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Unbutton act: Should Akshay be penalised

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No moral policing
by Dinesh on Apr 03, 2009 06:50 AM

This govt cannot do the moral policing. It is de,ocratic country. We are free to wear/ not to wear what we want. Who are the govt to decide what is obsene and what is not?

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Nazir Patel
Re: To Khan goons' fanatics!
by Nazir Patel on Apr 03, 2009 07:53 AM
You are a biased moron whose comments make no sense. Write something constructive without bringing religion into this. As for Ghajini - not my favourite movie - surely the fact that it made millions at the box office - it must have been seen my people of all faith and ages. So your theory is silly

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Re: To all Akki baiters(mostly moslems and fans of Khan goons)
by friend on Apr 03, 2009 06:07 AM
what hindu moslem...this is India my dear friend...dont divide them please...Khans are as much Indian as you are and wp4I may be.

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Nothing wrong in what he did !!!
by friend on Apr 03, 2009 05:59 AM

What is so wrong in all that he did...is people donot like it..they shouldnot have publicised it so much so as to have made all others know all that has happened...if that FIR was not filed and if all the media attention to all this was not given, I think we would not have even come to know what has happened...maybe akshay kumar has done something which was a requirement of the brand that he was promoting...so better to avoid this controversy and look at other things that we all like and leave this to the fashion show or whatever it was..all the best..god give all the power to ignore wht they feel if wrong and accept what they cannot change.

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Below the belt
by Chohan on Apr 03, 2009 05:55 AM  | Hide replies

This act from kumar was below the belt. It looked abnoxious, especially his facial expressions are obscene and the way he is sticking out. He is alomst 45 years old and should behave accordingly.

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Re: Below the belt
by Chohan on Apr 03, 2009 10:48 AM
Movie is different and is not shot in public. You have a choice to watch the movie according to the censorship certificate. This act was forced on our faces. We were just expecting a fashion show and were watching it with family.

I hate moral less amir and ghajini. Retards like you made Ghajini hit. By the way akshy is older than all present super stars. Just because he went to some low chandni chowk school, he can change the date of his birth. Akshay was 34 10 years ago. After he became hit he start reducing his age.

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as sa
This explains
by as sa on Apr 03, 2009 05:53 AM

We Indian are a bunch of intolerant, prudish people.

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Suneel Dutt
Democracy or what?
by Suneel Dutt on Apr 03, 2009 05:48 AM

India is a democracy so everybody has the right to do what he likes as long as that is not hurting any-one.
Akshay has done anything of that sort so why should he be penalized.
Police should concerntrate on other important issues than this one.

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Actors & role models.. give us a break..
by TanPanLan on Apr 03, 2009 05:34 AM  | Hide replies

Stars are role models to youngsters. Imagine this jerk A Kumar as a role model. What U expect from a half baked & educated waiter who hung out in the streets of Bangkok. Acting that he cannot do any way- is proven with his lates CCTC. So he tries his macho stuff by jumping from every where. He marries this Twinkle chick for a trophy. And our Govt goes about giving out Padmashris to these bozos.. . India is sure turning to be banana country with guys like these flouting their bananas....

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Re: Actors & role models.. give us a break..
by A A on Apr 03, 2009 06:04 AM
hmm.. its surprising that you dont recognize the rags to riches story of "a half baked & educated waiter who hung out in the streets of Bangkok". Its also surprising that you dont recognize his run of success with almost all of his films in the last two or three years. Its very surprising that you deny this man the credit for continuing to make films for almost the last 20 years in a highly competitive environment.

I don't understand the logic behind stepping out to get his pants unbuttoned but I don't see why that should hurt anyone. Do you want to register a case against every sculptor of all those images from khajuraho?

As for role models, do you mean people are going to do the same thing that he has done? And do you mean that everyone is going to have the same kind of a body that he has?

Stop kidding yourself and start to grow up.

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