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Why angry old men shouldn't blog

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angarag bhuyan
absolutely right
by angarag bhuyan on May 27, 2008 09:17 AM  | Hide replies

raja sen, please keep up the good work.the blogs by amitabh and aamir have proved that they are getting insecure and also revealed that they can stoop to any level be it hitting below the belt or calling a friend dog!!
those ppl who have written against you are themselves sponsored by aamir or amitabh if they think u r sponsored by srk/they just check comment about amitabh and start defending him even if he is wrong.
srk makes fun of other ppl but knows well how to handle it if it is directed towards him.the blogs against him have raised him a notch higher
.but his rivals thought the opposite..

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ashok sharma
RE:absolutely right
by ashok sharma on May 27, 2008 10:19 AM
" those ppl who have written against you are themselves sponsored by aamir or amitabh"..just like you are sponsored by Mr Sen. What's a big deal?

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RE:absolutely right
by Viper on May 27, 2008 10:20 AM
dude. I guess you are SRK in disguise. Everyone in this forum think Rajan Sen and SRk are #1 jerks. Your justifying wont change anyones opinion.

Give it up!!! Loser

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angarag bhuyan
RE:absolutely right
by angarag bhuyan on May 28, 2008 07:05 AM
who said u to change ur opinion?just put it across.

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subathra chauhan
Shameful Sen
by subathra chauhan on May 27, 2008 09:01 AM  | Hide replies

I hope Raja Sen reads all these comments and feel ashamed of himself, if at all if he has any shame left. Becos, its gotten to a point where its become very cheap. One thing, Amitabh is certainly a big actor and secondly this cheap Sen doesnt even consider his age. I dont want to use curse words, but I hope he apologises for this piece of crap.

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angarag bhuyan
RE:Shameful Sen
by angarag bhuyan on May 27, 2008 09:18 AM
just read the whole article again!

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why rajasen shdn;t write anymore
by dumbeldor on May 27, 2008 08:51 AM

bcoz he is full of crap.

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subathra chauhan
Raja Sen is a crap
by subathra chauhan on May 27, 2008 08:43 AM  | Hide replies

Who the hell are ya to say how Amitabh's blog should be and what he should write and what he shudnt. The very reason you have written this is to get some attention from Big B. That said, I may not be a great fan of Big B but defintely I see the press people are such cheap, malicious people, disgustingly awful when you comment against people. What the heck is depressing in Big B's blog? The truth is you journalists in no way can match to his writing standards. So just shut up and you dont have to tell what Amitabh shud write. Looks like you would tell what Amitabh shud wear, eat, whom he shud talk to? What the hell is ur problem if he supports Ash? You journalists are disgusting and make no constructive contributions. Atleast Big B writes about his father and his father's words which are very inspiring to us and he certainly makes his father proud. But you are a disgrace to ur parents and you are a big loser!

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angarag bhuyan
RE:Raja Sen is a crap
by angarag bhuyan on May 27, 2008 09:20 AM
amitabh's blogs show his insecurities.why somesuperstar behave the way amitabh is doing at the fag end of their career!!!

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Mahen Mishra
RE:Raja Sen is a crap
by Mahen Mishra on May 27, 2008 11:56 AM
Bhuyan bhai... jab aap ki media bahdegi aur aap bhi irritate ho jaoge to aap blog to kya news paper aur har magazine pe chaapoge apni sfaai... warna media kar degi sabgi safaai woh bhi mugt mein bina kasur ke......

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typical hypocrites
by on May 27, 2008 06:49 AM  | Hide replies

The guy who has bas-tard and talks about parental upbringing runs around using foul language and talking of punching people in their faces? That is POOR parental upbringing. He author of this article%u2019s parents must be pleased that he/she has a sought after job within the media. As for the article it spoke the truth and that too with facts. It's a real pity that Indians can not be unbiased, majority of these bloggers are Indian men who are immature and emotionally f*cked up %u2013 must be the parents!

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RE:typical hypocrites
by a on May 27, 2008 08:52 AM
you seem to be the most f*ucked up of the lot. and getting a job in media is no big deal. people who fail everywhere else end up pushing pen and b#tching about others

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r h
If Amitabh blogs, Raja Sen will be out of business
by r h on May 27, 2008 06:40 AM

Why angry old men shouldn't blog

If Amitabh blogs, Raja Sen will be out of business
Its very cheap of you sen, to describe the conversation in the last part. This conversation might not even have taken place.
raja sen is a cheap piece of >>>>

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Hope you are not a bas-tard
by on May 27, 2008 05:45 AM  | Hide replies

I hate to say this ...But I am wondering how you guys forget to respect the most amezing person -Amitabh bachchan . I know you must have problem with bringing you up by your parents .I hv stopped reading rediff.com because of you but when i search article on google for Amitabh this one came up .

You should know Amitabh and his Abhishek has changed many family . People become good son and good father after seeing them .

I wish I can see you sometime and punch on your face you ....

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angarag bhuyan
RE:Hope you are not a bas-tard
by angarag bhuyan on May 27, 2008 09:22 AM
respect cant be commanded,it must be earned.when u respect others you will be respected..sad that amitabh forgot this!!

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Mahen Mishra
RE:Hope you are not a bas-tard
by Mahen Mishra on May 27, 2008 12:00 PM
Phir se aap yaha par aagaye bhuyian bhai..
Mujhe to lagta hai ki aap khud raja sen ho.. jo har kisi ki comment pe jaake ek hi baat comment kiye ja rahe ho... I think you are suggesting other you have forgotten that.... So pleae look into your collar before you suggest or command from your watered mouth next time....

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angarag bhuyan
RE:Hope you are not a bas-tard
by angarag bhuyan on May 28, 2008 06:39 AM
ha!look who is saying!!

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Raja Sen, suggestion for you
by glozan on May 27, 2008 04:59 AM

Raja, why are you taking potshots at Amitabh and Aamir, while your favorite Shah Rukh is the epitome of the foot-in-mouth syndrome. Shah Rukh Khan is a pseudo intellectual, pompous idiot, no wonder you have a crush on him. Likes Attract. So instead of 'dissing' the blogs of Amitabh and Aamir, you should advice the stupid Shah Rukh to keep his stupid mouth shut and concentrate on his job.

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angarag bhuyan
RE:Raja Sen Shame On You
by angarag bhuyan on May 27, 2008 09:24 AM
age does not mean that he is above everything..if it was adam would have been the wisest fellow.
just see the crap amitabh acted like main azad hoon,kaaliya,toofan,jadugar,deshpremi,indrajeet,mrityudaata..

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RE:Raja Sen Shame On You
by a on May 27, 2008 10:33 PM
did people rep your mm after seeing the movies?

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angarag bhuyan
RE:Raja Sen Shame On You
by angarag bhuyan on May 28, 2008 06:41 AM
first go and learn english

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dhananjay kumar
This article is intentional
by dhananjay kumar on May 27, 2008 04:08 AM

Hey guys try to understand, this rediff and Raja Sen intentionaly writes this type of article so that lot of ppl can come and comment on these articles. This is a type of provocation to write comments so that they can tell the advertisers that lot of ppl come to this site and can attaract advts. and money from them. Raja Sen and rediff themselves know that this article is absolutely rubbish but they do it to attract you ppl. Tell me if this article wud have been written in a correct manner how many of u wud have been commented like this.

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