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Jimmy Sharma
Look at the other guys sitting
by Jimmy Sharma on May 02, 2008 09:22 PM  | Hide replies

look at the other guy in red t shirt who is sitting on the right seat and looking at katrina.

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Janak Kesur
Akshay Kumar is very big Chamdi...
by Janak Kesur on May 02, 2008 08:30 PM  | Hide replies

Akshay kumar ye na hinsaafi hain khud shaadi shuda hone ke baad bhi apne dost ki item par line mar raha hain aur akshay ne bahut si ladki par line mara hian mein toh bolu ye bollywood ka pakka chamdi lagta hain...

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RE:Akshay Kumar is very big Chamdi...
by Om on May 02, 2008 08:52 PM
Go get a life pervert, its proves the cheap mentality of you people, that when ever people from opp. sex are together there is something cooking.
Rediff has fukre jurnalists.

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Lucky B
Low mentality Rediff
by Lucky B on May 02, 2008 08:20 PM  | Hide replies

Title shows how low mentality we Indians have. If two opposite sex together means they are cooking something.

Grow up Indians.

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ami joshi
RE:Low mentality Rediff
by ami joshi on May 02, 2008 10:29 PM
man its not a low mentality u see with yr eyes wahts going on betn them so its bad they shud be like this a sthey both r in relationships n r answerable to different presons n sallu is a superstar he always behaves in public.he is so good.

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Raj Reddy
RE:Low mentality Rediff
by Raj Reddy on May 02, 2008 08:51 PM
Arey Lucky... did you see the intimacy between them. Do you think that is normal for folks to stand that close in public? I don't know which country you are from. I can show this photograph to anyone from any where and they will only understand one thing from it.

I am not sure if there is trick photography or something...but they seem to be standing awfully close to each other... if both are single who cares. But one of them is supposedly happily married.

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dixit patel
RE:Low mentality Rediff
by dixit patel on May 03, 2008 01:24 AM
Hello Raj,
what intimacy? what closeness? have you ever been outside of your house? it doesn't seems like. wherever there is crowd, its normal...or whatever friends could be like this without any of that X factor. What if this photo was Akshay with anyother guy? People would have start thinking on that side too...i guess we have so much time to discuss these stuff including myself (who is trying to correct misconceptions). grow up people.

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RE:Low mentality Rediff
by Desi on May 02, 2008 10:40 PM
Even if they are going at like rabbits in their bedroom what business is it of yours???
Just because he is married he is not entitled to bone her or what?
In any case, what business is it of yours? Twinkle will take care of it!

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give them a break
by VARTIKA SHAH on May 02, 2008 07:32 PM  | Hide replies

oh plzz give t celebrities a break!!!! i think u shud concentrate on more other meaningful articles like t one tat appeared yesterday i think on t BBC website abt the achievement of Indian Space Agency which launched 10 satellites at a time....

Please publish such meaningful articles...rather just masala news all t time which make no sense....

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Amit Reddy
RE:give them a break
by Amit Reddy on May 02, 2008 09:24 PM
This is the gossip section of rediff. There is "meaningful" news too, just not here. If you want it, then go to the Current events section. You're visiting the gossip page and then complaining that its meaningless. Gossip is supposed to be meaningless. if you don't like it, then my dear sir, why did you bother to read it. You, sir, are a big hypocrite.

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ami joshi
RE:give them a break
by ami joshi on May 02, 2008 10:25 PM
nono media ppl r never wrong u can say anything abat akki as he is like a dog never straight hehe so its agood pic n sallus must see this.too bad for u katrina to benave liek this in public

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srivatsa yb
pathetic journalism
by srivatsa yb on May 02, 2008 07:16 PM

dont publish these kind of candid photos which mislead ppl...

Pathetic rediff!!I know u dont care about journalistic values as long as u get the page hits,the ad's and the eyeballs...but still no one will remember ur contribution to indian journalism

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deepa nyayapathi rao
dirty minds!
by deepa nyayapathi rao on May 02, 2008 07:16 PM  | Hide replies

if 2 people have good rapport...good friends and have a good professional history..does this mean they are lovers???what abt akshay,he's a father and has always denied this,then why do reporters keep writing nonsenses!!!!this is the zillionth time their affair has been reported...old news..pls write their marriage date...that will be sensational dhamaaka by rediff.

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ami joshi
RE:dirty minds!
by ami joshi on May 02, 2008 10:27 PM
who says that married men r always safe i dont beleive this they r the 1 who can mislead any1 and we feel they r married so they r good but then all they do is just to look for women n to be with them n then at home they finally return to their wife being so obedient n goodie haha all crap aaki must not do this.

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Raj Reddy
RE:dirty minds!
by Raj Reddy on May 02, 2008 08:54 PM
You guys who say, this picture is normal are nuts.

I understand there is better news to be covered but then...

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RE:dirty minds!
by deb on May 03, 2008 12:51 AM
Raj Reddy is rediff agent...supporting the article and trying to trigger more comments.. :)

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ami joshi
RE:dirty minds!
by ami joshi on May 02, 2008 10:32 PM
hello these media ppl know their job well we dont have to advise them on that but this pic is really worth commenting abt i feel hehe its bad to stand for both of them in public like this.

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ami joshi
RE:dirty minds!
by ami joshi on May 02, 2008 10:34 PM
man its not the dirty minds of the indian ppl or these journos but the dirty minds of both bloody akshay n katrina they must have some sense.

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by on May 02, 2008 06:50 PM

This is how gossip starts...Rediff seems to giving budding show-biz journalists a lesson or two in gossip journalism

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sunil mishra
by sunil mishra on May 02, 2008 06:39 PM  | Hide replies


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Raj Reddy
by Raj Reddy on May 02, 2008 08:57 PM
Salman will get his ass kicked for sure. Because Akhay I hear is a black belt.

But then, you never want to be in the cross hairs of the cry baby Salman.

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chander thakur
Fun time
by chander thakur on May 02, 2008 06:33 PM

Have fun buddy.

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