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Amitabh: We are ready for the punishment

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by MC KUMAR on Sep 11, 2008 09:01 AM

My dear friends
Its quite pathetic to see that we are having so much issues with a celebrity speaking her own language and national language in Maharastra. We are all from India, with different cultural and language background. One cannot expect a person from UP speaking tamil or oriya or even telengu. Here the difference is that they are staying at Maharastra for quite a while and they know marati very well. There is no intention to break the heart of Millions of Marati people and to a state which has given them honour dignity and respect. The politicians should do something to buz India ahead and move forward rather than ruining public things

Common India, its time to grow up

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by Secular on Sep 11, 2008 08:59 AM  | Hide replies

Maharastra first..India second...
everyone owns loyalty to their state and then their country

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Anup A Banerjee
Re: ..
by Anup A Banerjee on Sep 11, 2008 09:06 AM
Bengal in India not India in Bengal?
Country is above everything, even above Parents & God. State is just a hypothetical line drawn to manage a country better.
Ok since you love your state, Can you tell me what is your State Bird, Animal and Flower?
INDIA First!!!!

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Re: ..
by Mohit on Sep 11, 2008 09:00 AM
That is what u think . The reality is different. Go F urself

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Re: ..
by Indianheart on Sep 11, 2008 09:01 AM
its very necessary to understand the statement of 'secular'
India is formed by the states.....so if all states become self-sufficient and prosperous....automatically INDIA will become prosperous....

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BishwaNath Singh
Greatness lies in benevolence. (Page-2).
by BishwaNath Singh on Sep 11, 2008 08:57 AM

They don’t have any disrespect for Marathi language & for people of Maharashtra that have given them & their family a name, fame & recognition. He also spoke that his wife Jaya Bachchan had already apologized for her utterances that has hurt many. She regrets for their misunderstandings though she has got a great love for Marathi language & speaks also very fluently. Now, let this chapter of misunderstanding that have arisen be cleared & closed once for all! It is an old saying that a great man is rarely born on this earth that is known for his simplicity and humbleness and never picks up quarrel or fights with any one & tries to pacify if misunderstandings have cropped up with others amicably. Such virtues can be seen in Amitabh Bachchan & his family that we appreciate & commend!

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by Indianheart on Sep 11, 2008 08:56 AM  | Hide replies

amitabagh begum is pakki nautanki......
apology shud always be unconditional......
see what he said.......'Jaya did not say anything wrong......but still if anybody is hurst...i apologize'......he is very smart and associated with congress and SP so its obvious that he will be sarcastic and taunting al time....

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parijat kumar
Re: nautanki
by parijat kumar on Sep 11, 2008 09:04 AM
Seems Indianheart is a paki trying to create a discord

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Re: nautanki
by Guest on Sep 11, 2008 09:03 AM
You are mad. change the name from Indianheart to marathiass. People like you are danger to the country.

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Re: nautanki
by Guest on Sep 11, 2008 09:08 AM
i m not a northei.Modi sarakha minister pahije manje...lahan issues sodun modthya problems baddal vichar karava manhoon sang tya kutra RT laa.

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Re: Re: nautanki
by Guest on Sep 11, 2008 09:33 AM
If you are Indian , then you must understand that in which state you stay , in whichever country u stay , you have to follow up that state / region / countries rule, for example Mrs. Rajiv Gandhi i.e. Ms. Soniya Gandhi , has to adopt the Delhi culture did you know this . ?

So if Mr. Raj Thakre is asking only for sorry to the Maharashtrian app then its absolute right decision .

If Ms. Gandhi will speak in Itly & say same think then Just imagine what will happen , is she has that dare ?

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Re: nautanki
by Mohit on Sep 11, 2008 09:06 AM
go F urself secular.

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Re: nautanki
by Mohit on Sep 11, 2008 09:11 AM
eat my short

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abhai  tripathi
Re: nautanki
by abhai tripathi on Sep 11, 2008 09:18 AM
Hey secular, you eat and drink from north indian hands, the whole bloody country runs on their d1ck. check your house, your little sissy is craving for a big northie d1ck. You southies are pathetic..

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BishwaNath Singh
Greatness lies in benevolence. (Page-1).
by BishwaNath Singh on Sep 11, 2008 08:55 AM  | Hide replies

It is unfortunate issue that is being prolonged even though Jaya Bachchan had apologized & Amitabh Bachchan had expressed regrets & asked for forgiveness if any utterances of Jaya Bachchan have wounded feelings & sentiments of Maharastrian people.. Once Jaya Bachchan & her husband Amitabh Bachchan have apologized for so called uncharitable utterances of Jaya Bachchan though there was nothing wrong in her speech, the matter should have been closed once for all and that would have proved greatness of MNS Chief & youth leader Raj Thakre.Anyway,if Raj Thakre is so particular,Jaya Bachchan in all humility Should invite media people & express regret once again to get MNS workers & leadership whim satisfied as they wished.Ww wish the seasoned politician like Bal Thakre,chief of Shiva Sena should get it pacified by using his statesmanship whom Amitabh Bachchan had already spoken on this issue. Nevertheless to mention, it is the greatness of Amitabh Bachchan who has shown his benevolence by apologizing to Shiva Sena Chief Bal Thakre, MNS Chief Raj Thakre & all other Maharastians for utterances of his wife, Jaya Bachchan who spoke unmindfully without having any disrespect for Marathi language & people of Maharastra as large.(Contd.to Page-2)

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Re: Greatness lies in benevolence. (Page-1).
by ramabhadranS on Sep 11, 2008 09:23 AM
Most of the people who write in this board have no or less work in their offices. they just want to write something though they dont believe it from their heart. They are happy to see their writings in the board. Idle minds are devils workshop is amply proved here.

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parijat kumar
True Maratha
by parijat kumar on Sep 11, 2008 08:54 AM  | Hide replies

People supporting Raj answer this:

If you people have so much hatred against non-marathis living in Mumbai, can you take a vow saying "No Marathis will work in any company owned by North Indian"

Or No marathi will steele in US but will live in Maharashtra and make work for it till death?

The point is, everybody wants to build his career whther its the migrants, ethnic marathis or even Raj Thakarey.

Can Raj Thakarey clean Mumbai of its underworld or even utter a statement against them?

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parijat kumar
Re: True Maratha
by parijat kumar on Sep 11, 2008 08:55 AM
That meant settle in US.

Was a typo error

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Re: True Maratha
by Mohit on Sep 11, 2008 08:58 AM
go F urself .

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Re: True Maratha
by Mohit on Sep 11, 2008 08:57 AM
they are a bunch of jokers running around and nothing else.

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by Mohit on Sep 11, 2008 08:53 AM  | Hide replies

MNS is nothing but a bunch of jokers running around

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by Mohit on Sep 11, 2008 09:09 AM
i am frm north india. come here and make comments a Ho

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Sudhindra Naik
Re: phuckallllll
by Sudhindra Naik on Sep 11, 2008 09:05 AM
what can we expect from a person who wanted to be NRI (remember earlier days). It is not a matter of INDIA first or MAHARASHTRA first. It is the mateer of respecting karmabhoomi. KARMABHOOMI. it is said that work is worship. you are joking, purposely, at it. we are not fool. RAJ sir we are with U always.
do not give much importance to bachchan and co. budhdhi satiya gaye hai.

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