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We must appreciate
by Hardeep Rai Sharma on Feb 23, 2009 02:05 PM  Permalink 

Films/documentries based on real work should be promoted and deserve recongnition and award.

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by Anitha on Feb 23, 2009 01:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Award like these are 100 time better than the Jopad Kutha Crorepathi

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Re: good
by Allah Khaun on Feb 23, 2009 03:20 PM  Permalink
he he he

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Need a movie on the Dr Modi - the great eye surgeon
by Shri Hegde on Feb 23, 2009 01:26 PM  Permalink 

Dr. M C Modi, who had performed surgery on more than five lakh people, should become a model for eye surgeons.

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Congrts Dr. Singh
by Rajput Santprakashsingh on Feb 23, 2009 01:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Keep it up and all the best for your future efforts.

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I hope this is boardcast here
by Ajoy Kumar on Feb 23, 2009 01:03 PM  Permalink 

though it won't since not many would be interested. Unless it's hollywood related.

Congrats to the team and esp. Pinki Kumari. A photo of her would have been nice.

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Wo Man Woe !
by Cutlet Gravy on Feb 23, 2009 01:03 PM  Permalink 

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has congratulated the entire team of "Slumdog" but neither he -- nor the superfine stupidos running the PMO -- had any thing to say about the 39 minute real life docu-drama, "Smile Pinki" by Megan Mylan, which is in Hindi, and highlights the work of Dr Subodh Kumar Singh whose The Smile Train performs simple surgeries that turn poor children born with a cleft lip into smiling faces.

Wo Man Woe !

This is a hugely deserved accolate for this team. Hope their work is highlighted every where (and by Rediff) and brings in the required donations for this cause.

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Nothing to do with Slumdog
by Rajesh Ranjan on Feb 23, 2009 01:01 PM  Permalink 

Slumdog was never a indian movies. it was in the category of British Movie and in english language. Had it been indian movie and in hindi, it would not have made to the Oscars. In any case Rehman does not require any acknowledgement from Oscar, He is already a magician.

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Smile Pinki Smile
by !shrat on Feb 23, 2009 12:58 PM  Permalink 

The time has come to proud on indian cinema not for Slumdog but for Smile Pinki. Think again!

S.Ishrat Saeed, Lucknow

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Simle Pinky
by Sunil Dupakuntla on Feb 23, 2009 12:46 PM  Permalink 

OSCAR award won by Smil Pinky is the real honour for the Indian Cinema but not the awards won by Slumdog Millionaire. SM was produced and shot by foreigners. Only Rahman was the Indian technician. Actors acted in that film were suppose to be from India because the whole film was based on India Slums.

Congratz for the team of Smile Pinky.

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