

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Seenu Subbu
Re: Blooper in ALL Bollywood Movies
by Seenu Subbu on Jul 24, 2009 04:31 PM
Every village idiot that romances the heroine now has to customarily dance in Austria/Australia/Switzerland/Czech Republic/Italy and then after the song is over movie shifts back to the village.

May be the Bhai log producing these movies have money to burn/launder but what happened to our own Himachal Pradesh/Dehradun/Srinagar/Sikkim?

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arun punjabi
Movie Bloopers
by arun punjabi on Jul 24, 2009 04:04 PM  | Hide replies

If a movie has no bloopers it would be a documentary.
Who wants to pay to watch one ?

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kaustubh saha
Re: Movie Bloopers
by kaustubh saha on Jul 26, 2009 01:34 PM
Try finding a significant blooper in Matrix or V For Vendetta or The Godfather

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vikas garg
Movie bloopers
by vikas garg on Jul 24, 2009 02:02 PM  | Hide replies

Hi!Can someone list some of the key mistakes in Transformers

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sunil nair
Re: Movie bloopers
by sunil nair on Jul 24, 2009 02:18 PM
yeah.. mistake no 1... I watched the movie..

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Jet Setter
Re: Re: Movie bloopers
by Jet Setter on Jul 24, 2009 03:05 PM
Thanks Sunil. I wont spend my money on that now.

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serial killer
Re: Re: Re: Movie bloopers
by serial killer on Jul 24, 2009 03:50 PM

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