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Your say: Bollywood's sexiest scene?

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J Santhosh
by J Santhosh on Mar 12, 2008 08:32 AM

who can forget the smooching scenes of emran with mallika in murder...

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by shocker on Mar 12, 2008 07:58 AM  | Hide replies

Amitabh and Rani 's kissing scene in black

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Prasad John
by Prasad John on Mar 12, 2008 02:29 AM  | Hide replies


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by givemeabreakplease on Mar 12, 2008 03:10 AM
But he gets to have fun, which you and I don't.

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Eswar B
by Eswar B on Mar 12, 2008 06:34 AM
do i smell a hint of desperation(?)

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by sanah on Mar 12, 2008 01:10 AM

salman and rani's scene from baabul was really hot!

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Mallu FIlms
by Soniya on Mar 11, 2008 11:16 PM  | Hide replies

I guess Mullu films are ahead of Bollywood in this area..don't know if their films get approval from sensor board.

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RE:Mallu FIlms
by givemeabreakplease on Mar 12, 2008 03:09 AM
The fun is always on the border line between chastity and crudeness. The trick is in figuring out how far to go.

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Surprised and Impressed !
by Soniya on Mar 11, 2008 11:05 PM  | Hide replies

Surprised to see so many post for this and that too from all guys saying its bad...and I thought guys simply love such movies :)
Confusedly impressed too.

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RE:Surprised and Impressed !
by givemeabreakplease on Mar 12, 2008 03:07 AM
Anger is a repressed form of jealousy. We just want to be in Saif's place, not read about him doing it. Sort of like the woman who says she does not like jewelry because she does not have any.

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RE:Surprised and Impressed !
by DS on Mar 12, 2008 10:21 AM
what a cheapstake... just saw a female blogger and couldn't hold the desperation of spewing stuff from a twisted mind.
and i don't know how you put lol at the end. if you meant that your intentions were funny, i regret that using sexual innuendos towards women in a forum has become a matter of lol

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Bollywood's sexiest scene?
by mukund on Mar 11, 2008 11:05 PM

I think recent song of prinka chopra & akshay kumar " ROCK ME BABY" is the sexiest scene...
In earlier movie"Mr. India" , song acted by Shridevi " katde nahi katate din ye raat"

Mukund , Nasik

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baba yaga
by baba yaga on Mar 11, 2008 10:16 PM

I just wont' a message and for some reason %u2019 is showing up please ignore this not sure how it even got there

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baba yaga
by baba yaga on Mar 11, 2008 10:14 PM  | Hide replies

I don't think many Bollywood movies are explicit as I compare them to Hollywood. I think they are every tamed and leave most of it to our imagination. This type of direction is more difficult to do because it depends on the audiences%u2019 imagination and finally the individual%u2019s views on what they are viewing. I don%u2019t think movies tell us what to do. In every reaction or action it%u2019s our subconscious choice. If one is relying on external forces to excuse their behaviour than they need serious psychological help. In the end if one chooses a good path then they are a healthy human being and others who chose the wrong path and excuse external sources for their behaviour are escapists and don%u2019t realize how to take on there own responsive acts. To end sadly people whom get raped in this world is due to the criminals mind or lack of mind. Criminals don%u2019t empathise with others they are selfish, ego driven humans that use violence by any means to seek power over others. In fact the criminals are actually the one who are powerless because of the evil path original chosen. Remember we control our self and a choice is a choice just chose wisely without ego.

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by Lal on Mar 11, 2008 10:55 PM
The main driver for these movies these days is to sell you SEX. The way they are going to do is to desensitize people by slowly introducing sex into movies and they are already doing they by showing more skin and less clothes. Our indian women may not want to show that? Well, bring in uninhibited western women. Then as we slowly begin to accept these (and we already are), then the next step is to get you to accept indian women to start pealing off their clothes, just enough to not to shock you and then then finally show them off in next to nothing bikinis.
You people are to blame for this trend because you are the ones that go and pay to watch these movies. The more you pay the more they will show crap like this in movies. Actors don't care and they are making a fortune. In many cases media people want this stuff because that fits with their lifestyles. But they know that in order to have that lifestyle, they have to convince indian people to accept it and they way they are going to do that is to slowly desensitize you. If you don't like this trend, don't worry becasue you will give up in time and begin to accept this behaviour.
Personally speaking, these media moguls are corrupting a wonderful, rich indian culture to staisfy their sexual fantasies and it is us the people and our children that are going to be the losers.

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by givemeabreakplease on Mar 12, 2008 03:12 AM
Naristhanabhara nabhi desham
Jithwamaga mohavesham
Ethanmaamsa vasaadivikaaram
Manasivichintaya varam varam

Like Adi shankara says, don't get too excited looking at a woman's body. Remember (again and again) that they are nothing but lumps of flesh.

Even they show up naked, you can control yourself.

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by Campro on Mar 12, 2008 03:34 AM
givemeabreakplease... r u gay not to salivate over a woman's body?

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by DS on Mar 12, 2008 10:30 AM
There is another way to look at it. Why is showing off skin bad? Why can't we feel so comfortable about our bodies that we don't mind flaunting it? Why is it that men in India can be seen in vests and sometimes topless on the roads but when it comes to women, the rules change? Why is it the responsibility of women not to sexually provoke men by wearing skimpy clothes? Also, during a sex scene, when both the men and the women are showing off skin, why does no-one care about men showing their skin? What is so sacrosanct in being a man that we are not questioned and scrutinized for the same behavior for which women have been lambasted and admonished for centuries?

May be the growing freedom among women to show off skin is just a way of telling us men that "we have arrived. we are here. we will have our own identity indifferent to men's perception".

Just try to live a day like a woman and you will see they go through much more than we do.

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by Lal on Mar 13, 2008 03:26 AM
Show skin if you want but that is not their intent. The intent here is to sell you sex to get you to watch their movies. I don't mind looking at skin but I don't need to see under a women's skirt/ dress, which is what most movies show. That's the problem. That's perverted, that's what media is selling you. You said see how you would like it being a women. I have a wife and a daughter and I don't like it when they DEGRADE women like they have done on movies. If you want to show women, I am all for it but show them as women and not sex objets.

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Chikna Bhai
by Chikna Bhai on Mar 11, 2008 10:08 PM

Bhai log, Chikna bhai koh jadaa hoh gaya hay. Kya food leh jada koh bandh karne keh liye?

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