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Why angry old men shouldn't blog

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Rediff got to fire you Raja to save its image
by Rohit on May 27, 2008 03:32 PM  | Hide replies

Rediff got to fire you Raja to save its image

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angarag bhuyan
RE:Rediff got to fire you Raja to save its image
by angarag bhuyan on May 28, 2008 06:32 AM
plz plz [plz dont fire him.he is one who does not fear calling a spade a spade

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mohan  Subroto B
My God.. Rediff is going so cheap
by mohan Subroto B on May 27, 2008 02:19 PM

I never thought anyone can do suck kind of personal attack on personalities like Big B. What's wrong if he want to blog.

Raja Sen is such a cheap editor and more surprisingly rediff management allow these kind of editors to publish such a cheap and abusing articles.

This is too much, I think this kind of articles will benefit Big B to gain more sympathies from people as everyone can see it is totally biased article and deliberately written against Big B without any reason.

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raja nisha
Leave Bachchan Blog alone.
by raja nisha on May 27, 2008 02:09 PM

Appears you are not satisfied with degrading the Bachchans and started your own blog like this ?? I bet you woulnd succeed. You have no right to comment on his blog. It is his private affair. Leave him and his blog alone Mr Sen.

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pranav singh
why frustrated person should not comment
by pranav singh on May 27, 2008 02:05 PM  | Hide replies

1.Mr Sen wite on more important issues, the 'Real' issues being faced by Indian Movies.
2.Amitabh bashing is a favourite time pass for media.
3.What Amitabh has achieved till date is more than anybody in showbiz..including SRK.The longevity of Big B's achievements are really fantastic.
4.He has the experience to write and comment.
5.Lets Blog be free from these mindless analysis.Lets give chance to bloggers to write what is felt by them.

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angarag bhuyan
RE:why frustrated person should not comment
by angarag bhuyan on May 27, 2008 08:56 PM
we have regards for amitabh bachchan.but he must know that respect cannot be commanded but must be earned..why you forgot how he attacked srk and stooped so low.and for amir,he called srk a dog..its about maturity.i think raja sen has not said ill,but pointed out that mr bachchan should not have stooped that low.
experience does not permit ppl to hit below the belt.
if u respect others you will be respected..hope mr bachchan know this

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RE:why frustrated person should not comment
by a on May 27, 2008 10:26 PM
he called srk a dog, not you, why are you behaving like one

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angarag bhuyan
RE:why frustrated person should not comment
by angarag bhuyan on May 28, 2008 06:34 AM
when u wear blue glasses all the things seems to be blue.period

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rahul mitra
Write a message to Raja Sen thru senterfold@rediffmail.com.
by rahul mitra on May 27, 2008 01:58 PM

Write a message to Raja Sen thru senterfold@rediffmail.com.

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rahul mitra
Write a message to Raja Sen thru senterfold@rediffmail.com.
by rahul mitra on May 27, 2008 01:57 PM

Write a message to Raja Sen thru senterfold@rediffmail.com.

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Krishnan Eswaran
Look Who's Talking
by Krishnan Eswaran on May 27, 2008 01:55 PM

Raja babu, considering your nonexistant writing skills, you shouldn't be committing the crime of commenting on the writing skills of others.

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RE:Raja Sen trying Attention of Bachchan, as did Khalid Mohammad basu etc
by Terminator on May 27, 2008 02:58 PM
ha ha ha .. well said ... very true !!! :) RAJA U DERVE THIS.. REDIFF SACK RAJA ... nyway you loosed ur email buisness to gmail , now people like RAJA will make you bhikhari

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secret secret
good article...
by secret secret on May 27, 2008 10:30 AM  | Hide replies

...but having said that, I'll add that few international celebrities of stature receive the kind of crap that AB receives from the Indian media. Which of the names you mentioned above as celebrity Hollywood bloggers does?

Sure, AB would have looked much more dignified if he chose not to respond at all, but that's a truth hard to realize when you are the affected party. Like he himself once said in a post, when slander is printed about him, he thinks every person he is meeting has read that, and is wondering about that.

Why, just why, does the media hound him? What harm has he done them? The media has _actually_ reduced the number of people who have been fans of the actor, through vilified campaigns over the last decade or two. If he feels compelled to respond to every piece of crap written against him to protect his reputation, I understand.

I'd like to see Aamir Khan's blog be as much of a "treat" as it is, if he got the same kind of treatment from the media. If the TOI did a piece on the edit page (like Harsh Pant's) about how Aamir ditched a woman he was married to for over a decade, I'd like to see Aamir's blog silent about that. Or George Clooney's, in a similar context.

Or Raja Sen's. I see places where you defend allegations against you that you are an SRK toadie. Why do you choose to?

Sure, you are saying he overdoes it. I find Amitabh a brilliant person, and it's not for any of us to judge what is and isn't petty when a man's honor is attacked.

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secret secret
RE:good article...
by secret secret on May 27, 2008 11:24 AM
And oh yes, I find people who make personal attacks against a writer truly sick. I find this symptomatic of India and Indians, who do not know how to handle the responsibility that comes with freedom. Ours is the land of one of the most tolerant of religions that constantly preaches restraint and conquest of the senses, and we are amongst the most abusive.

This site is democratic enough to let people say what they want, the writer and his friends are democratic enough not to go reporting as abuse, messages that are actually abuse, and we all choose to blissfully ignore all that.

I don't think this writer would hurl personal abuses on an Internet forum against another writer whose writings he did not approve of, and that automatically makes him a much better person than all those that do here.

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RE:good article...
by a on May 27, 2008 10:31 PM
raja sen has also made a personal abusive attack against big B, and if you read Big B's blog you will know how personally he takes such attacks, so all your banter about we being abusive and your idol raja sen being not, is a lot of bull. so dont give useless lectures, and you are also very sick

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ashok sharma
you knew that well.
by ashok sharma on May 27, 2008 10:15 AM

lol........so you knew that people gona tell you this => " Or want to tell me I have no business suggesting what bloggers should do?"...!!
Your wish is fulfilled.
Your article is totally rubbish.Take a break buddy.

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