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Why angry old men shouldn't blog

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Pat Gross
do not post comments
by Pat Gross on May 26, 2008 10:25 PM

The best way to shut up this piece of shit is to not post any comments. Rediff uses number of comments as a measure to track coverage, and the best way to keep this garbage reviewer (with a face to boot) out of a job is not to post any comments. Let this be the last one.

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neelima neelima
by neelima neelima on May 26, 2008 10:18 PM  | Hide replies

Raja Sen,

Agree with you. I, who had idolized Amitabh all my life, lost interest in him after reading a few blogs in which he came across as petty and absolutely family-oriented without a thought for others kind of individual. Yes, he should not blog. Distant idol is better because in the misty distance one does not see the flaws.

Do you know anything slightly critical is immediately wiped out of his blog? My friend had mentioned that the earlier exalted group of his father's days must have had a better influence on him than the present group of friends and relatives.. and ..the blog vanished within minutes! One would think that after such a lot of adulation, an indvidual might like to be criticised a bit! Obviously not so! I, being a student of psychology, feel that he was a much nicer person when he had better company.

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by filmsy on May 26, 2008 11:14 PM
oh neelima you must have known Amitabh pretty well to know that he was a better person or is it just your perception of him of what you see on the big screen and the media? Unless you know him personally your above comment is absolute nonsense! Unfortunately you may study psychology but you have alot of growing up to do and realise that Bachchan is a human being first and then an actor and as a human being he has feelings to express. So perhaps your cognitiv skills need to improve to know that one needs to distinguish between the 'real' and the 'reel'. So in a nice way, grow up and learn from AB's blogs, you don't get such eloquent writing everyday and certainly not on a site like rediff.

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by an on May 26, 2008 11:26 PM
Not true, I have seen many, many blatantly abusive comments on his blog

Also, he has been repeatedly saying that he is not a prisoner of people's perception of him, perhaps you did not understand what he said

If you are really so miffed, you should ask his uselss critics to shut up. So much garbage has been written about his family that had I been hin his place, I would have smashed the skulls of all the useless worms who have nothing else to do but bother him. No one ever utters a word against that ill-behaved jerk -srk. Oh, and how can they? He belongs to the MOST IMPORTANT RELIGION in this country

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neelima neelima
by neelima neelima on May 27, 2008 12:49 AM
Flimsy and an,

You might not believe this: I am genuinely fond of Amitabh and think that he is the best actor we have. But I see a lesser person in his blog. Sorry if I have offended you both. It is just that I want him to stay where he is!! I know, sounds funny. Still, he should not feel the compulsion of defending what his daughter in law wears!!

An, I don't care for any religion. I like Shah Rukh too very much. His religion is no concern of mine.

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by filmsy on May 27, 2008 02:42 AM
i would never understand why people have to bring in religion, or cast or nationality to make a point, that is rather childish. Neelima, if anything, you should be proud of Bachchan and for taking on the media and their lies, you should be proud of the way he writes about his father, you should be proud that he READS EVERY COMMENT and even attempts to respond, if anything, India's biggest star and he makes so much of time for his fans, what does that tell you? His writing overshadows any journalist in india, his desire to constantly learn, even its as simple as putting up a picture on his blog. The fact that he writes in such detail, describing locations he is at takes us into another world altogether so I really don't get by what you mean when you say 'you think a lesser person of him in his blog'...please do explain.

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neelima neelima
by neelima neelima on May 27, 2008 04:02 AM
You see, we always thought that Amitabh was above small things. I like his father's writings, admire Amitabh for not giving details of his friendship with Rajiv/Sanjay to feel important (he said once that it was personal!) and of course we all love his acting. In the blog sometimes he comes across as an ordinary man, retaliating to petty comments, fighting on behalf of his wife, son and the newly acquired daughter in law. These do not go well with the earlier picture we had!

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angarag bhuyan
by angarag bhuyan on May 27, 2008 09:31 AM
good point neelima. rightly said

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by on May 27, 2008 11:22 AM
Ms. Neelima, I read your appreciation for Raja Sen article and other replies to comments. What I found really astonishing is that why you are blaming AB for your own faulty perception. He is a normal man too. He has his own views and thoughts. He has every right to commit mistakes like every mortal on this planet. It his prerogative to protect himself and his family against slandering. I feel really pity for you as a student of psychology couldn't understand these simple things.
Its hard for me imagining about the writer like Shobha De making a comment on Ash's dress at Cannes. What kind of remark is that? Is Ash or hew crew so insensible to not find a crease on her gown. As a educated man I find these kind of remarks really cheap. I won't be afraid to state that jornalism of this kind is a shame on the fourth estate.

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neelima neelima
by neelima neelima on May 28, 2008 03:45 PM

Agree with you. That is exactly what I said. He sounds very very normal and, of course, ordinary.

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Superstition !
by deepak on May 26, 2008 09:50 PM

Raja Sen takes a dig echoing Bengali 'intellectuals' and Khalid Mohammad who thought that the Bhootnath story which required Shradh to be superstitious...this is an insult to Hindu beliefs about a ritual (rites for the departed is common to all religions) that connects a Hindu person to his beloved departed. These are century old rituals and half baked communists like Sunil Gango or Mrinal Sen cannot wish them away...its not that these gentlemen have much to offer from Marx a discredited and suicidal theory that has destroyed Bengal and largely been rejected. Sunil Gang steals most of this stories right from Purbo Paschim which is in the format of North vs South of the American civil war..enough said on Sunil the pseudo who is introduced Bengali literature to lesbianism. Raja Sen should quit writing his vitriolic columns and mindless movie reviews immediately.

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Raja Sen shouldnt write
by deepak on May 26, 2008 09:35 PM

You should not write those stupid film reviews...they are boring and too lopsided unless it has your big daddy Shah Rukh Khan in it...its not your place to tell Amitabh what he should do or not since no one has been forced to read his blog. On the other hand Rediff imposes Raja Sen's mindless drivel on cinema on its readers.

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by bhavesh on May 26, 2008 09:25 PM

I Only Visit Rediff For Checking,e Week Me Raja Kitna Gir Gya Hai,Aur Kitna Srk Ka Chamacha Ho Gaya Hai

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amitabh is the best
by bhavesh on May 26, 2008 09:23 PM

Raja Sen Is the most Jealous Person In THe World,I Think Srk Uska Ghar Chalata Hai

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Amitabh is the best
by bhavesh on May 26, 2008 09:22 PM

Rajasen is Very Jealous Person In The World,
And I THink Rajasen Ka Ghar Srk Chalata Hai

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Raah Dee
Good piece
by Raah Dee on May 26, 2008 09:15 PM

Good piece, Raja Sen. But I do wonder whether the stars write these blogs themselves or hire specialists to do it. Can't imagine them to have time and patience to sit on it every day, meticulously writing perfect prose!

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