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Why angry old men shouldn't blog

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monica g
by monica g on May 26, 2008 09:12 PM

Most of his reviews are crap, just like his sicko face. Another troll on the net.

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santosh satpathy
cool as a lanky cucumber,yaa let me imagine
by santosh satpathy on May 26, 2008 08:55 PM

Mr Sen,pls stop writing or atleast bring some changes in it.If u think ur writing talent is superb,then let me tell u, its complete nuisance.Its so boring ,i'wd reccomend it as part of any sleep disorder therapy.

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santosh satpathy

by santosh satpathy on May 26, 2008 08:54 PM

Mr Sen,pls stop writing or atleast bring some changes in it.If u think ur writing talent is superb,then let me tell u, its complete nuisance.Its so boring ,i'wd reccomend it as part of any sleep disorder therapy.

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aarti sharma
Amitabh is the best
by aarti sharma on May 26, 2008 08:47 PM

Amitabh is doin excellent job. If u dont like it.. dont read it.

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sandeep lakhotia
u should stop writing
by sandeep lakhotia on May 26, 2008 08:30 PM

raja sen,
u should not write any more. as it is ur reviews of films are bad plus i think u do not have the sensibilty to understand what Mr Bachchan is writing on his blog. he is free to blast idiotic journalists like you in his blog and he is doing so.
and one more point which others have also made -i think u are trying to catch his attention so that he mentions u in his blog.
appeal to rediff management - get this person off ur site!

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Why raja Sen thinks he can advise people what to do?
by Sanjeev on May 26, 2008 08:17 PM

The proof of the pudding is in the eating Mr. Sen. No matter whjta you thing Mr. Bachchan should do or should not do...he has done what he felt was right and has always got overwhelming backing of us, the general public. And this thime too, with a new age media like blogging, he has excelled. And he has done better than what the writers like you are actually paid to do !!!

So in case you have writtent his peice to get his attention & be mentioned in his blog so that eyeballs to your piece gets increased...well I hope BigB summarily dismisses this piece of crap & does not mention it in his blog !! Will serve you right.

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Rakesh  Mehta
by Rakesh Mehta on May 26, 2008 07:19 PM


You are a fool. As your own master SRK asked Monty Sharma, "What shampoo do you use?" That hair, man, you remind me of one of my inferiority complexladen friend in college. And what is with this "the wonderful HuffPo?" Show-off, as if you are the only one who reads American newspapers. Saala chamcha.

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tapan jain
Well said
by tapan jain on May 26, 2008 07:19 PM

I think you are bang on target. Problem being Aamir write too few posts and Mr. bachchan writes too much, which takes away the novelty. Post on his fav movies and books will be much appreciated, not his clarifications.

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Another attention seeker!
by Vikram on May 26, 2008 07:16 PM

Here is another attention seeker trying to use the mighty Bachchan name to get some cheap publicity! Ok let's give it to you Sen.

I am no Bachchan fan of the magnitude that I have seen around me; I was born in the mid-eigthties and by time I grew to my senses, he had gone into his sabatical. But let me tell you having watched him on and off the screen, you cannot help but be in awe of him. He is inspiration personfied. is blog is an absolute gem - both in content and form - go Sen learn something from it - you will be indebted to him for a better career in writing rather than be a rediff cheapie!!

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